Nice Person, Mean World
As many know my day in my day job I am on the phone a lot. I have conversed with many from different corners of the globe but primarily in North america. I have spoken with people I could understand and I have spoken with those I could barely tell were speaking english. I have spoken with rich people I have spoken with poor people. I have spoken with nice people and those that are so incredibly horrible they seem like the spawn of satan himself.
One thing I have seen and experienced on the phone at world, in the news and throughout every day life is that that nice people do not gain from being nice. In the case of customer service it is the complainers who gain, those that dispute everything that are always looking for something to be free. They seem to live their lives with the idea that the angrier and meaner they are the more they will get and disturbingly enough they are right. I have seen it more often than not.
As a society one has to ask themselves what happened? Once upon a time neighbors trusted one another so much that they would give them a key to their front door. Now someone driving down the road wouldn't stop to help a stranded old lady change a tire if her life depended on it. We've become a completely self serving, greedy, rude terrible society with so few decent people left that those who would normally trust simply can't. From what I see of it I just can't imagine it getting better.
The way I see society one angry person at a time reminds me of nothing more that a bunch of spoiled brats. Like misbehaving children that should have gotten many good spankings but simply didn't so they grew into adults with the same misbehavior they had as children. So I guess it is a bit late to administer those spankings now.
Part of the problem is that society bends to these people. When the world is given equal rations these are the people who lie and squabble to get double what they should. Society should say no. Businesses should show them to the nearest exit. But no, they quietly give them what they want hoping to shut them up. Until they want more of course. This sort of thinking doesn't deter them. When you were a child and the bully came after your lunch money do you think if you keep giving it to him he'll decide to stop bothering you? No, you have to stand up. Maybe give him a good punch in the nose.
Either way all I can say it Kudos to the nice person. The person that helps little ladies across the road. Stops to help those in need.
But shame to you that are mean and nasty. All I hope for you is that you get what's coming to you eventually.
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