Murder For Political Expediency's Sake?
It's All Coming Out Now
For weeks the truth was obscured by Barack Hussein Obama. For weeks this group of political criminals went around the world citing an innocuous YouTube film trailer as the reason 4 Americans as the reason they lost their lives in service to their country. That was an outright lie then and an outright lie now. But if you're Obama it's okay to lie? Is that what I continue to hear from those who are going to help reelect this disaster named Obama? I've heard this called malfeasance, negligence, and assorted other things but I will call it the way I see it.
It was murder and it was murder for political expediency's sake and as the story continues to emerge I know that what I suspected from the first reports will prove to be true. The President of the United States and his minions are responsible for the murder of those four Americans in Libya. They just may as well have pulled the trigger themselves.
So Obama has said recently that the "buck stops here." I assume he means with himself where it belongs as the Commander-in-Chief of this nation. Who denied those three requests for help that were made during the assault and murder of our men? Who told those CIA operatives to "stand down" and do nothing to aid those whose lives were lost? How utterly senseless to do nothing. Is anyone's chances at reelection worth the cost of those four lives?
It is what it is. He wanted this whole thing kept under wraps until after November 6th and the election. He has been going around this country beating his chicken chest proclaiming that "Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is on its death bed." But let me tell you something in case you are still drunk on koolaid. Just because Barack Hussein Obama says something "is so" doesn't make it that way. If you can tell I'm pissed I might be getting across to you as a warrior who spent many years of my adult life protecting this nation from people just like Barack Hussein Obama. He allowed good Americans to be slaughtered because he desires to keep a grip on power. That's what I call murder in my book.
- EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by th
Read that link above and you will get an accurate account that you might not get from the Lamestream Media. They've been as busy, and complicit, as Obama in covering up what occurred that night in Libya. Don't come back and say "FOX News lies" because they are reporting the news accurately and truthfully, unlike the Obama administration and the Lamestream Media.
For those who want to continue to wear blinders and vote for Obama despite everything you see going on around you I believe that you are a couple of ham sandwiches short of a picnic. Three times they asked for backup. No military assets were committed to help those people. There were two predator drones circling that fiasco and real time information was fed to the White House Situation Room. And Team Obama knew nothing about it and had no good intelligence. All lies. Lies to protect who and from what?
As more and more surfaces, this is unacceptable conduct from any administration who holds power in this nation, regardless of party. Two of the CIA operatives at the annex refused the order to "stand down" and tried to help Ambassador Stevens at the consulate. When they arrived there they again requested assistance and were denied. Who gave that order? It doesn't matter who gave it because the Commander-in-Chief is responsible in the end. He said it himself just the other day. Hillary Clinton nor his National Security Adviser doesn't stop the "buck." It stops at Obama and nowhere else.
So all your ardent fans of this fraud I know as Barack Hussein Obama need to think seriously about November 6th. If you don't think Obama will throw you under the bus to save his own political skin I suggest you grow up and face reality. We now have four dead Americans who can attest to that. Obama says he didn't know. He just said that in a radio address. Well if he didn't know he damned sure should have.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince