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Nobel Committee To Obama - Give It Back

Updated on March 8, 2013

No Lame Stream Coverage Here Huh?

I'm fond of saying that to stay truly informed one needs to read the news flying under the Lame Stream Media's pablum. No bad press must be uttered about the incompetent they anointed to run this nation. He hasn't proven up to that task either but they have to protect him to protect what little credibility they have left themselves.

This is just hitting the news lines this morning but you can Google it further to read more in-depth if you'd like to. The Nobel Committee, the same one that bestowed the prize on Barack Obama and made it a joke of a prize, has asked Barackie Poo to return the prize. You see they have figured out after the fact what they should have figured out before the fact. He didn't deserve it them and sure doesn't deserve it now looking at his dismal foreign affairs record. Just the little things like having an Ambassador and three other Americans slaughtered in Libya might be sufficient cause but there is more to the story.

I'm sure the Nobel Committee has been quite busy wiping the egg off their faces about having been bamboozled by Obama. They might have actually believed the shallow rhetoric he was spieling but then so has the majority of our electorate two election cycles in a row.

He Didn't Do That Someone Gave It To Him...

The chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Thorbjorn Jaglund, postulated today that President Obama “really ought to consider” returning his Nobel Peace Prize Medal and include the “really nice” case it came in. I'm wondering about the prize money myself?

Jaglund was a bit straightforward with his announcement. Appearing with 4 other committee members he said that they before asked for the return of a peace prize but this time was the appropriate time. They didn't even ask Henry Kissinger to return his an they consider him to be a war criminal now. Their grievances are justified and what capped it off was Obama's announcement of a 10% draw down of troop strength in Afghanistan which the committee is terming the "non-Peace-Prize-winner-type behavior” in 2011

The litany continued with Jaglund citing the following events, “Guantanamo’s still open. There’s bombing Libya. There’s blowing bin Laden away rather than putting him on trial. Now a few US troops go home but the US will be occupying Afghanistan until 2014 and beyond. Don’t even get me started on Yemen!” Seems they now see ho easily Obama dupes people into doing his bidding.

Obama was awarded his prize in 2009 after he made his series of speeches in the first months of his presidency, which convinced the Committee that he was: “creating a new climate of…multilateral diplomacy…an emphasis on the role of the United Nations…of dialogue and negotiations as instruments for resolving international conflicts…and a vision of world free of nuclear arms." A lot of hype with no substance but that's the way Obama's speeches usually flow.

Jaglund said that is one regrettable press release the committee made back then. Then it got a bit hysterical as Jaglund revealed that the committee was on a wild bender when they voted to award the prize to Obama. Those Norwegians are known to like their booze. What we call a bender he termed a"legless drunk."

Conjure up a picture of toasted Norwegians sitting around a conference table listening to Obama's Cairo speech. Tears were falling down their red cheeks as they toasted each other with shot after shot of aquavit ruminating about how splendid the world would be with a kind of a black man leading the world into utopia. Jaglund liked the event to this: “For a few hours we were all 18 year-old students again at the beautiful, occasionally sunny University of Bergen! Oh, how we cried for joy!” Guess what committee guys. We had too many uninformed 18 year old voters go to the polls in 2008 to help this nation elect a national disgrace.

They Now Know How They Cheapened An Award?

Jaglund stated that the committee wasn't going to go off the deep end yet about Obama returning the award. He said that they still "liked" Obama it's just that they need him to return the award before the next award of what is supposed to be a prestigious award. He suggested that he return it in a plain wrapped package via regular mail. No problem with making a big show out of it. Seems they now see how much he likes his teleprompter too!

Wowser! Jaglund said that "things could get nasty" if the committee didn't have it back by the time they announce the new winner this fall. Hopefully the new winner will actually be deserving of the prize so that some of the tarnish is knocked off the award.

"Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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