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Last Minute Desperation!

Updated on November 6, 2012

They're calling Bill Clinton Barack Hussein Obama's human panic button. I'm not sure why such a sleaze ball politician who can't keep his pecker in his pants is such a reverred symbol for the Democratic Party but he is. He is also a known liar so I reckon he and Barky can sit around chewing the fat and swapping lies as easy as can be. Remember "I did not have sexual relations with that woman?" And this bunch wants to talk about anyone waging a War on Women? That's laughable.

So now one day left in the race and the polls in Pennyslvania are tied up 47% to 47% so it's time for Team Obama to trot out their human panic button in the form of Billy Bob Joe Ray Clinton. Now he despises Obama but he's going to play Democratic Party small ball one more time and make four campaign stops in that state for Barky.

Short Memory Or Too Young To Remember?

But there are those who somehow idolize this jerk? He didn't have to tell anyone to lie because he was capable of doing that for himself. There are people who think he speaks the truth at all times? Well, let me share something with you. Other than both of them being consummate liars Clinton and Obama have very little in common. Here we are one day before the general election and Obama is running on Clinton's record. Why? That's easy. Because Obama has nothing but a failed record to run on. Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton as far as being a politician for certain.

Just a few days ago Pennsylvania wasn't on Billy Bob's itinerary. Now he's sent lickety-split to try to bail Barky's loins out of the Quaker State's fire. Billy Bob is a "loins" type of guy ya know? So why is Billy Bob going there and Barky is staying away. Not because Obama isn't in a sweat but because he is sweating profusely. You see Obama isn't very popular in the state, especially with the coal mining industry. Bill Clinton is popular there for some strange reason. My question to the people of Pennyslvania is who are they voting for - Clinton or Obama?

Billy Bob has been acting as a life preserver for quite some time keeping the Obama campaign above political waters. But people are waking up to the fact that Obama is not Bill Clinton in the area of political savvy. Clinton knew when to move back to the center when he was leaning so far to the left that he was about to fall over. Clinton knew when it was time to compromise with the Republican Congress after the 1994 election. After the 2010 election Obama acted like it never happened and now we see what we are seeing. So as a last ditch effort Team Obama is sending Billy Bob in to see if he can pull it out (no pun intended Monica). The other amazing thing is that Team Obama will throw Billy Bob's wife under the Benghazi bus faster than either you or I can bat an eyelash. But Hillary isn't Monica either I reckon.

The differences are stark. Clinton knew how to be bipartisan. Obama does not and he has shown you that. Clinton worked with the Republicans and they cut taxes, cut federal spending, balanced the budget and passed welfare reform. Clinton did NOT do any of that by himself as Democrats seem to want to portray. He did that together with a Republican Congress.

FACTS Hurt? They Are Still FACTS...

Now I ask you to compare the job records of the two Presidents, keeping in mind that you aren't being asked to vote for Bill Bob this time around but Barky instead. Obama hates bipartisanship and Clinton was forced to work with it for the betterment of the nation. Obama has failed and led us down the path of the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression. That's fact #1. Fact #2 is that after spending close to a trillion dollars on a stimulus plan that would insure unemployment never went above 8% we see what we see. For most of his term it has been well above that and only smoke and mirrors from the BLS recently has brought it down slightly. The real rate is said to be around 14.6%.

Fact #3 is that even though Obama promised to cut the federal deficit in half by the end of this term he has run up record deficits for 4 straight years and his Democratically controlled Senate has NOT passed a budget during his term in office. Why not? Bill Clinton had to work with the Republicans and got things done. Obama had both houses of Congress for his first two years and what did he get done? It's called Obamacare and was opposed by the majority of Americans then and now. In the process he has added close to $6 trillion to the national debt.

Fact #4 is that food stamp use has risen by 15 million households during hsi tenure, gas prices have doubled and have you happened to be in a grocery store lately? How much more money do you want to have squeezed out of your budget under the likes of the failed policies of Barack Hussein Obama?

He may have fooled you once. If you are fooled again then you are nothing but a fool. After everything I have witnessed over the past four years Obama is just too hard for this American to believe. Remember that this election is about saving our nation, not saving Barack Hussein Obama's political skin and narcisstic personalty in the process. Obama is no Bill Clinton...

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "God created pollsters to make astrologers look accurate."

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember Tomorrow!!!


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