Israel, the free pass for violence
Will Israel use nuclear weapons against Iran?
“I can’t stand him any more, he’s a liar,” “You may be sick of him – but me, I have to deal with him every day,”. Who doesn't remember those lines that utter loudly what everybody thinks in a whisper? The exchange became, last week, a classic in the annals of international relationships and, probably set fire to the powder behind closed doors. The blunder, if you will, is a lapsus of the actual plight of a consummated threesome. The protagonists, nobody but big sizes of the macro-influential circles (respectively president Sarkozy and president Obama) complaining about a harassing and possessive mistress. You wished!
The third party referred at the center of the panegyrical diatribe is prime minister Netanyahu. Finally, the truth behind their diplomatic smiles!
Since the massacres of Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon implicating Israel, the Jewish state couldn't pervert anymore worldwide public opinions on its will and objective, and couldn't conceal behind the eternal victimized PR campaign image, its real face as an aggressor and potential enemy to any country sympathizing with its "dangerous" neighborhood (triggered by the annexations and numerous spoliation of lands through unlawful settlements).
Its role as the cleaner of the Middle-East until now is supported by the U.S. that sees in the gesture, the opportunity and means to have a firsthand information of the situation in the Middle-East. Every Arab country in the region friend with the U.S. is another strategic position, another military base added to the U.S. portfolio.
If ever a country has to be pointed a finger at, Israel is the best candidate. Can you explain me why after all the barbarities carried out nobody reproves it or bring them to the International Court of Justice in the Hague? Leaders such as Jean-Paul Akayesu, Jean Kambanda, Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadvic, Radko Mladic for instance were judged and punished for genocides and war crimes respectively by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal whereas Israel can impose blockades, uses non-conventional weapons against civilians, violates former settlement agreements, attacks a Turkish flotilla on international waters, vetoes Palestine recognition as a state, accuses Iran to foment a nuclear attack based upon no evidence... To name a few... And to get away with it. Can anyone advance a logical explanation as for its unadmonished bellicose comportment or the non utilization of the embargo as a dissuasive weapon against Israel? The more probable weight of the U.S. in those juridical instances? Or important U.S. interests to preserve?
Each time the prime minister appears on the small screen (he deserves the oscar for his leading drama queen role), it is in order to cry upon their iniquitous predicament (as if we, critical thinkers, lacked sight and objectivity!). Yesterday's victims (World War 2) are still weeping for no reason. This said, haven't you noticed that Hollywood seizes the first occasion to keep going over the Jewish suffering as if they were the only ones, what about the Birmans, the Kurds, the Armenians, the South Africans, the Algerians, the Khmers...? I guess we can't locate them on a world map, can we? And the Germans don't deserve yet forgiveness! It is a joke! For a people that suffered, history did not teach them a lesson, did it? So please, don't patronize us! Let's talk figures now!
For a country that advertises and prioritizes peace, it devoted NIS 53.2 billion to its defence department in 2010, an equivalent of 15.1% of its overall budget. In 2007, it concentrated its investments in U.S. fighter aircrafts (262 units), in missiles (superior to a thousand units, -many are not divulged...). It explains the U.S. involvement and support. It is also a supplier, India is among its last clients. For a pacifist, it declared war sixteen times since 1948 (the last one ended, "officially", with the Gaza War). To finish, it developed and possesses the nuclear weapon on the sly... And so, and so, and so... In spite of their efforts to polish their image I hardly can't associate them to the Vatican City, the Liechtenstein or Andorra in that effect.
Israel depends on the well-being of its backbone, its military-industrial complex to survive as an economy and uses its neighbors as platforms to display its sophisticated defence and technology of protection. Since it is oil tributary, it has to stick to mommy America. Since the oil peak has been reached (Saudi Arabia's decision to limit then stop its exportation confirms the tendency), more wars will be waged to acquire the resource. And then... What will become of Israel when oil will disappear from the Middle-East or elsewhere? Will the F-22 Raptor rush to the rescue without fuel or will the person in charge deliberate first? Being surrounded by Arab countries that suffered from its violations, what will occur then? Will America be at its sides? I'll let you be the judge.
With such a hypocrite and cry baby, I understand both disdaining presidential reactions. Their contempt also exposes that contrary to the appearances given the international players that they are, are not dupe with the Israeli game. As for the international community, it reassesses what we long ago thought that Israel represents a danger especially if it concretizes its desire to assault Iran. It always claimed its militarization for protection purposes, the whole world is witnessing the opposite.