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Obama Games

Updated on February 27, 2013

Please Take A Seat

This whole thing with the Community Organizer-in-Chief continuing to be out there on the campaign trail spreading snake oil to his adoring, or sometimes captive, masses is wearing thin. He doesn't seem to have the intestinal fortitude to deal with any crisis situation, especially those he creates himself. It's like watching Sad Sack try to peel potatoes without a potato peeler.

The guy actually had the audacity to tell this nation's governors this at their gathering in Washington DC the other day, "At some point, we've got to do some governing. And certainly, what we can't do is keep careening from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis." So my question to Obama is why he doesn't first stop manufacturing crisis after crisis and then the follow on is why he doesn't try governing this nation rather than continue to try to divide the people further than he already has. It's ironic that he was speaking to the very group of men and women that actually govern after they were elected.

The Continuous Lying Needs To Stop

The President needs to stop lying about reality and use facts rather than scare tactics. The general public seems to be catching on even though the Lame Stream Media parrots his absurdities like they are true. It all began on October 22nd in a debate with Romney when he stated that sequestration was something Congress proposed. Congress didn't propose it but Obama and Jack Lew and that group of pick pockets took it to Harry Reid as the solution to getting the Budget Deficit Commission to do something. That group was created to fail and so the crisis was born. The crisis can was kicked on down the road for 18 months.

So now Obama wants to blame the Republican controlled House of Representatives for the very crisis that he himself created. That is his usual game plan of avoiding responsibility for his own actions which result from his inexperience, lack of qualifications and the absence of leadership he continually displays. The fact is that the House has sent two separate bills to reallocate the necessary budget cuts in a balanced approach to avoid the current mess he created. Those bills were sent to the Senate where they were DOA as long as Harry Reid continues to obstruct legislation initiated in the House.

The Obama Answer

The reality, if one listens to Obama closely, is that he wants to raise taxes again on the American public in order to continue to spend money recklessly like a drunken sailor on shore leave. His rhetoric has nothing to do with lower spending, not a thing. He doesn't want to cut spending, he wants to increase it more than the 20% he has achieved so far. That's an indisputable fact. A basic principle of economics is that if you want to stifle an economy then you raise taxes. I'm not sure why the Democratic party doesn't get that.

The 85 billion dollar reduction that the sequester will kick in the day after tomorrow is smoke and mirrors money once again because the 2.4% is a reduction in the spending level that is there now. Any CEO and board of directors would love to be faced with such a minor reduction in spending to begin to right the ship. But that is just the beginning of what needs to occur, not the final solution. Obama sees a growing government bureaucracy as the solution to the nation's problems rather than being what it is - the actual problem itself.

Delivering Like Clock Work

Back in the day we used to have the Combat Engineers lay out a thick smoke screen so that we could move around undetected until we had things in position to pounce. That's what is presently going on and has been for quite some time. Back on January 1st of this year Congress capitulated and gave Obama the tax increases he asked for, and others increased by default which all American workers felt. Obama has been using the word balanced to describe his inability to now balance that 620 billion dollar tax increase with the necessary spending cuts. He wants more tax increases and no spending reductions again. That is his answer to solving the budget deficit problem.

The other part of this equation, mark my words, is that when the economy reacts to that tax increase of $620 billion combined with the $6 trillion cost of Obamacare that is coming straight at the bottom line he wants someone else to blame again other than himself. He is the one who is brilliant at creating crisis after crisis without ever wanting to lead and provide the answers and it isn't increasing taxes. It is cutting out all the spending and printing money the supposed leaders of this country have done for too long. He did have a lot of balls to lecture the Governors of our states on governing and leading.

Friday when the sequester kicks in the sky isn't going to fall, the nation's Capitol will remain opening unfortunately and life will go on. $85 billion is peanuts compared to the $3.6 trillion that they are thinking of spending this year and thereby adding at least another trillion in debt to the existing 16.5 trillion on the clock now. Are you Obamazoids getting the picture yet? He doesn't know anything about governing and leading. Not one thing.

"Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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