Now Then! Look At This Mess We're In
If Not The He Should Be Fired
Lets run a scenario by for our liberal friends though it may be lost on them. Imagine you are the CEO of a large major concern. Or maybe lets scale it back to something s a simple mind might comprehend - a lemonade stand. So you are in charge of either operation but you're really not paying any attention, or so you say.
All around you the environment is turning to chaos and scandal. That may be common in Chicago but should not be in our nation's Capitol. Not only chaotic but turning toxic day by day. It's akin to what some of us witnessed as we watched the Nixon administration explode. That also involved enemy's lists and the use of the IRS to try to achieve political will. During that era it was the Republican party and this time around it surrounds Obama and the Democratic party. He is the leader of said party. you youngsters need to pipe down and learn a lesson or two before running your chops about things you know nothing about.
So there you are "the man in charge of the free world" and you keep saying you didn't know anything until you saw it on the news. What the hell are the American tax payers paying you, and your minions in the Executive Branch, for? To watch the news? To play golf and go on endless vacations at our expense while our economy is turned upside down by incompetent economic policies? Is that what this has come to?
Obama has a problem with the truth. Just listen to the way he spins things and then compare it to reality. He's in way over his head in the position he is in. I don't believe for an instant that all his senior advisers and his own chief of staff himself knew about the early shenanigans that the IRS was targeting groups on Obama's enemy's list and said nothing to Obama. They didn't break the bad news to him? I don't believe that. The next question I have is what is the President of the United States even doing having such a list, no less one posted on a website.
The truth swirls around Obama and he acts like it is a conspiracy. Reminds me of Hillary and "the vast right wing conspiracy" surrounding Bill and his propensity to enjoy fellatio in the Oval Office with anyone besides herself. The truth is never a conspiracy. It is nothing more but the truth.
Benghazi? He now claims he from the get go called it terrorism. That is a total fallacy and he sounds like a minister of propaganda. Repeat the same lie often enough and people will believe it. But it remains a lie still the same. He scarified his UN Ambassador by giving her a set of talking points and sending her out on the Sunday talkies saying it was the result of a video. That was a blatant lie. Then he and his Secretary of State parroted that lie for weeks on end, even to the families of those slain, that it was all about some video. Obama told that same lie in front of the United Nations weeks later. Doesn't the man remember a word he says or is he just a pathological liar. I vote for the latter.
The political environment in this nation's Capitol is toxic. I blame a large part of that on Obama and his manipulation of the very office that he occupies. He doesn't like anyone to disagree with his agenda - no one. He wants a flock of sheeple who are mindless to do his will and not think about exactly where he is leading them. We now have members of this administration (Lerner) pleading the 5th Amendment instead of talking about what the heck has been going on. To top it off the woman pleaded the 5th after making a statement in her defense. That is going to present a legal problem and you can count on that.
So far nobody knows a thing about anything in the swirl of scandals surrounding Obama. His Attorney General knows nothing about anything concerning the subpoena's issued in conjunction with the AP scandal. No telling what is going to be said by this band of corrupt politicians concerning James Rosen and FOX News. It's been a known fact that Obama has had FOX in his cross hairs since his initial anointment by a fawning Lame Stream Media.
No one seems to know who changed the talking points at a minimum of 12 times concerning Benghazi even though they sent Jay Carney out initially to claim there was but one minor change. Does Obama and his crew really think the American people are stupid? It appears that way.
This whole political concept that the American people can't handle the truth is absurd. That is the under current I detect as a political writer of many years. We can't take the truth? Well try this. Give it to us straight up and see whether we can or can't handle it. The reason they don't, nor seem to want to, consider doing that is because they fear we will vote them out of office faster than they got in.
We want the truth about Fast & Furious. Lives were lost because of that fiasco. We want the truth about why 4 Americans were sacrificed in Benghazi. Was it because it didn't fit the political blah blah about terrorism during the last election cycle? It appears to be the case so if it isn't then divulge to the American public the why's and wherefores'. I believe we can handle the truth but I know Obama can't. His legacy is at stake and his lies get thicker and thicker. We need the truth about the misuse of the IRS in political head hunting. That should concern all Americans of any political stripe. That is the most powerful, feared agency in this land and now we are comfortable with what we are seeing them and the possibility that the agency will enforce and administer Obamacare? That giving you a warm fuzzy liberals?
How much further are we now going to watch the Obama thugs kill our First Amendment rights by press intimidation? How's your comfort level with that possibility. Where will this country be when the right to question our government and its policies have been stripped from those of us who value liberty and freedom and not just how much stuff can be out in your outstretched greedy paws?
I apologize if you don't like my bluntness here. Do I care? Not in the least. It's wake up America time if you have even been paying the slightest bit of attention. My truth meter hasn't been close to functioning since Obama took office. That is a pathetic fact that I can't believe a word the President of my country utters.
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Have a nice day.
As Always,
The Frog Prince