Obamaland - Truth - Welfare - Illegals
Only in Obamaland do politicians like Little Dickie Durbin (D-IL) claim with a straight face that the many illegal aliens in this country right now, in his own words, tells us “undocumented immigrants can’t collect welfare." First I have to assume that Illinois is a part of the United states and then assume that it is on this planet. I'm not sure if Little Dickie lives on this planet but I know that somehow the people of Illinois keep sending this brand of pathological, lying politician to Washington over and over again.
He and his little Gang of 8 were telling so many lies that Geppetto had to hire a slew of illegals just to keep up the the nose enlargements needed for that small band of misguided vote buyers. There weren't enough Pinocchio's for the Washington news rags to hand out. Now you folks who live and vote in Illinois need to pay close attention to what your senator is capable of saying in order to get you to keep reelecting him. He's due up in 2014 and you could do the nation, and your state, proud by giving him the boot.
The problem is that it is a known fact, among intelligent Americans, that illegals are soaking federal and state social services like a milking machine. They even hand out pamphlets telling new illegal arrivals how to game the system. Of course Little Dickie might want to explain this little incident in the video.
Wild huh? Little Dickie Durbin and others need to stop being amnesty pimps in the hopes of gaining more voters to enhance their corrupt ways. Here we have an illegal alien, out on bond for another drug charge, king penning a major heroin operation. Why is he still in this country? I'm waiting for an answer from Barack Obama and his Homeland Insecurity folks but it has been a while.
While collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars peddling death you would figure the guy could at least pay for his own groceries. Figure otherwise. He was collecting $900 in government money, That would be your money, and living high on the American hog. Now I want Little Dickie Durbin to explain just how he does that since Dickie says he can't do it. I'm sure all this was just a big misunderstanding I reckon?
Then we have the new Homeland Security head Jeh Johnson, who shouldn't be a lavatory attendant, telling us via the US Conference of Mayors that the approximately 11 million illegal aliens in this country have "earned the right to be citizens." Which part of "illegal aliens" is escaping this bureaucratic moron? Or is he just parroting his illegal alien boss?
The best way to get the leeches to come out where we can see them is to allow the INS to do their jobs to the letter of the present law.
Here's Johnson's shtick, “It is also, frankly, in my judgment, a matter of who we are as Americans to offer the opportunity to those who want to be citizens, who’ve earned the right to be citizens, who are present in this country--many of whom came here as children--to have the opportunity that we all have to try to become American citizens.” Since when does being present in this nation earn you any right to become a citizen. If you came here illegally then you broke the law to get here and remain here. If your parents brought you here then take up your beef with them, not the people who are natural born citizens or came here legally.
Obviously the head of the DHS has poor judgement. His office requires that he enforce this nation's immigration laws and not ignore them as his boss Obama has dictated to him. The role of the executive branch is to enforce this nation''s laws and not to become lawless like we are seeing now.
It isn't often I advocate a left turn but this is one instance when we need to go to the left when we encounter this sign. We have many millions and millions of unemployed American citizens that need relief before we give some class of criminals amnesty who broke the law to come here. This left wing administration doesn't make the least bit of sense with some of its dialogue.
At that conference of mayors Johnson threw out this rationale, “Comprehensive immigration reform would also promote a more effective and efficient system for enforcing our immigration laws, and should include an earned path to citizenship for the approximately 11-and-a-half-million undocumented immigrants present in this country, something like 86% of whom have been here almost 10 years,”
Okay so now we're down to the longevity of the people who are law breakers? 86% of them have been soaking up the bennies for how long? My question to Johnson and Obama is, "In that amount of time why haven't they been rounded up and deported as the present law requires?" So instead of doing the job the US Constitution requires one to do along with associated laws on the books you want to change the laws to suit your political needs?
Border Fences Aren't The Answer
Obama suggested moats and alligators facetiously down in El Paso but he might be on to something. Maybe double barrier fencing with land mines might be the ticket. The solution isn't to grant amnesty like Reagan did back in 1986.
According to DHS itself there are 11.5 million illegals here so what kind of revolving door are we operating? I suggest to you that is a low figure. This isn't about a racial issue or racism this is about adhering and enforcing the law. This is about coming to this country LEGALLY and there are long lines of people waiting to do just that. So instead we are proposing to reward those who broke the line, the law and our borders to invade our nation illegally. It needs to now be about justice, securing the borders and deportation so they can make that left turn to the back of the line.
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The Frog Prince