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Let The Experts Decide

Updated on April 28, 2011

See Joey Has One Too!

You're Looking In The Wrong Direction

I am not an image expert nor do I purport to be.  I was working 11 hours yesterday so I missed the latest Oblabber press conference concerning the release so his purported long form birth certifcate, though I did catch a brief snippet while I was in AT&T haivng to buy a new cell as my old own bit the dust.  Pesky little devices.

So when I finally got home I had a bit of reading to do and had to catch up on my Hubs.  On one of them someone asked, "Where's The Frog?  Where is he on this?"  That was on my "Trump This" Hub where the release was also being discussed.  I want you to watch a video presented by an imaging expert that I just obtained.  It's his analysis of the document that was released to the AP and on Obama's website.  Then lets continue.

Judge For Yourself

Several questions arise in my mind. The first being why did it take so long to produce what most people can easily produce concerning their birth? He claimed that it was becoming too much of a distraction in these trying times he helped create and exacerbate. I claim that it was getting too hot in the kitchen and he had to produce something. The truth was about to surface. I thank Donald Trump for that. He did what scores of people failed to do.

The second question was that it had better be authentic. Not being an imaging expert, I will leave that to the experts in that field. The advent of computers made things that were previously thought to be impossible quite possible. The video is testament to that as the video shows you, in detail, at how the man arrived at his analysis and conclusion.

Then there is now pretty definitive proof that what Obama posted on is what it is - a photo shopped copy of a Certificate of Live birth. If what he is purporting to be authentic, why not just have posted that document back when? Doesn't that make you curious at all? Couple that with this video and draw some dots.

The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people who have something to hide.

There is also now "definitive proof" that Obama held dual citizenship status. He helped define, and supposedly added clarity to, the definition of who is a natural born citizen and who is not. Of course, he admitted previously that he held British citizenship. Connecting the dots in all of this gets a little complex.

The Donald has got him to do step one, Whether it is authentic, or not, isn't my call. Lets the experts do that. But Trump has now gone further and I knew he would. Why? Because he is following the same trail that I have followed for years. He knows, and I know, that people are really looking at a smoke screen. The smoke screen is the birth certificate. He has now called for Obama to release his academic records. That's where the real information that Obama is hiding is contained.

It goes like this. Back when Obama attended Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, he accepted US aid to foreign students by claiming to be a foreigner. I believe that now even more than I did before. If he did so, was it just a coincidence that he wanted to be selective about his citizenship then and not now? The records need to be released so that we can now see if Obama used a ploy to defraud the United States of America's tax payers. That would be you and me for those of us who pay taxes. Since when was the matter of being a citizen of the United States a matter of convenience?

The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.

Something to think about as we move forward to the unveiling of the truth.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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