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Most People Know....

Updated on August 2, 2013

Exhibit #1

And Many Do Not...

Most people in the Blogosphere know I'm not a liberal. When I was very young and the Viet Nam War got under my craw I became a bit radical. You youngsters don't understand my generation but we were intent on "productive change" and not change for fundamental change's sake. Barack Obama is about a "change" that I will never accept or understand because of its destructiveness to this nation. He doesn't have a clue because, accept it or not, he grew up in a culture that most people did not nor would want to.

Along the way of life I had to grow up from the decade of discontent and violence and blood in the streets of America. I watched, and participated, as the activists of that era woke up and had to accept the responsibility of living. That didn't mean accepting LBJ'S Great Society concept and going on the government dole. I grew up poor but was taught otherwise.

As time went on and I made a career of defending this nation, and its Constitution, I came to realize how dear our freedoms are. I also came to realize the distinct differences between liberalism and conservatism. You see I have been on both sides of the fence. Some of you have not been nor seem inclined to be.

Exhibit #2

Oh how politics and morality have changed. Not the morality of the lying, thieving career politicians that are continually elected for decades on in but the morality of the electorate who seems intent on hanging itself and this nation on the gallows pole. So you don't think Obama lies or all those other political theatre players on Capitol Hill regardless of political party affiliation? Are you really that naïve. Do you think the Democrats or the Republicans have the answers to the problems they themselves have created? You surely can't be that damned stupid.

Anthony Weiner, of his wiener fame, has risen like a jaded phoenix. This is where morality starts smacking us around again after the fiasco with Bill "I Didn't Have Sexual Relations With That Woman" Clinton seems acceptable conduct by a politician. No, that was politics in action where a Democratically controlled Senate saved his bacon. That was a distinct turning point in what our society allows. Just his election was very telling with Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey waiting in Bill's past harem. Not familiar with those names. Try Googling them and educating yourself. None of those women ever got even close to an apology from Quick With His Zipper Clinton. War of Women? You have to be kidding me. Clinto liked to massacre him and Hillary was a willing observer and still is.

For some strange reason deviant behavior has become acceptable in liberal Democratic circles and abhorrent if the same conduct, or worse, is discovered by one of their Republican pick pockets.

Exhibit #3

The focus here isn't Weinergate. He is but a symptom along with his power hungry wife Huma. Are there parallels between Huma and Hillary. Even Stevie Wonder sees them. Both women ended up marrying for power. That isn't exactly the ideal reason to marry but it seems to be their motivations. In Hillary's case that has been proven and I surmise that it will become obviously apparent in Huma's case as time ticks along. But there is a very close link between Huma and Hillary if you've been paying attention.

As a women, ask yourself this. Why would you suffer the public humiliation of what both Hillary and now Huma have suffered? Both are public figures and not everyday cheated on women. I am not advocating cheating as I say that so please save that comment. Is it because they have hung their star to a sleazy politician who just happens to be a Democrat?

When anyone's immoral behavior is cloaked in their political morals we have a problem Houston. If a conservative texted what Anthony texted, unsolicited so make the distinction, they would have been ostracized and maybe castrated. Why do you possibly think that may be so? Because conservatives, whether secular or not, are held to a higher moral standard. So it's okay to give our liberal breathern a get out of jail free moral pass?

And Last But Not Least...

Life is a process for most of us. We have to take on the daily responsibilities and hopefully you can manage that on your own without an aimless federal bureaucracy doing that for you.. That's what this nation was built on - individual responsibility and owning what is yours and helping your brothers and sisters when you can, not when the federal government tells you that you have to. I am NOT my brother's keeper nor are you.

I don't write as much as I use to nor do I feel compelled to do so. For five (5) years I have predicted what you are seeing which is the steady decline of our nation. It is now up to you if that continues but look at the morals, or lack of them, of all those we continually elect. If you continue to pull the levers of constant empowerment in the wrong hands - SHAME ON YOU.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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