Obamacare: A Huge Train Wreck Coming Down?
The Unaffordable Care Act
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) obviously is a master of understating the obvious. He is stating what many of us have said since this whole episode of bad legislation began. Isn't it ironic that he was one of the Democratic geniuses who helped write this monstrosity? How in the world anyone expected that a bill crafted in secret which amounted to over 2,400 pages of gobble-De-goop and passed without giving anyone an opportunity to read it just before a holiday recess to be successful is mystifying. But it will be Obama's legacy along with bankrupting this nation.
So now Max is wondering what happened as he penned Kathleen Sebelius' ears back during a hearing on the matter this past Wednesday? Really? It was a terrible idea in the first place Max and it is blowing up in everyone's face to this day. So Mr. Senator you can shoulder your share of the blame too rather than act incensed about it. It was a train wreck before iut began because for about two years you genius pick pockets concentrated on that fiasco rather than a down turned economy Max.
He says he fears that people don't understand how the law will work. My fear is that he doesn't have any idea himself. It also seems interesting that he told Sebelius that "they had discussed the coming train wreck many times and he isn't seeing any results." Just hold on Max the train needs to run totally off the tracks for you pick pockets to get a clear picture.
He Finally Sees It Coming?
Sebelius herself is saying that she didn't realize how complicated the process was going to be. Well now you're only talking about socializing this nation's entire health care system in a very short time. According to Baucus and his crowd that wasn't the intent of the "Affordable Care Act." Rubbish! He has been antsy about the unresponsiveness of Kathleen Sebelius in providing the Senate Finance Committee with data, information if you will, to educate the citizenry in understanding something so complex that even the architects don't understand it. They didn't even read the law before signing off on it. DUH!
I mentioned Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-VW) the last time I penned an article on this subject and his observation that Obamacare is "probably the most complex piece of legislation ever passed by the United States Congress." Yes Jay, it is so complicated that no one, not even you, understands it." He was also one of the designers of Obamacare.
Here's what Max failed to say, "Listen I'm up for reelection in 2014 and in trouble at home over helping to create a monster like this in the first place." Rockefeller isn't worried about it because he is going to retire in 2014. Constituencies all across this nation are still unhappy, even more unhappy in fact than they were when it was passed without anyone reading it.
Buyer's Remorse At Work?
Baucus might want to go ahead and retire and maybe help repeal Obamacare before he shuffles out the door. His statement Wednesday that "I just see a huge train wreck coming down" hits the nail on the head. Many of us did from the get-go and even more came aboard the train when we actually did start finding out what was in it. This whole deal is banking on itself to insure about 30 million Americans using a mixture of government programs and tax credits to private insurers. Now when was the last time you saw any federal program that can stand on its own two feet for long? This is nothing more than a grand social program that will be another flop. At whose expense is the key question?
Unions are starting to jump ship. Many of their waivers are set to expire and they ain't happy. The latest to call for repeal was the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers. They just woke up to the bait and switch of "you can keep your present doctor if you want to keep him/her" lie. That isn't happening nor will it and it complicates a union's multi-employer health care system. Maybe they should have wanted to read the bill too before it was passed. Their analysis is that the ACA destroys what they value for their members.
Kathleen Sebelius wasn't going to take the dressing down without getting her panties in a wad and blaming someone else. Baucus told her that her public info campaign deserved a failing grade and she needed to get jiggy with it. He pointed out,and it appears to be true, that these new health insurance marketplaces aren't going to roll out on time in 2014. But he ruffled those feathers further pointing out that consumers and small businesses are in the dark and these exchanges just might flop because of that alone.
Sebelius, bless her little heart, retorted that the Republicans in Congress are responsible for her slowness on the draw. Those same r\Republicans who were locked out when the bill was crafted? Are those the people she wants to blame? her claim that they blocked funding last year doesn't hold water. We've been screaming to defund Obamacare and they keep ignoring the voices of the majority of Americans. The fact is that her department is severely over budget in instituting something this complex. That isn't the Republican's fault. They didn't get to help write the monstrosity.
Somehow she doesn't see the need of practicing good fiscal discipline so it has to be someone else's fault? There was nothing affordable about the Affordable Care Act in the first place.
She's in a pout because of Congressional reluctance to authorize a few hundred billion in additional spending to help the corpse we call Obamacare. And here we were made to believe that Obamacare wasn't going to add to the federal deficit. In fact it was designed to reduce it. Again, when was anything Congress ever designed meant to reduce the federal deficit? How much more snake oil are you folks willing to buy?
So the roll out is breaking down and I predict will be having a last gasp before it even takes off. This train has been coming off the tracks for quite some time. Just the exchanges are projected to cost $5.7 billion by 2014. Were there too many unintended consequences? You'd know, and so would they, if the bill had been read. This whole thing isn't called health care reform. It's called an attempt by the federal government, in the form of Obama, to control 1/6th of this nation's economy and that is unacceptable.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince
Grab The Other End Champ!
- Obamacare And They Expected What?
The implementation of Obamacare is in total disarray. Did anyone really expect anything less form the incompetent federal government many of us are being forced to tolerate because of the ignorant?