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Kamala Devi Harris, Presidential Candidate

Updated on July 5, 2019
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Donald Trump Jr. follows a radical right wing supporter of his father on twitter.

Ali Akbar "Alexander" and Donald Trump, Jr.
Ali Akbar "Alexander" and Donald Trump, Jr.

Birther 1, Birther 2

Donald J. Trump, was the 1st birther in America. He went after Barack Obama's right to run for the office of the Presidency using the fact, all be it incorrect, that he said he wasn't an American. In reality, it was probably the beginning of Trump's over 10,000 lies of his political career that kicked off the divisiveness we have today.

Birther number two, Donald Trump Jr. followed in his fathers footsteps. Shortly after, what could be called the best night of Kamala Harris' campaign, Donald Trump, Jr. chose to spread what appeared to be a robot twitter account that released a racist and divisive message about her birth right.

The account was not a robot, it belongs to Ali Akbar "Alexander". Who describes himself as Black and Arab, a supporter of Trump and GOP political operative; that Donald Trump Jr. follows on Twitter. His mother was African-American and his father was Arab. He also has an organization website where he gives stock market analysis reports for "contributions" to gain membership.

The tweet that went viral quickly, "Kamala Harris is *not* an American Black. She is half Indian and half Jamaican. I'm so sick of people robbing American Blacks (like myself) of our history...It's disgusting..Harris' family were actually slave owners."

Donald Trump Jr, jumped all over it and quickly shared it, only to delete it after the negativity it brought to his father and the campaign.

While the Birther's are attacking Kamala Harris for not being "black" enough, it really doesn't matter. What matters is that she meets the criteria to be President.

  • 35 years of age
  • A 14 year resident
  • Natural born citizen of the United States

Kamala Devi Harris, the little girl who could become President of the United States.
Kamala Devi Harris, the little girl who could become President of the United States.

Kamala Devi Harris

Kamala Devi Harris is first and foremost an American, born in Alameada County, California on October 20, 1964.

Her late mother, Shyamala Angolan was a Tamil Indian. She came to America in 1960, was a scientist that studied varies illnesses to include breast cancer.

Her father, Donald Harris was from Jamaica. He too came to America in 1961 to study at the University of California, Berkeley. He became a Stanford University Economics professor. At the age of 81, he has chosen to stay out of the politics of this election.

Unless one was to follow his ancestry, it is not clear if his roots were those of African slaves that prospered as time passed.

For those who don't know slave history, twelve million enslaved African's were take to various places. Less than 5% were brought to America to the 13 colonies. The remaining slaves were transported to the Caribbean and Brazil. Donald Harris has what Americans would consider a typically "white" last name, which many slaves took. Other family names were Finegan and Brown.

For anyone to assume Kamala Harris' ethnicity is just wrong. It has nothing to do with her as a candidate for President. It is simply a wedge issue for racism.

Donald Harris and Shyamala Harris divorced when Kamala was twelve years old. Her mother took a job in Quebec, moving Kamala and her sister Maya to Canada.

She returned to the United States well past the 14 year rule. She enrolled at Howard University, one of the top Historically Black Colleges in the United States. She attended the University of California and the Hastings College of Law.

Kamala Harris said it best, "I was born Black and I will die Black." A woman, confident in who she is can accomplish much. Kamala Harris showed her strength against Joe Biden on the stage of the Democratic Debate and is now a force to be reckoned with on the campaign trail.

She grew from the strength, knowledge and support of her parents. This little girl has grown up to be a strong and inspiring person, who as a little girl could not imagine that she would some day be campaigning to become the President of the United States.

Kamala Harris, Alumni Commencement Speech at Howard University
Kamala Harris, Alumni Commencement Speech at Howard University


Kamala Harris has had many accomplishments.

  • 2004-2011: 27th District, District Attorney of San Francisco
  • 2004: Honored as "Woman of Power" by the National Urban League
  • As D.A.: Created a Hate Crimes Unit whose main focus was crimes against LGTB children and teens in school.
  • 2011- 2017: Served as 32nd Attorney General of California
  • Passed the California Home Owners Bill of Rights. It gave the A.G.'s office the ability to use a statewide grand jury to investigate and indict criminals of financial crimes involving victims in multiple counties which would help homeowners, tenants and neighborhoods.
  • Prosecuted crimes of Predatory lending.
  • 2017- she was elected Jr. United States Senator for California
  • 2019- She is running to be the next President of these United States.


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