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Native Americans are Israelites

Updated on December 29, 2010

the Americas was called Arsareth (Arzareth)

There are both Apocryphal (biblical) and secular proofs that Amerindians are Israelites. In the Apocrypha the main part is 2nd Esdras 13 where it names a place no man has been, Arsareth. Historians and scholars have came up with the same conclusion that no one lived in the Americas until the Amerindians arrived. 2nd Esdras 13:41 tells of captive Israelites (10.5 tribes where the .5 meaning only part of tribe were captured) leaving reads, "... and go forth to a further country, where never mankind dwelt." The way they got to the Americas was by traveling by boat not over the huge ice bridge. Which is a possibility of how they also got to NE Japan. Proof is 2nd Esdras 13:43 & 13:45, "and they into entered Euphrates  by the narrow places of the river", & "For through that country was a great way to go, namely a year and a half; and the same region is called Arsareth." They went by the Indian Ocean through the Pacific likely landing in the many islands before finally reaching the Americas. In 2007, it was found that the DNA of chicken bones at a archaeological site on the coast of Chile match those that were in Polynesia. The study was done by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Although there are some Polynesian words that are similar, this part will focus on some Amerindian language may be a combo and has similarities of Arabic, Hebrew and Turkish (which heavily has both Arabic and Hebrew influence). 1st will be Native then followed by one of the other 3. Niagara similar to neyaygara (Turk) both mean loud noise. Tennessee similar to tenasuh (Turk) both mean place for souls. Alabama similar to Allah bamya (Arabic & Turkish) mean God's cemetery. Seminole similar to saminal (Turkish) means Shemites who departed. Atta is both Cherokee and Turkish for father. There are also Amerindians who spoke more Arabic like the Pima people, Caribbean Natives and then were found in California that there are Arabic petroglyphs. One petroglyph stated "Yasus bin Maria"-Jesus son of Mary. In Caribbean 1100's reported by Al-Idrisi there were 8 muslims who were shipwrecked and held captive then later released when a Native translator heard their case. there were some who spoke more Hebrew, as some tribes in near the Great lakes or Pennsylvania in this case this stated by William Penn. Penn, from being very into scriptures and a scholar learned Hebrew well enough to know what it was. Natives even wrote but in old Hebrew like 10 Commandments caving in Newark,Ohio and similar old Hebrew writings in Bat Cave Creek, Tennessee.

Some Natives tribes wore turbans, some wore things similar to Tzitzit or fringes. Like many Israelites they would even had remembered Egyptian customs like paintings and carvings with men/dieties holding crooks, and pyramids, which are also in the US mostly around Tennessee, Virginia and Ohio that are covered over in grass and vegetation. Some replaced the lion with a jaguar since there are no lions. Some even have Hebrew like rituals today like the Cherokee.

where some Natives get their looks

do they look the same as the originals

The above picture is a idea on how Native got some of their looks. Of course from the captivity they would have mixed a bit. Even Moses told of other nations living among them, meaning not next to them but with them. From the Hittite Kingdom, you see a mongoloid on left and a Ainu looking man (considered mongoloid/asian differ type) on the right. The Hittite Kingdom also fell to the Assyrians with the 10 tribes, many from that kingdom moved to Central Asia (Turkic). That is where some of that phenotype comes from. Some claim some Natives even look somewhat Australoid, which can come from taking Assyrian wives. Assyrians in general have a phenotype of between Australoid and Armenoid.


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