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Occupy Wall Street Why?

Updated on February 8, 2012
OWS Protestors
OWS Protestors | Source

To be honest when the "Occupy Wall street" protests began I was scratching my head. What was their cause? What did they want to accomplish? Upon checking across the internet, TV and newspaper I have to admit I still didn't really understand why they were protesting or what they expected to happen. Now today I have read quite a lot of why people were and are there still in some places and it seems that most are protesting because 1% of the country is rich and the rest are not.

One thing I will say before this piece really begins is that I am not rich, not even really very well off. I have worked manual labor jobs with horrible conditions and I have worked some that were not so bad. But after everything I've read and taken into account I can honestly say Occupy Wall Street doe not speak for me.

Most people I have spoken to don't want to get rid of the 1% anyways they simply want to become part of it and they want everyone else to just give it to them for free. Why? Because in their minds their rights somehow entitle them to it.

I've heard arguments from different people that a lot of the people have no jobs but the OWS protesters themselves maintain that most of their ranks are employed. So that begs the question why would people with money in the bank and jobs to go to be protesting. Also I know I don't have enough money to leave my job and indefinitely camp out in a park, if your doing that well you don't need to be protesting at all.

In reference to those protesting due to economic inequality all I can say is we live in a democratic country which by default makes it a capitalist country as well. Anyone can go make a business and in some cases some become rich through innovation, technology or other means. Some of their businesses have grown over time established by their father, grand father, great grandfather but it was earned by someone. Some people become rich by stepping on others. That is life. The government isn't going to storm the homes of every millionaire and billionaire in the US and take their belongings, drain their bank accounts and then head for the nearest OWS location to divide up their cash. They built their businesses and earned the money.

Protesting because some people are rich and you are not is petty. It doesn't matter how much you sugar coat it with righteous ideals it just isn't right. If you want to get rich go and work for it. Increase your knowledge, find your niche, create something. Even in a downed economy people are getting rich all the time. Ask Zuckerburg what his net worth has reached over the last few years all from creating Facebook. People are getting rich and at an incredible pace, much more so than in past decades.

I know as well that protesting seems to have become a fad, the Middle East did it, Africa did it, Europe did so why not us right? Wrong. If you have a problem, a genuine issue, work through the system that is already in place. This is what was lacking in the Middle East and African countries.

For those with no jobs I will say this. I know right at this moment I could quit my day job, put out resumes tomorrow and have another very quickly. Maybe it wouldn't be in my field, maybe it would be horrible but it would be a job. So it isn't that there are no jobs. We live in a democratic country that has all kinds of social programs and hand outs to those trying to better themselves through education, money for those creating businesses. Check the internet it has a wealth of information on these programs. Also if you start a business and it fails, then it fails try something else. If you take a bad job deal with it but do everything you can to find something better and eventually you will, trust me.

With all due respect to those out there in the parks, occupying Wall street keep in mind you are just sitting there, you are not making the economy and situation better. Why not pool all your man power and resources and do something like supporting and helping those looking for work. Think about what you could do with that many people. Help everyone get a job.

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