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No Deal Document Released.

Updated on September 12, 2019

Boris Johnson: Prime Minister in Name Only?

One wonders, does Boris ever think not to get up some mornings, with everything that is facing him? Or does he, like his erstwhile hero, Winston Spencer Churchill, just keep "Buggering on"?

Boris has used 'Churchillian' words, like 'surrender' when describing the remainers that haunt parliament, including his own party. 23 Conservative MP's, who did not agree with Boris, suspending parliament, until 14 October, have been thrown out of the Conservative party, as MP's, although technically, they still remain, Tory MPs, for the moment. Their fate come the next election, (probably soon), remains unknown. Phil Hammond, former Chancellor under Theresa May, has said he may legally challenge his predicament, one MP, has joined the Lib-Dems. Opposition MPs have accused Boris, of acting like a dictator, in suspending parliament and throwing the MPs who opposed him, out of the party. No deal is now law, so where does that leave Boris, who refuses to go to Brussels, as May did, will remain to be seen. A ruling by two UK courts, one in England and one in Scotland, is fast heading to the supreme court, in London, to decide the matter. The English said that suspending parliament was lawful, whereas the Scottish court, said the opposite.

Churchill's grandson, MP, Soames, was one of the MPs, chucked out of the Conservative party, for defying Boris. Mr Soames said that Boris likes to think he is like Winston Churchill, Soames said: "I knew my grandfather, and Boris, is no Winston".

Opposition parties have been trying to force, Boris, to publish, a document, regarding a no-deal Brexit. The document, entitled, 'Yellow Hammer', outlines the possible effects on the UK, should a 'no-deal' come about, on 31st October.

There have been worries of shortages in medical supplies and food plus other goods, because of a no-deal Brexit. Plus, other negative, knock-on effects caused by the UK leaving the EU, with no deal.

The report in principle, proves these worries to be largely correct. Of course, the opposition parties, have made hey about this, and why wouldn't they? Former cabinet MP, David Gauke, has said this dreadful report, is the reason, why MPs even Tory ones, have defied Boris (also, over proroguing parliament).

Opposition MPs, also, want Boris, to make public his chats over Brexit, from Facebook and other social media. So far, however, it doesn't look like No 10, wants to comply.

Did Boris Mislead The Queen?

When Boris, disturbed Her Majesty, apparently, up at her Scottish retreat, Balmoral, some have accused 'Clown', of misleading her.

The charge goes that, Boris, deliberately, mislead, the Queen, so that she would agree to his wish, of suspending, parliament. Of course, Mr Johnson, has flatly denied the charge, but if he did, what would be his reasoning?

Well, Boris knows, like many things, in the British constitution, to get something done, you must have an audience, with the head of state, (in the UK, this would be Queen Elizabeth).

Once convinced, (if the Queen has any power over this at all), Boris was able to go ahead and prorogue, parliament. If Boris, has been upfront and straight with the Queen, he probably has nothing to worry about.

If However, Mr Johnson, lied or was shall we say economical with the truth, could he face retribution? Well, it is doubtful, he would be sent to the Tower, these days. However, for a sitting Prime Minister, to lie to the Monarch (even though she is a constitutional head of state, supposedly with no power) Boris, would have to face some kind of justice.

Could Boris (if he lied to the Queen) be removed from office, could he face prison, could he be removed as an MP? Such are the speculative questions that no doubt, are doing the rounds, over this, even as I type out this article.

Young Queen Elizabeth II.

What did Boris say to Her Majesty over suspending parliament?
What did Boris say to Her Majesty over suspending parliament? | Source

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