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Jo Johnson: Still Supports Boris's Domestic Agenda.

Updated on September 6, 2019
Jo Johnson.
Jo Johnson.

There have always been sibling rivalries from Cain and Abel, the Gallagher brothers, the Miliband brothers and now lately, the Johnson brothers. However, whether you could describe the relationship between Boris and Jo Johnson, as rivalry, is another thing.

Jo Johnson, is the younger brother, of the leader of the Conservative party and Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Jo was elected MP for Orpington, in 2010, he is married and has two children. Mr Johnson served as a minister in Mrs May's government, but, resigned over differences with May, over her Brexit deal.

As soon as Boris, became, Prime Minister, Jo was appointed back to the cabinet. It seems though, with the shenanigans happening in parliament over Brexit, it has been too much, for the younger brother, Jo.

If Boris gets his way, (and it is, an if) a general election is set for 15 October. Jo yesterday resigned as a cabinet minister and will resign as an MP, on 15 October or whenever, a general election, is called. As things stand right now, a 'No Deal' policy for Brexit, drawn up by the opposition parties, is doing the rounds in the House of Lords. If I am correct in my assumption, and no deal is voted into law, then that would require, Mr Johnson, to go see his buddies (I use that term loosely), in Brussels. Like May before him, Boris would be going to seek an extension beyond our supposed leaving date, 31st October. However, Boris has said, he would rather be "Dead in a ditch", then go kowtowing, to the powers that be in, Brussels. Boris has sworn, do or die, to take the UK out of the EU, by 31st October, and the gentleman doesn't seem one (to quote Mrs Thatcher) for turning.

Jo Johnson has said family loyalties and the politics of Boris over Brexit, are the reason, he has stepped down from the cabinet. Jo, as explained above, will continue, for now as an MP, for his constituency.

Jo said in a statement, that he wishes the government's domestic agenda well. Chancellor, Sajid Javid, announced a lifting of austerity and new rafts of cash, that were before now, suffering from cuts. Obviously, as Jo announced, he will be promoting those areas of domestic policy for the people, at his surgery, in Orpington, for the present time.

Boris, it could be argued must be feeling pretty isolated, he has sacked 23 MPs over differences on opinion, over a no-deal Brexit. Two of his backbench MPs have also resigned as conservative MPs and then there is the spectre of no deal being taken off the table. Then there is another spectre of a general election, which he may or not, win. Since Boris, took the reins, of power, it seems the wheels are coming off his wagon fast.

What happens next, is dependant upon not so much Boris (unless he resigns) but on the opposition parties, it would seem.

Rachel Johnson: Made a Boob of Her Career.

It would appear the Johnson family, have a gene, which makes them performers. Boris has got it and it seems his sister, Rachel, also has it.

Rachel first came to everyone's attention, when she appeared on 'Celebrity Big Brother'. She seemed to have a fascination with women's breasts, even asking a fellow contestant, to reveal, said mammary glands.

Rachel Johnson, appears on the Sky News, debate programme, 'The Pledge'. In support of remaining in the European Union, she removed her blouse. She was naked from the waist down with her boobs on full display. Her fellow panel members male and female reacted with whoops to plain red faces. Rachel added, what must a person do to get their point over when pushing their support for something, and, get her points over she did!

Rachel is a supporter of the Lib-Dems, a remain party, in plain contrast, to her brother, in the Conservatives. Obviously Boris and Rachel love each other to death, as brother and sister, but their political views, (on Brexit), couldn't be more wider apart. Boris, unlike Jo and Rachel, being remainers, is the odd one out, in the Johnson crew as it were, being a Brexiteer, or is he?

Rachel is an outspoken person who is not afraid to speak her mind on many issues. She is the only daughter of Stanley and Charlotte Johnson. Rachel has 3 children and is married to Ivo Dawnay, who works, for the National Trust.


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