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War with Iran for 2012? What is the situation in Iran?

Updated on September 26, 2012

Whats Going On???

In the past few weeks there has been a dramatic increase in the "Saber Rattling" from Iranian Government sources, a Ten day Naval and combined Millitary excise in the area adjacent to the Persian Gulf and the strategic point called "Straight of Hormuz". This Location is regarded as a point of interest that is Critical to the Military because it is the passage that 35% of the worlds Sea going oil supply must pass through... Iran knows this, and does not want us to forget it.


This location has already been the site of conflicts between the United States and Iran in previous Altercations like the brief skirmish of January 2008... and the Tanker War of the 1980s.

Because of the importance of this location to the entire world... International Laws of Safe passage on the water must be enforced and the Safety of Cargo Ships belonging to any and all nations must be ensured... This Passage unfortunately happens to pass by next to a very old and antagonistic people... a people who's Political leaders have a great pretense of arrogance... and a great animosity and contempt for the West and other nations allied against her.


You need to understand also that this was a people who once ruled the entire known world for several generations and who would like to see themselves again in that glorious limelight...

Let us not forget that Iran... is Persia.

For those of you who enjoy reading the Bible, you will find that the Book of Esther and her husband the King... was centered in "Shushan the palace".

Shushan Palace was located in what toda is the town of Shush, Iran.

Iran once ruled the world... With Cunning... and with Ruthless Laws and an Iron Grip. Let no one mistake that Iran is still a very cunning and ruthless adversary, regardless of her present size today. Her Present size today is only a small part of what once was included in the Persian Empire, which extended all the way to Egypt, Israel, the Mediterranean Sea, lower Europe, Southern Russia and all the way over to the borders of India and the Oriental lands... At one point we are aware that this Claim extended over 120 "Provinces" of the Persian Empire.

So here we are in 2012 and Iran is again in the center of the worlds spotlight (Right where she wants to be, But for all the wrong reasons)

So how did this situation get to the point in which we find it today?

Well to look back several years we see that Iran began a project to provide a sustainable Electricity to its people...

Iran started to build Nuclear Reactors to provide this Safe Electric Power.

Was that a problem for anyone? No.

Iran started to build the Reactors under the watchful eye of the world... and so long as it was just safe electricity... No one really cared to much....

But then something happened... within a very short period of time the situation started being suspicios with Inspectors being denied access to certain areas... and it became apparent that something was being hidden from the eyes of the worlds atomic energy inspectors. (IAEA)

What was being hidden? To be quite plane... Laboratories and Centrifugal facilities that would be able to turn the same material that was proposed for "Safe Electrical Energy" into an arsenal of Concentrated Radioactive Material that could be used to make their own Nuclear warheads...

Inspectors were Isolated, Restricted and at times denied access to Iran's Facilities... and Iran also started its testing of some Long Range missile systems which they are hoping to make capable of delivering a Nuclear Warhead as far away as Israel.

In the months that followed the world started to impose Financial restricions on Iran with a goal of forcing it to comply with the demands of the rest of the world in regards to how it used Nuclear Power... (Safely). But Instead of complying with the worlds leaders demands that Unranium only be used for Safe Reactors and cheap efficient energy... Instead of acting with open frankness and clarity... Iran has chosen a path of Closed doors, Locked out Inspectors and Animosity, making many threats toward the Western World powers.... and toward its ancient enemy Israel. (here we go with the Bible again)

Israel has a long standing history of dealings with Iran.. and usually it has been on the end which included being the "Captured Slave labor" and "Displaced Peoples" for the Persian Empire after their conquests... At one point (Book of Esther) this nearly became the Original (and what would have been the final) Holocaust if not for the intervention of Israels heavenly benefactor.

In these last months statements have been made by Iran that are thinly masked threats against Israel and against the United States, regarding them as targets for a soon to be initiated war...

Iran's leaders has also made public statements regarding their own religious views about the coming 12th Imam, who they say that they have met with... and who will be revealed soon.

To Christians (and other people in the West) this is very closely related to the Prophecies of Daniel and the Book of Revelations with regards to the one that is called the Anti-Christ. Whom the Lord Jesus Christ told the Church to watch for... and to beware of. Warned them of how he would in fact return and told of the manor in which he would return.. and how that he would NOT return...

Twelvers (Islamic believers in the 12th Imam) believe that the 12th Imam is currently alive and in Hiding... waiting to be revealed when the time is right.

Jesus the Messiah however said in Mark 13:

"21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:

22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things."

The Iranian leaders have their eyes on greatness,They would like to Intoduce the world to "the Great 12th Imam" and to do so will need to first eliminate the Infidels (non believers)... Or at least get that war started...The war is called "Jihad" (Holy War) to bring in the one that they believe will somehow restore them back to the greatness of their past... and bring in a time of Sharia law on earth. That type of Law... as brutal as it is, is what they believe is Justice and Peace.

Here we are in 2012

Here we are in 2012 and the Sabre Rattling is growing fiercer each day as Iran makes a continued volley of comments regarding the American Naval presence in the Persian Gulf. From holding its own excersises to making public statements that are intended to provoke a response from the US... One must wonder what Iran is thinking if it is not trying to provoke a War it cannot win.

Well.. It is true that Iran is not about to win a naval battle with the United States... It is also true that the United States has its own problems at the moment and if facing Presidential Elections in the coming months. Two things came to my mind regarding this: 1) they know that Pres, Obama is not likely willing to go to war to begin with... Then 2) they know that an Incumbent president is Probably not going to be provoked into a war this close to reelection time... But what they are probably Not counting on.. is that the American people who are still mostly divided on Pres. Obama would still be more than likely to rally around him in the event of a foreign provoked War and stand with him during the election time. While this thinking may not affect 25-30% of the population.. it would certainly be enough to sway 10 -15% of the popular vote and that would almost Guarantee Pres. Obama the Reelection.

While that would probably make them very happy... (to have Obama back in for another 4 years of further financial maneuvers and increases in debt.) And to have him continue Sanctions against them which are Crippling their ecconomy as a result of their Nuclear program and further offences...

But truly: I do not think that Iran is really interested in Losing its Entire Navy in a matter of a few hours.

How would they lose their entire Navy in just a few hours?

First: The Navy battles of today are not like they were in 1800's... They are not even like what they may have been 30 years ago... Today a war on the water would be fought with Anti Ship Missiles... lots of them.

Today's ships are defended from missiles to a great extent... certainly the ships of the United States are well protected... I am sure the Iranians have some defenses as well...

But looking at the level of technology we are talking about, The systems used and developed by Iran are at best (more than likely) 10-15 years behind the current line defense systems used in Protecting the United States Navy vessels. Take this one step further... and consider the effects of Long range missiles verses short range missiles... Now Take into consideration Planes that can Jam all enemy radar.. or make the skys appear full of phony radar signatures. This would cause the Radar Aiming of the AA GUN defenses to go wild shooting the wide open spaces instead of the intended incoming missile salvo.

Just One of our Harpoon missiles is capable of sinking most if not any vessel the Iranian Navy has at its disposal. ...Just one.

The Harpoon then, is only one small part of the many variants of missiles that are used by the US Navy forces...

We have: Ship to Ship, Ship to Air, Air to Air, Air to Ship, Air to Sub, Sub to Ship, Ship to Sub and the Long list goes on and on with many different variations offered in each category.

Imagine... .if the President did give his approval with an order like...

"Do whatever you need to do, Just do not Start the fight".

Imagine if the President gave that type of simple order...

Think about it now... This could be in effect already with our elections so close.

Imagine what would transpire after that point, if the Navy was attacked or provoked in a way that could not be downplayed or denied....

Now Can you Imagine a War that Lasts only One hour?

Improbable? OK, maybe it seems Improbable... (for several reasons)

Maybe Improbable: I say Maybe.. because is could be over in half that time.

The Navy would probably have pre-coordinated the attacks to happen simultaneously and hit its opponents in several waves with a short gap in between to assess how many targets needed to be given "Rescue aid". or if one is still floating... to Finished it off...

So.. technically the war could actually last only a few minutes if you started your counter from the "Push of the button to the first wave of hulls touching the bottom"; Or it could be a bit longer...

Normally our Navy has tried to act with Mercy toward everyone and would probably offer the Iranian Naval personnel rescue and medical aid... That would extend the time of things because Unlike the Iranians... we westerners tend to care about preventing loss of life on both sides of the war whenever possible.

Now... going on, I really do not think the Iranian Leadership wants to start a Naval war with the USA at this time... I think there are other reasons for the contention and taunting...

While I was reading up on Irans politics I noticed that:

  • Iran is locking down its internet to prevent influence of the outside world.
  • Iran is about to start its Parliamentary elections in March...

So while it would be in our Presidents best interest to stay out of trouble... (Unless Iran made a direct attack on our Navy) In that event it would be in Obamas best interest to "Win a decisive War" just before the November Elections"

But only if it was clearly Provoked... if not, then it would backfire in the polls and he would end up being ousted for it.

It is however, in the best interest of Iran's current Regime to portray themselves as "Powerfull", "Fearless", "Ruthless" and "Very Religious". in order to ensure that the largest portion of the Clerics and leaders stay firmly resolved to support that militant party that is in control.

So what can we expect in the days to come? More tension... more pushing of the buttons in an attempt to make the US NAVY show some sign of weakness that can be exploited for their own political gain... and More of the US Navy being on a state of high alert... hoping that none of its defense missiles have to be used in defense of ship and lives...

Because If the Defense systems fire... the offense systems will be shortly behind.

AGM 84 Harpoon Anti Ship Missile
AGM 84 Harpoon Anti Ship Missile | Source

Iran Elections

Iranian protestors hold placards and pictures depicting injured protesters in Tehran on June 21. (Photo: Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images)
Iranian protestors hold placards and pictures depicting injured protesters in Tehran on June 21. (Photo: Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images)

March 17 2012

This just in the News today.. a classic example of Iran's Saber Rattling and making taunts that its rulers think will make themselves look stronger in the eyes of their people.. and allies... But what they are not seeming to understand or worry about.. is that while Israel is not the Big kid on the block... she is quite the opposite.. she is much like the Smallest kid on the block with both an abused child fatalistic anger and the weapons at her disposal to deal a whoopin... israel has something to prove.. to herself.. to her own people who are coming home in increased numbers year after year... and finally to the world around her that she perceives as those who have always been either out to get her or standing by watching the show... and if Iran is not careful.. .Iran may just give the world the opportunity to see what Israel is truly capable of. Oh.. and then there is one more thing on the side of little Israel.. She still believes that Jehovah God will ultimately remember her, and protect her from her enemies when she turns back to God with her whole heart... If the powers that be are not careful.. 2012 could really end with a bang..

TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran's parliament speaker on Saturday compared Israel to a barking dog that won't dare attack the Islamic republic over its controversial nuclear program.

"They make a lot of fuss about it but don't dare to attack Iran,"Ali Larijani said of Israel. His comments were posted on the parliament's website. "They are like dogs that keep barking but are not for attacks."

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