Obama's Empty Bag Of Tricks
The other day, in the wake of a lunatic killing innocent people in Washington DC, Obama pulled one of the saddest sack things I've ever seen any President pull. He gave a rancorous, blame anyone but himself, where the blame is due, speech that should have been shelved. When he failed to do that I knew the jig was up. Not even Richard Nixon was able to stoop as low as Obama did on Monday.
Portions of the city were in lock down and here he comes running his mouth fixing blame instead of pointing the finger at himself. He was the one who told us all that he could fix the economy in 4 years or he was a one term wonder like Jimmie Carter. He's been back pedaling and blaming anyone and everyone since he made that statement. This past Monday was a totally inappropriate time for him to open his usual can of rancorous baloney.
The problem with Obama is that he can't stand to not hear his own voice trying to convince his faithful that he has it all right and everyone else has it wrong. Who taught him such utter nonsense? Michelle maybe? She cut from the same cloth?
Recognize narcissism the next time you see it .
This speech should never have occurred where he gave a quick glance at the Washington Naval Yard and then started out blasting Republicans on the 5th anniversary of the Wall Street meltdown like Democrats had nothing to do with any of it. Really? All Obama has become at this point is a partisan hack who doesn't know what the hell he is doing and never has. A more unfit person has ever been chosen to occupy the Oval Office. this outburst showed that 1) he has bad timing which we knew and 2) thinking on the move isn't his groove. He went well past numbers 1 and 2 rather than do what most people would have done - close their pie hole for a later date. He can't help himself though so recognize that if you still worship him.
All Obama has left in his bag of tricks is extreme, political, partisanship anger. Most everything he has tried has failed. A glance at the first year of his second term should affirm to anyone that he is a lame duck now. He shot his wad and Obamacare will be his legacy, not leadership. For those of you who voted for him I have to believe you can now see the dysfunctionalism of the executive branch we warned you about when you fell for his snake oil the first time.
I just read a headline that said that the Navy Yard issue is a mental health issue. not a gun control issue. The same issue points right at Obama and always has - he has mental health problems. He is a pathological liar and suffers from narcissism. Those two mental states don't mix well either. He just told another crowd that we are going to just "love" Obamacare. Isn't that what they said when they jammed it down our throats?
The irony is that even the Lame Stream Media is seeing Obama for what he is but like the little lapdogs they are they still attempt to prop him up. As with any administration there should be no place to place the blame but at the man sitting at the top of the pyramid. Who is he blaming Syria on? How about this economic mess he has increasingly made worse despite claiming it is better. Gas was $1.83 a gallon when he took office and where is it now? What has he done to help those of us who don't ride around in chauffeur driven tanks? Not one thing except talk about pipe dreams, throw our tax dollars down a green toilet hole and constantly play his lame blame game.
He's running on venom, hatred and vitriol at this point forward. He tried ever trick in the book and it failed. Most of what he tried had been tried before with the same result. He was expecting it to be different because he is involved? Really? Just imagine if George Bush had acted like Obama constantly acts. The press would be eating his lunch on at least a daily basis.
Now he has resorted to the use of the word "extort" because of the issue of raising the debt ceiling and defunding his unpopular bill known as Obamacare. It's more unpopular than when it was passed because we're finding out what is in it. If Obama is being called on his nonsense of wanting to spend more money that we don't have it is now "extortion?" That's why he and his Democratic buddies want him to have the ability to raise the debt ceiling at will. So he can keep spending money this nation does not have. It's called debt where I come from and has nothing to do with extortion., Let them shut the government down if that's what it takes to control these pick pockets.
So now when he reaches into his bag of tricks there is nothing there but rank partisanship coming from the man who said he was going to unite this nation. See what you get when you buy snake oil sheeple? Learn to think for yourself and take a critical look at those we supposedly trust to run this nation.
What The Hell Is Wrong With These People?
The rest of his second term now is basically a lame term. Too many people have now caught onto the three stooges named Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. The lesson that should be learned here is that history repeats itself when you take a snooze. Whenever this nation is entrusted to a band of progressive thugs the rest of us who knew better are the ones that will pay the price. Obama is no savior, not by any means. He is a skilled teleprompter reader with an oversized ego. He took a bad situation and proceeded to make it worse and then wants to blame everyone else for his failures and get nasty about it at the same time.
At one time he was a symbol of hope. But his incompetence, combined with his narcisstic personality disorder, has trapped him and put him in a box of his own creation. He has moved from crisis to crisis and not handled any of them well and constantly blamed others for his own lack of leadership ability. This last speech was a reminder to all just how pathetic he has become. that my fellow Americans does not portend well for our nation.
He has nothing left but rancor and partisanship. He let himself go there by his own doing and not anyone else's.
TODAY'S QUOTE: "We have a con man in the White House."
Well DUH. I've been saying that for years now.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince