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Living in Today's World

Updated on June 11, 2020

Have you taken a good look around you lately? What or who do you see? Does what you see scare you? Do you fear the world? What will it be like for your children to grow up? What about your grandchildren?

Look at all the hatred and negativity in the world today. It is enough to make you cringe. Why does it have to be this way? I don't have an answer to this question. What I do know is that we are all human beings.

When I take a look around me, and I see other people, one thing I always think is, "that person is like me." No, they may not have the same personality that I do, but they are like me. They have a family, they want to be loved, and they want to be understood. Why can't the rest of the world figure this out and have a little compassion for other people?

In this world, there will always be those people who survive for drama, hate, and discontent. These are the people I like to call "bad eggs" in the world. Without them, the world wouldn't be in the uproar it's in today. However, it is important to remember only a small number of individuals fall into that category. It's not the whole world that is evil.

Each new day I pray, the hatred will subside, and the world will know peace. This request may be high, but it is not out of reach. Every day we have is a blessing, I don't know about you, but I don't want my days filled with hate.

As I go about my days, I believe that there are little things that I can do to make an impact on this world. You can do them too! If everyone does a little something every day, maybe one day, the hate will go away.


Smiling is such a great form of body language. It is a simple task you can do without even going out of your way to do it. This small task can make someone's day, and you may not even know that person. Maybe that person was having a bad day until they saw you, and you just turned their whole day around.

In society today, so many people always have their faces in their phones. The consequence of this is it is eliminating personal interaction. How can you interact with someone when your head is down, staring at a screen? We need to realize this is a big problem!

We, as humans, need interaction in our lives. Have you ever thought of the people who go for a walk to get out and see other people? It's these people who are looking for interaction but can't find any, because the world has their heads down.

The next time you go for a walk or are out and about, can you do me a favor and put your phone away? (I promise it'll be there when you get back, not to worry.) Smile and say hello to those who need that simple interaction. It could make their day.

Lend a Hand

Have you gone out of your way and helped someone who needed some assistance? It could make all the difference in the world to them and make you feel a little better about yourself too. You don't have to go and complete a big day-long project. Just a simple task can be helpful to someone.

I remember when I was in the grocery store one day. I was going about my regular business when a lady stopped me in the aisle. She asked me if I could get an item off of the top shelf because she couldn't reach it. Imagine this lady asking for a small, simple task that takes less than 30 seconds to complete, simply because of her height. She was so grateful for this small act of kindness.


Have you ever volunteered for something that you hold near and dear to your heart? Volunteering can be rewarding for you and helpful to those in need. What is something that you hold close to your heart that you would like to volunteer for in the future?

Have you volunteered before?

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Show Up

That is it! It is as SIMPLE as that! Just show up for life! Wake up every morning with love in your heart, and go spread that love with the world. Love is so much more powerful than people realize. Love overpowers hate.

If you do not show up for life every day, then tell me, what will you think in 20 years? Whose lives will you have touched? Have you made a difference? Can you answer these questions for life right now? Are you satisfied with the answers you found? No? THEN SHOW UP!

As you go about your day, implement what you read. Do you feel like you made a difference? Do you feel like you have had a positive impact on the world?

We need, NO, WE MUST, change the direction that our world is heading in. If we stay on the path of hate and discontent, then we're heading towards massive destruction.

So, please, do whatever you can to put an end to this madness. Implement some techniques above and share them with others. Remember, the person you ran into at the store, or that person stuck in traffic with you, or the one who just lost a family member, they are JUST LIKE YOU! Only once we all show acts of pure kindness will the love overpower the hate of the world.

© 2020 Carissa Nason


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