Obama'sExecutive Action.Immigration Reform,the Dream Act.
We can't keep complaining politicians don't value our political importance and yet not go out and vote massively to support those who are fighting for us.
President Obama has in fact granted a very partial amnesty in the only way he could at this time,also he has shown favorable views to the immigrant community in general and the hispanic communitty in particular.This is a high political risk the president is taking specially as the election cycle gets near. I understand this has some electoral motivation because he needs to give something to his base because until now he has pretty much consumed his presidency trying fruitlessly to find some way to compromise and carry out big national policies with the republican party, party that due to the situation it's in where the tea party and the right wing extremist talking heads hold hostage, and has it's only goal to defeat Obama regardless of the consequenses as it has publicly been expressed by Mitch McConnell and other republicans in leadership as well as the emperor our fearless leader Rush Limbaugh, glory to his name.
Immigration Reform by Executive Action
So the time is now , to put up or shut up!Either we start voting in droves to protect the political back of the people that are fighting for us,or they will be defeated by the bigots and xenophobes and replaced by politicians who see the only immigration reform they will accept is to put those damn foreigners in boats and ship them out. These are thealternatives we face, be as loud, outspoken, and aggresive politically speaking as the teaparty and extremists are, or face a future of uncertainty, relegation, and expulsion . The main point I want to make is that , if you have ever been an illegal alien, and you know exactly how much time and hard work and money it takes to ever get your green card first and then wait five years spend more money to become a US citizen,while maintaining a pristine record in every way so your path to citizenship is not jeopardized,or if any family member has suffered the situation of being illegal, or any of your close friends has been in this situation,you have the moral obligation of going out and voting on every election, but most importantly voting on a national election because as much as any politician may want to do the right thing, and defend the weakest link in our society, they can not do it and be successful in their attempt if the people they are fighting for do not care enough to bother to vote in instances that are crucial to their own benefit.so all I have to say to you at this point is NOT A SINGLE HISPANIC VOTE FOR THE PARTY OF BIGOTS XENOPHOBES AND ZEALOTS IN 2012.