Oh Canada where is the foundation on which you were founded
Our foundation, the word of God
Oh Canada, where is the foundation on which you were formed
By: Thomas H Czech
was founded on Christian beliefs. Our National Motto on our Coat of Arms
"A Mari Usque Ad Mare" (from sea to sea) was taken
straight from Psalm 72:8. "He shall have dominion from sea to sea."
By Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley in 1864.(a) However, many years later, it seems as if
Christianity is being pushed aside and out of the way while other religions are
pushing ahead. Christianity also seems to have fewer rights than other
religions and beliefs do. Strange isn't it? That the foundation of this
country, Christianity, is being pushed out while other beliefs and religions
are given more rights. Some people are calling this country multicultural,
perhaps that is the problem; I mean by this that perhaps we should remain
steadfast and strong in the Christian faith on which this country was built;
but still allow others into our country. However, not allow them to take over.
Canada has always been accepting of other people, beliefs and religions, this
is a good thing. The question is though, where do we draw the line? Christians
seem to have their rights taken away, but other religions seem to be given
greater rights and privileges. How can this be? How far will we let this go
before we do something? Do we continue to remain quiet until we have no rights
As a country which has its roots and foundation on the word of God, we should
have rights and freedoms to pray in schools and in parliament, to say Merry
Christmas wherever we are and speak freely about Jesus Christ. There are also situations
and places where Christians have been muzzled, because someone got offended
when a Christian said Merry Christmas and another incident where someone was
told they could not pray.
I have not allowed anyone to muzzle me, and I am not about to start now.
I honestly believe that the time has come that we begin to stand up for our
Christian rights and say “No more” to being muzzled and pushed aside. This is
our country, and our country was founded, and built on the word of God.
(a) http://www3.telus.net/st_simons/nsnews023.html)
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.