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My reply To Ralph Leeds "Family Values In a Red State."

Updated on December 4, 2009


wink, wink!
wink, wink!
Adopt what !!??!!
Adopt what !!??!!

Be sure to read Ralph Leeds Hub. Thanks!

©MFB III -All Rights Reserved. Trackers are in place to prevent any repug-lican radio mouthpieces from using it for fodder in thier weak attempts at entertaining. Enjoy the ride, but leave the transportation of truthful thoughts here.

Let's rehash Christian hypocrisy, an acid reflux in the esphoagus of many good people.

Let's start with Newt Gingerich who was sleeping around with a woman who was not his wife, while crucifying Bill Clinton for his sinful dallying with Monica. And Newt has the audacity to consider himslf a candidate for presidency in 2012. Fat, white haired chance.

Or sarah palin, whose name I do not capitalize because she should never be anywhere near anything that is a capital, unless it is somewhere she can see Russia across the Bering Strait from Alaska, and then claim foreign policy finesse.

sarah who bore a child with severe handicaps, and then let her daughters and family members take care of it, while she ran around campaigning for vice president. Rather then nurturing her baby as it's mother until it was grown, and 'then' going off and running for office. Wink-Wink!!

Where is the baby now while she is out touting her lame book that slams the very people who got her to her pinnacle of fame.

Then let us us look at all the pious christians of the moral majority who do not in any way want to give free health care to those who truly need it. The sick inner city children, the homeless, the poor, the illegal immigrants,

"Let them eat Toilet Cake." they say.

Thier own bible says to feed the hungry, care for the sick and the elderly, clothe and shelter the homeless, and that the greatest love of all is Charity.

How come I don't see that happening.

If we were to melt down all the gold and silver that is housed in the vatican, and all the treasures and jewels that are gathering dust there we could feed the world for decades. Then add in all the empires of the evangelists such as falwell, and Oral roberts, times so many others, and alot of our health care and poverty issues would be resolved.

God does not discriminate with charity,

whether illegal or otherwise. He forgives and blesses. Then as far as abortion issue goes, where are all these good hearted republicans stepping up to adopt all of these unwanted babies so that they don't have to be aborted. Where are the donations for orphanages to care for them if they are born. Who among them would be willing to adopt a child of rape. Jiberish, are you game??

How about a baby with severe birth defects that will cost thousands of dollars to raise. Hypocrisy at its highest form, but nowhere near God. If people who believed in abortion, had mothers who believed in abortion, then there would not be any issue to worry about. But that is a cliche, and life is a little more realistic then that. If you want to help stop abortion get connected to an umbilical cord, and take home what is severed from it at birth.

The line starts here, put your name down below this comment and I can surely refer you to a teenage mother who is considering a coat hanger or a commode dumping of her unwanted baby.

Then of course you have to laugh at all the chicken hawks who sit in armchairs and criticize our current leader. Try stepping into his shoes for one week, shoes that are mired in a fifty foot pile of crap that bush left for him to deal with. No, you'd rather harass him into finishing up all of the mess bush left and then move on to his agenda, but only if it fits your policies.

All of the bigmouths that yack on daily, such as rush limberger, and glen beck, who never saw combat, but are experts on how to handle the troops. Add in bush and cheney who also never saw combat, but sent our kids to the wrong country, in a rush to war without proper armor for them or their vehicles. Bush who promised to get bin laden in the pit at the trade towers, and then proceeded to plant an oily foothold in Iraq...while Afghansitan festered for years.

The red states are red because of the blood shed under false pretense. Now we have to clean up Afghanistan, a place no one was ever able to fix.

But all you offer is harassment of our beleagured leader. How does that accomplish anything. Good christian people throwing tea parties with vicious hate splattered signs....that's gonna solve a lot. Have you hired a vet whose face was burned so badly that most people can't stand to look at them, or visited a man with no genitals and legs because his humvee was fiberglass when he drove over an IED in Iraq.

You like to dismiss all of Bushes mistakes as water over the dam, but then you harrang Obama for trying to plug all the leaks that are drowning our nation.

Most of true America is sick of the radioactive waves of Yadda, yadda, yadda, being aired daily on every station.

They are weary of the fox

who seeks to steal the glory that it lost in the last elections by fabrication, defamation and hate mongering towards our current leaders.

But hey, it's all in the name of God....much like a muslim who chooses to be a martyr.

It's ok to damage and hurt, to deny and deprive, as long as it's your side doing the damage.

Nitpickers endlessly removing invisble lice from our current head of states, instead of removing the real vermin among your party.

There is a lot that is wrong with this country, but adding more wrongs on top of it solves nothing.

We suffered for a grueling eight years under your hapless and greed driven it's your turn, and oh, boy that acid reflux is broiling in your red raw throats.

Moaning about Unemployment when bush was responsible for so much outsourcing and downsizing that was perpetuated by his administration, and the big businesses that he catered too.

There is no sane company in the world that now only has to pay 38 cents an hour per employee overseas that will choose to come back here and pay $38.00 an hour union scale to U.S. workers.

Obama needs to penalize those who chose to use cheap labor elsewhere, ah, but then you'd be screaming about that too.

So what is your grand solution to unemployment.

Post it below this comment, Oh, and by the way, also leave your name if you are game to adopt an unwanted baby. I can connect you, my city is full of them.

And while your at it print me a statement that says that you as a good christian in no way want any poor, inner city or illegal immigrants to get any medical help or health care at any hospital au gratis , and I will post it on the bulletin board of the hospital I am headed to this morning.

My dad's been there for over four weeks under the tragiclaly incompetent services of the current medicare system, which Obama is seeking to reform by removing all of the waste it creates. Twice yesterday he messed himself in his bed in spite of the call button,

all over some very ugly bedsores, just when he was getting better. It seems there isn't enough help to get a bedpan to a patient in time. I hope none of you ever have to suffer such indignity.

Perhaps if the bedpan didn't cost $40.00 a shot

and the aspirin didn't cost ten dollars each, and some of the fat was cut from the system as is being proposed, he might just be able to drop a plop into some sanitary stainles steel and avoid sepsis.

See it hits home, but only when it's one of your own. You don't have to look into the eyes of a child who needs desperate medical care, but does not have insurance.

So let's recap the various forms of child aabuse, that you seem to want to support.

Sick and poor children, hey, their parents should get a job, or let them suffer,

Homes full of unwanted children,

hey, at least they weren't aborted,

Mothers with handicapped babies leaving them in others care while they pursue glory, Yeah you'd vote for that.

Young men and women rushed to war, without proper armor, hey we have to get those terrorist fast, it's the cost of war...look how many died in Vietnam, we only lost 4, 362 or so in this war, that's a lot less.

That's enough of my rant for now. All of the above simply reinforces why I call the republican party....Republican't.

And they didn't for eight years, and yet they poo

poo the mistakes made, and now blame the entire mess on the next guy....promising that they can fix it all up in 2012.

I think the majority of us...U.S. that is will give Obama a chance, he's got three more years to fix eight dismal years of disaster that he inherited. We shall see won't we....

**Here is my reply to a comment from JiberisH, my rebuttal per say:

**just in case you fail to scroll the comments, God forbid you miss this.

Hey, Jiberish, you are correct, I have a very heavy burden for the downtrodden who are still being walked on even in their lowly states.

Plus the elderly who are warehoused in inadequately staffed nursing homes and suffer from a current lack of treatment because medicare after taking every penny they had left, only allowed a much less level of treatment.

I have witnessed this just last week.

I carry a heavier burden for the inner city and outer city children who cannot get health care for serious illness,

because mom has a minimum wage job, and it does not come with a health plan, or dad is one of the many unemployed you are currently blaming Obama for. Don't blame all of the outsourcing, free trade, and downsizing that both republicans and democrats allowed to occur, much under george w. the W stands for What Jobs sent overseas under his watch! Did you know that most of the X-rays taken in this country are sent to India to be read for dirt wage, and then sent back here to be diagnosed by your doctor, for an ridiculous fee?

Then there are the illegal immigrants that are used like kleenex by so many well to do to do the dirty jobs, but are given no health care because they are illegal? So let's let them all spread the H1N1 flu, because we don't want to cover their shots???

I actually heard a sophmoronic republican talking mouthpiece on the radio yesterday, not sure if it was rush limberger of beck, who said it and I quote:

"Hey, slaves had health care."

Yeah, you worthless mindless twit, after the master whipped his black slave into a shredded mess of flesh he called in the doctor to treat the wounds so that the same slave could be back sweating in the cotton fields within a week. That same master impregnated many a slave woman or girl, and then paid the doctor or mid-wife to deliver his bastard child, and then made the same child a slave as well. That's health care?? and the republicans want to decide on how health care is distributed here. No frickin way.....excuse my ghetto mouth.

Let's also touch on the moral majority's need to stop any and all birth control issuance to teens, or anyone for that matter in some faiths, but when the passion overwhelms the young mind, and a baby is sired, whose gonna take care of it, or maybe we need a pill for that.

perhaps your party's fabricted death squads can handle that one

sarah palin's own daughter had a baby out of wedlock, and daddies gone, if she was not of a wealthy home she would be just another abortion or unwanted baby statistic. Now that's hitting close to home!

In South America and other parts of the world including the U.S. certain women's faith demands that they not use birth control because it is a grave sin, so we have thousands upon thousands of hungry children, and in some cases starving children who suffer because they were born into a situation that cannot care for them, but mom did please God.

The Vatican is surrounded by ghettos. Where are the churches for those forgotten masses??

Yes I have a burden, a heavy burden, that a large portion of our American society choses to ignore, or simply refuses to help. Where was your great dumbya georgie on the health care issues, eight years of nothing on so many issues....oh, wait, he did stop the transporting of much cheaper drugs from Canada to the U.S. as a puppet for the pharmacuetical corporations. He claimed they might be toxic or tainted, but under the same administration he borrowed flu shots from canada, I guess they were O.K.??? Hypocrisy is a cancer and the re-pug-licans are malignant and dying.

Perhaps you need to burden yourself a wee bit, a little less tea parties and a little more rolling up your sleeves, and digging in your purse to help those in need. but that would require compasssion and it is such a heavy burden, it is a mighty chain that extends back generates hate and sarcasms when one helps lift the load.

Health care reform if passed will not even go into effect until 2013....and I am sure Obama will get it all ironed out by then. The rush to stop and demean it has a lot more to do with mid-term elections and a power grab, rather then any true caring about a more GOP backed reform of health care. It is politicians and radio talk show hosts and the minority of those who follow them, simply looking after the health of their party.

I am sorry for your loss, your party failed itself with a shallow unintelligent woman, and an old war hero, who failed to embrace the public strongly enough.

And I am already sick of hearing about sarah palins picture on newsweek, if she is considering being a leader, then for God's sake don't parade around in hot pants for any magazine, American Jogger or otherwise. Every one in your merry band of repugs just recntly criticized Michelle Obama for wearing shorts. How scatterbrained can sarah be. How about a nice jogging suit, with long sweat pants and a long sleeved top. She lives in Alaska, I doubt she goes jogging much in her mini shorts. She simply wanted to put out some rogue sex appeal,

on one magazine, but it backlashed on another. but hey sex appeak is basically why she was picked for vice president in the first place. The hypocrisy is a bad sore on our nation, and the scab got rubbed off to reveal much more then we needed to see of her.

Get over it, the mourning period is long past, and most of America is sick of all the grumbling sore losers. Perhaps you will soon enough know what it is like to be a minority. I would not wish that on you, you are I believe a fellow American, and I do stand up for your rights of speech, but I also excercise my own, and should not be condemned for it by anyone. Such jiberish as that is communistic. peace to you and yours.


P.S. -I am still waiting for what I thought would be a rather long list of republican adults willing to adopt a baby rather then see it aborted. But they will not put their precious money where someone else planted a mistake. I detest Abortion as a humane person, but there are many cases, including rape and poverty where other options are necessary. Sorry!



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