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North America: A Welfare State

Updated on February 17, 2012
Lazy | Source

I've spent my entire life understanding the people work for a living. That is how one makes their way in this world, that is how they pay for what they need. But there is a ever growing number of people in North America that continue to find loopholes that allow them to live off of hard working tax paying citizens. These people contribute nothing and pay their bills from taxes we pay. They are probably one of the main reasons our taxes have continued to rise year after year.

Now I know many are thinking, people collecting welfare and disability must need it because they can't work and sometimes this is true. Someone with a true disability a parapalegic or a quadripalegic, someone in a wheelchair or with a debilitating disease does need disability to survive and I have no qualms about paying taxes that support them. Someone who collects welfare due to the fact that they can't find a job and need it to survive I have no problem supporting either. Keeping in mind that the welfare recipient has done everything and continues to do everything he or she can every single day to try and find a job.

But the people I speak of are those who make no efforts to find work they apply for welfare, receive their checks each month and don't think twice about it. They don't care to work and have a long line of excuses why they just can't find a job, even though they've made no real effort to find one. The bottom line is that these people are just lazy and should be cut off and forced to find work.

We have one member on my wife's extended side of the family who is about 30 years old. He grew up living at his grandmother's. Never had to pay rent on an apartment has had a few jobs but apparently quit the few jobs he had because he doesn't enjoy authority figures telling him what to do. Well what do you expect when you have a job your boss gives you your tasks and you complete them. That's what a job is. Sometimes they aren't enjoyable but you do what you must and you receive a paycheck.

More recently he went to the doctor who said that his not being able to deal with authority figures is enough to get him on disability. So again the soft system is giving disability to someone who doesn't like his boss telling him what to do and this is a disability? I don't like working or being told what to do am I disabled? Do I deserve free money taken from the taxes of hard working people. Suffice to say I feel ashamed to admit that I even know him.

In contrast our glorious system can't find it in their hearts to grant my mother disability. She is older and fell shattering several vertebra in her back and this injury didn't heal. She was then diagnosed Osteoporosis and also has thyroid problems. But due to unfeeling doctors who are unwilling to submit paperwork for her to seek disability she continues to barely get by financially from her savings. She soon will have to face the possibility of returning to work in a state where she can barely stand or walk. How that will happen I'm not sure.

In the long run the people that leech to our system and those enabling them will be our societies undoing. We will continue to drown in debt until we see the mistake we're making and cut them loose.

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