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It's A Miracle! Obama Performed Another Miracle!

Updated on October 8, 2012

Imagine that the day after getting his butt whupped in the first debate that Obama has performed another breathtaking miracle. Or maybe it was just a cooked book stew that Secretary of Labor Solis whipped up for him to make his drooling sheeple feel all warm and fuzzy. At the rate Obama is going he is surely destined for Sainthood. He has slain Osama bin Laden with one of his steely eyed stares. I remember back when he made 7 new states in the union by just saying it was so. Oh and he made the unemployment numbers not rise above 8% by passing the stimupork bill also affectionately known as the "Money For Friends Program." Whoops. That miracle didn't turn out as quite shovel ready as he told us it would be. Cost us almost a trillion on top of our national debt but he tried.

Maybe this latest sleight of numbers by the Bureau of Labors Statistics was a belated anniversary present to the Obama's since he was getting shellacked for his failed record on the actual night of their wedded bliss. For those who have ever doubted Obama's Mount Olympus-like status then you might want to hang your head in shame like Obama did Wednesday night. Happy days are here again you understand!

So how did this latest Herculean feat that Obama mustered up happen? Can't we all just feel the vibrancy coarsing through our economy with some of the highest gas prices that we've ever seen. California just hit a new high of $5.25 a gallon in some places. Happy days are here again? Hardly the case.

What caused the smoke and mirrors number to appear was a sudden surge in part-time workers. There hasn't been such a surge in recent history since February 2009 when federal census workers were hired and the government beefed up its labor force ala Obama style of thinning the bureaucracy. Suddenly last month 600,000 workers found part time work. Just like that - salvation came their way. If you believe that I have a bridge I'll sell you. What is stunning is that was a 7.5% increase in part-time work and just when Obama needed a boost for his ego. How nice.

Now Secretary Solis said that she was "insulted" that it was being insinuated that the BLS was cooking the books again. She told us how her economists were the best of the best. So why are they are working for the BLS if that is the case Hilde?

Spotted In Solis's Neighborhood For Sure!

Since they've been jiggering the numbers for months making the number slide down there isn't really any reason for Hilde to get her panties in a wad. Lets take a peek at how these professional, top notch economists arrived at their figures. The methodology isn't a big mystery Hilde. The BLS released their "Household Jobless" numbers that is nothing more than a survey. No facts - just a claim that more Americans are now employed than could possibly be a fact. They used polling to do this? That's what was used to inform us that Governor Walker in Wisconsin was toast. Or the same method that has been used to show wild swings in numbers in the polls for Obama of 8-11 points while the legitimate pollsters were shaking their heads in amazement.

Now for those out there that still believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy the “household survey” said that 873,000 more people found work this month than last month. See that figure? 873K, isn't that close to a million? And you want intelligent people to believe that Hilde? Give it a rest woman.

There was no advance read here for Ben Bernanke? Or was there? He has been so concerned about the sluggish economy and slow job growth that he just weeks ago he threw down QE3 on us. It has never worked before but maybe this time with Saint Obama still at the helm it achieved these miraculous poll numbers over night. The fact is that poll numbers are seldom, if ever, reality. Carter was beating Reagan and it was Dewey over Truman.

Real Jobs Not Phantoms Obama!

Phantom jobs just ain't cutting the mustard fellow Americans. They don't put a hot dog in every bun much less a dab of mustard and ketchup. The fact is that U-6 (don't get confused liberals) still equals total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force. That is still unchanged at 14.7 percent.

Here's another fact for you checkers out there. The Lame Stream Media is being a cheer leader for fantasy while this nation lost 35K (+) manufacturing jobs in September. Now there's something to cheer about huh? The numbers just don't add up Hilde. Sorry you're offended but the nation deserves the truth. When the numbers are adjusted, as they always seem to be, in a couple of weeks the rate will be back up above 8%. Smoke and mirrors for an election? How pathetic to mislead the American public.

The economy produced 114,000 new jobs that were real. The 600,000 are phantom jobs and smoke and mirrors. The number of jobs produced barely kept up with population expansion. They need to be in the 250K a month range to make progress. There are still 23 million Americans who are unemployed and underemployed. If Hilde Solis is insulted by that I'll give her a box of Kleenex to wipe her nose.

There are no miracles attached to the Obama administration folks. We have his failed record to judge his performance by. I seriously doubt that he has made the oceans recede and this latest effort at making the unemployment numbers recede by smoke and mirrors is pathetic. Numbers obtained by polling? Really now... We need real jobs, not fairy tales Hilde.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "There are lies, damn lies and statistics." Mark Twain

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As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November


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