Obama In A Rage? Not Again...
You Believed Him A Second Time?
Shorts All Puckered Up?
It seems Obama is in a major snit now about something his own administration created in order to slide by the last election and not face economic reality. Now he is back to blaming the Republicans for creating what he suggested, through Jack Lew, to Harry Reid as a political fiasco that is now called sequestration. As usual he surrounded himself at a press conference by people who he now claims are going to become "victims" of budget cuts. Again, he suggested this whole ploy himself to kick the can down the road. If they are victims, they are victims of a clueless President.
Now I know that our typical liberal/progressive Obama lover is going to say he did no such thing. His press secretary says just the opposite. He did create this monster. Here's a quote from Jay Carney when backed into a corner about whose idea this was.
JAY CARNEY: "What I will concede is that we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build a mechanism to get us out of default possibility and the sequester was one of the idea put forward, yes by the president's team."
If anyone was "looking for a trigger" may I suggest that they consult a firearms manual next time? So he sent Lew to Harry Reid with this grand idea of making the impossible possible.
Blames Others For His Idea? Of Course He Will...
Facts seem to be quite elusive to Obama at this point because he stepped on the weinie one more time. You see when he does that move it is always his dance partner's fault and none of his. He is master of blame shifting and deception. Why? He thinks the majority of Americans are stupid and he may be right. He didn't only fool them once with his snake oil sales pitch but succeeded in doing it a second time. I've never seen a politician say as much about so little as Obama can.
The "then and now" routine is getting to be common place with President Slippery Politician at the helm. This video clearly illustrates it once again. Back when he was wanting to score political points he was "the tough guy" with the veto pen. Now he's the face of compassion for the "victims" of his own folly. Go ahead and buy that too Suckers.
Which Is It Obama?
His props were the usual. This time it was first responders. For his gun control props he uses law enforcement officers. For Obamacare he used people dressed in white coats whether they were doctors or not.
Here was his litany at the press conference yesterday about the damage his own idea is about to cause:
Emergency responders like the ones who are here today — their ability to help communities respond to and recover from disasters will be degraded.
Border Patrol agents will see their hours reduced and FBI agents will be furloughed.
All because of his idea to find what? A trigger you say Carney. But it went on...
Federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go and thousands of teachers and educators will be laid off.
Air traffic controllers and airport security will see cutbacks, which means more delays at airports across the country.
Obama, Obama, Obama... Lets whip up the public's fears over something you did yourself while blaming it on others? Don't want to accept the responsibility for your own actions once again. You're a good role model for the dead beats of the nation. Oh it gets even worse!
Tens of thousands of parents will have to scramble to find childcare for their kids.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans will lose access to primary care and preventive care like flu vaccinations and cancer screenings.
Good grief and someone wants to call these statements and the action itself leadership? If you do, you know nothing about that word and what it entails. He had his chance to lead and instead came up with a very bad idea to use as a political ploy.
It's Time To Man Up Obama And Stop Crying...
So a couple of questions Barack. If you knew all of this could happen then why did Team Obama make this proposal? If you didn't know then why the heck didn't you? Did you mean it back when you proposed it? Or is it that you're only serious now? Which is it? We can watch the film clip above of you saying two different things.
By doing this you got your debt ceiling increase so you could spend more money. We get that part, at least some of us do. So you got what you wanted then and want to weasel out now? Is that it? The sequestration was supposed to happen on January 1st and the can got kicked to March 1st. How much longer is the can kicking going to continue?
My take? He's just being his usual fraudulent self. That is clearly transparent but not much else. When you make your own bed what usually happens Obama?
So why did he let it happen?
As Always,
The Frog Prince