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Oh Boy Oh Boy! It's Pajama Boy!

Updated on December 20, 2013

How To Make Yourself The Laughing Stock...

Of all the stupid ideas to promote Obama's health care fiasco this has to be one of the best. This is the sort of buffoonery that Organizing for America should have a mug shot or two about.

Pajama Boy must liken himself to Super Obama as he rides over the horizon to save the day for Obama and his misguided minions who foisted this fiasco upon the nation. The question might remain, but it seems doubtful, how low will this administration go to try to lure unsuspecting young people into a money trap that was created just for them?

Just think about it. The bait was cast to lure these impressionable millennials and have these young, healthy specimens snap it up like hungry tunas. I mean really! Here we have a bit of a nerd wearing his onesie, sipping on his cup of hot chocolate extolling the virtues of being had.

Even MSNBC Is Laughing Like A Hyenia!

Can you imagine PJ Boy being turned into a victim? Obviously the folks over at O for A aren't marketing geniuses with this sort of farce. I'm betting dollars to donuts that Saturday Night Live will be on this like stink is on doo doo. There was another bozo talking head on MSNBC who tried to turn the ridicule justly due this ad as racist. Of course they would as they do everything these days.

Do any of you young people out there smell a Ponzi scheme bigger than anything Bernie Madoff ever dreamed up screaming up your tailpipe? Hey Organizing for America this should be an easy mark right?

You just take a young Joe Biden type, throw some striped pajama's on him and off you go! Oh yeah that's the ticket. You take a metrosexual clad like a zebra with a mug of hot coco in his paw and talk it up about health insurance. That's exactly the premise of the ad. So exactly what do you think the odds of PJ Boy saving Obamacare might be?

Yes sirree Bob I can see the throngs of young people on Christmas break huddled around the family fire chatting it up about how they aren't stupid enough to sign up for Obamacare. They may have been dumb enough to vote for Obama but they sure aren't that stupid. Many of them will just continue to live in Mom's basement and soak up their parent's health insurance premiums until they turn 26. But then what?

Good golly Miss Molly we're moving from Brosurance ads to this? We've moved from kegger handstands (a bit dangerous you see) to steaming mugs of hot chocolate? Just who is the audience here or are we dealing with a blended message? So which of you Millennials connect with either of those messages as you're trying to get your feet on the ground and make some money to survive?

Come on youngsters. Obama is counting on you to sign up for insurance you don't need in order to subsidize older folks, the sick, the lame and the lazy. That's what Democrats are all about so play the game.

Desperation? Do you get a whiff in the air from the Obama camp? They created a monster and now don't know what to do with it other than pray that people remain as stupid as they were when they voted twice for a snake oil salesman named Obama.

So now it appears that Obama has shifted gears again and wants to allow insurance companies to sell bare bones catastrophic policies which don't meet his Highness' minimum insurance standards. Yes you heard me right. In other words junk policies. Desperation is a mild term for what we see going on here as Obama is vacationing on our dime starting tomorrow in beautiful Hawaii. Another exemption to the law of the land.

On the brighter side the Photoshop crowd has been having a field day for the last couple of days with this attempt at irony. If that is indeed what it is because it seems to be missing the mark by a country mile. Maybe this will be another nudge toward repealing the bad idea that is now known as Obamacare.

Now you do realize that the deadline to sign up for Obamacare is this coming Monday. The millions who had their individual policies cancelled seem to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. They are suffering from severe sticker shock and many are perplexed at how Obama snookered them with the hope and change rhetoric.

Even Chris Kringle Christie got into the Tweet fest telling us to "get out our pajamas" and hit the volunteer trail. Get talking you see. That's all Obama has done for five years so it's your turn now.

Follow Christie with my main target this election cycle here in Texas, Senator John Cornyn, who got caught in the parodies of the day. This is one RINO who needs to go so I appreciate the effort.

Take comfort ye of younger heart. Obama needs you. He needs you at a ratio of 3:1 to sign up for his army of suckers. There are Democratic talking heads who are lauding Pajama Boy. After all, he has got people talking about Obamacare. Or maybe rolling on the floor laughing their butts off. You tell me?

Was this a joy to write. You can bet you bippee it was and more.

Heck go ahead and click those buttons and send this out to a wider audience.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

The Silliness Of It All Continues Concerning ObamaStein


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