Is there anybody who doesn't have their own Facebook page?
I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't know what Facebook is, or have their own page set up. And some of the most interesting things in the world come across it. Some things make you squirm, some things make you cry, and some things make you laugh.
If you love to laugh, like I do, then that's the most interesting and pleasurable part of Facebook.
Oh, don't shoot my knees out from under me yet. Yes, you can see what your friends and family are doing, and yes you can chat away with just about anybody you want. But also you can get news, information, sports, and general knowledge. And the most inventive of the lot has pages in which they can make money off of.
This is all true. All of it. And since I have my own page (I 've been in the digital age now for a while) I have always wanted to throw out a few things I myself have come across.
Some of them from people I don't even know. Such as:
This is just one of many that make me feel good and laugh until I can't stop. The snorting, rolling, weeping eyes, belly laugh. But I like it. Many do.
There's enough misery in the world and people killing each other off for anybody. Sometimes you just need a good laugh.
Here's one that makes my heart weep also. But with joy and understanding.
Here's one that reflects the state we're in today. It makes me weep with longing of things lost.
And this.
And this may be taking it too far. It's funny, but it makes me weep also. For people may be taking this too far and not seeing the help and hope that social distancing has brought to our nation.
One has to understand the difference between keeping you and your family safe, and isolating yourself from the here and now.
The next time you click on Facebook, think of the many people who sees what's on it. And who actually pay attention. Its a wonderful, marvelous, laughter filled, scary place we live in, this wide round Earth. We should take a moment and enjoy it.
The good with the bad.
Maybe I'll do this again. Maybe. If my heart will let me.
There's too much sorrow in the world, especially now. And even I have to have time to heal.
I'd rather be laughing.
Wouldn't you?