Krochet Kids International
It is great to hear about companies making a difference in the world. One of my readers brought Krochet Kids International to my attention. This companies mission is “To empower people to rise above poverty. They work to create sustainable economic development programs that support holistic growth of individuals and communities within developing nations.”
What is so wonderful about this nonprofit company is the simple way in which they create a huge impact. They teach people to crochet. This gives them the power to break out of poverty. A nice twist on the old saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
They have set up a compound in Northern Uganda where over 100 people go to crochet hats. They immediately provide a fair and consistent income to address their current poverty level. Of course it is more involved than paying women to crochet. The program is designed to commit a minimum of three years for each individual. They train and educate them for future success. During this time they provide an education in budgeting, savings, loans, and business management. Each hat contains the signature of the woman who made it. Through Krochet Kids International’s website you can learn more about the individual who crocheted your hat and how purchasing it has helped change her life.
Visit Krochet Kids International at to learn more about their mission, products, and the people they have helped.