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Trump 2016 and the Obama Birther Debate .

Updated on August 26, 2015

The result of the birther tactics .

The use of the birther tactic adopted by the republicans has had two main results,first it has convinced many simpleton republican voters that President Obama is not only an illegal alien that was able to bamboozle his way not only to fraudulently obtaining American citizenship but also to sneak his way into the White House.And second it has convinced many independents, moderate republicans and whatever small number of conservative democrats that the Republican Party is at this point in time controlled by extremist conspiracy theories believers and loons,who have no interest in presenting a conservative political alternative for the country,but instead their only purpose is to demonize a president that instills fear in them because he looks so different than them who are the real Americans that he has to be a Muslim foreigner.

President Obama's long form birth certificate.

President Obama's birth certificate.
President Obama's birth certificate. | Source

So where do the Republiclowns go from here?Not to the White House that's for sure!

We have been hearing for years now,that if he had nothing to hide why not release the original long form birth certificate,this has not only served the purposes of the birthers but also gave political coverage for some mainstream republicans to say things like "i take him at his word" or "we've seen his certificate of live birth,so this would suggest he was born in Hawaii"and other comments of the sort that could still codedly leave the door open to suspicion from the loons and republiclowns.So, did the fact that he released the birth certificate end the controversy?Of course not, it just shifted and transformed from those who say this is probably fake because it took so long to release, to others who say ,he's irresponsible, why didn't he release it before so there wouldn't have been any controversy, which is preposterous and hypocritical because we have seen that the real objective has been to delegitimize the presidency of a person of color that they think was only able to reach such a high position due to the influence of affirmative action which they despise and see as reverse discrimination in detriment of white people.Of course this is not the belief of most or even a majority of the republican voters,but it serves the purposes of the republican machine to define the president as illegitimate,different than" us", and anti american, and if that's all they have they'll use it..Are the leaders of the republican party unaware of how their whole party's looking and sounding these days? I don't think so but there's not much they can do about it, since the right wing nuts have taken the party over, and whoever tries to take on the teapartiers and their mouthpieces in the right wing media is condemned to instant irrelevancy and or public humiliation via Limbaughpology.What do I think is the strategy of the adults in the party?Simple,they will wait it out, they know the teapartiers and the right wing nuts will self destruct and carry the party down with them to great electoral losses and only then will they be able to rescue and rebuild the Republican party.


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