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Is our view of the US distorted?

Updated on September 27, 2014

Why is the US so determined to keep Pakistan and Afghanistan? Could it be a military maneuver that disguises a bigger agenda, a bigger objective? Are we fortifying our military wins, positions as a result? Israel is hammering down Iran if it's not by assassinating unlawfully civilians, it perniciously infects with viruses the Iranian nuclear plant network. What if behind Israel was the US? What if the US was the real assailant?

In retrospect, it recently invaded Iraq, Lybia and it installed a government of its political obedience and we will presume with its economical model too. Militarily, it shaped and developed a personal army made with international soldiers on the Lybian soil to ensure the loyalty of the army to its commander in chief i.e. the president of the US. I thought we were the only ones to respond to his orders! Since the UN, IMF, NATO and the ICJ (International court of justice) among others... are satellites of the US supremacy, implying that the games are rigged from the outset, we will admit that their objective concurs to multiply and solidify the US interests worldwide.

What will happen to the Lybian people if they revolt? First the government accordingly to its predispositions will either take side with its people, either oppose the rebellion by clashing with it. Now most of the time, in time of popular frustration, anger and hunger are prevailing factors in any insurrections, the army after physical clashes with its people, usually sides with the claims of the people. The same people, the same blood, the same race. Lately the events in Egypt, in Syria support inequivocably the founding of my allegation. With a multinational and pluricultural army, the problem of rallying the local people won't be on the table and its legitimate massacre easier.

We know now that the US is aiming at a military expansion in the Asian region and all over the world. Its pawns on the world chessboard indicate clearly its motivation, the control of future economical powers and the freezing of its former biggest enemy Russia are prioritary in their agenda. Will it shift with the nomination of Hagel? If the US has accentuated its presence in the Pacific, China is the target. If the US ensured destabilizations and puppetering in the Middle East, Iran is more likely the beast to tame.

In spite of failures propped by our interventions in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, in spite of our obsession with those two visceral enemies, we are in the right mind to question the rationale behind the US behaviour beside of the obvious reason the economical gain to substract from those autochthons. Afghanistan's oil resources in the north exploitable by the Chinese as soon as peace is restored is target number one, but also the huge copper availability and natural gas as the icing on the cake are to die for, literally, for the US. Are your taste buds drooling, yet? Contrary to our knowledge, the US is still dealing Afghan drug to finance covered operations using Kosovo as the platform for distribution. Isn't it worth of a 007 plot?

While examining the map of the Middle East, their motivation is irrefutable! Which country is limitrophe with Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq? Let's give you the benefit of the doubt by answering Iran. Could it be that Iran is our real goal and all the surrounding countries a welcoming pretext to have our foot on their soil, to sack on our way? By studying the invasion of Syria by foreign mercenaries at the orders of NATO, an infiltration on the Syrian territory would have been impossible without the Turkish green light. Why not copy the maneuver?

Have you noticed that most of the countries neighboring Iran are hostile to the US foreign policy to say the least? Considering this common denominator and that the only ally in the region, Turkey, thanks to our financial bribe, didn't meet all our requirements since it had the shortest border (310 miles) with our fatal enemy, isn't the invasion of Iraq that counts 906 miles of common border logic?

There lies the suppurating wound that we will poke in. When surgically dismembering its geography and especially its topography, we understand why Turkey is not the best candidate to help us in our Middle Eastern conquest since its culminating mountains border will dissuade any Rambo-like intruder. The same ones who were recently arrested by the Iranian government, who pretended that they were hiking in the region. On the other hand, Iraqi's south east frontier is definitely more hospitable for any navy seals' penetration! The same ones that were sacrificed in Benghazi, you remember?

Now given our historical dissenssions since the overthrow of democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh, does my point raise a relevant question or am I raving? To test the waters on the international community, why not use Israel, our faithful dog that obeys to the letter to any of our whims since we grant them not only protection but also and foremost, allot them a generous $3 bn prebend to pamper itself, as a guinea pig? Another by proxy war, why not after all, isn't it our modern modus operandi? Like in Syria we would adopt an extensive at will plan to attack, bomb or cease their assets! Is Iran's encirclement our military objective? Is it possible that we've been fooled from the beginning? It would not be the first time! September 11 was our government's best shot so far!

What has become of the 1648 Westphalie treaty infanting the 1945 United Nations chart celebrating the self-determination and sovereignty of any country in the world? What has become of our values preaching the right to pursue happiness? The toilet seems to be the adequate refuge, doesn't it?


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