Will There Be Boots On The Ground In Syria ?
The man in charge.
Which is the right choice?
A country in flames.
I hope the Obama adm. is getting some big reward for this attack on libya.
Otherwise for the life of me I can't understand embarking in yet another war,when the other two already cost us trillions of dollars,and an overextended military, wether they will recognize it or not.Politically it doesn't make a lot of sense either , since as 2012 approaches the republican candidates seem week ,and their party's chances for the white house will be obliterated by the tea party.So now, not only there's a congress in total gridlock due to the pettiness and cheap politicking of the republicans , but there's people like Dennis Kucinich saying that the attack on libya without the consent of congress may be an impeachable offense,which is not going to go anywhere because every president since nixon has done it before , exept that it is really embarrassing to listen to senator Obama not so long ago saying the same thing Kucinich is now saying about him, and you know from now until the elections the right wing talking heads are going to have a field day with that. Now, back to the original question,is the US the world police force?Are we going to intervene anywhere in the world where a tyrant is killing innocent civilians?if that is the case every liberation movement who wants democracy will start a revolution counting on US military support to achieve their goals.How many oppressive regimes are there in the world ?thirty, forty ?including some who are our very needed allies.Are we going to be involved in thirty or forty conflicts at once?Of course not,I hope the administration has a good exit strategy for this situation and they start implementing it real soon.
It looks like a regime change in Syria is inevitable
As the protests continue in Syria, it looks like the fall of the Assad regime is inevitable.History tells us once a people looses fear of a regime and is willing to die in it's defiance there is nothing they can do,they can kill people, they can't kill the ideas.It is pretty clear Syria has reached a point of no return, and the recent veto by China and Russia of the UN resolution will only delay the inevitable result and prolong the suffering of the Syrian people.Ron Paul has said we shouldn't be going to war every other day ,and I tend to agree, but I guess short of military action we should be doing everything in our power to put an end to this situation.