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Overweight Lesbians And Your Tax Dollars

Updated on March 13, 2013

In the "Who Cares" category

Something Wrong with This Picture?

Right in the middle of the Obama created sequestration a number of strange stories are flying under the radar that tax payers should be paying attention to but the lame Stream Media isn't feeding them. Instead it is serving up Obama pablum. Obama has suspended tours of The People's House which is atrocious and meant to punish the public at the onset of the tourist season. Just another prime example of just how petty Obama gets when he doesn't get his way.

So I'm reading along and up pops this article about taxpayer money funding a study on costing $1.5 million on why lesbians are fat. That's right and this news isn't in the "you gotta be kidding me" category. I'm not being homophobic but this sort of thing is ridiculous and an obvious political payback sort of deal. Maybe Moochelle should get herself involved in this study since she is intent on telling people what they can and can't eat.

Is It Something They're Eating?

Then I got to wondering if there is a difference between fat lesbians and fat gay guys? Does it matter? Is it in their differences in diets? Then I got to wondering who cares and why in tar-nation is the NIH spending my hard earned tax dollars for such ridiculousness. Here they are up there trying to figure out how to cut the budget and this comes across the news wire?

This sort of thing can make for an entertaining news article but come on now. I recommend that you don't search the subject without making sure your "safe search" is on. Gets rather graphic and a bit disgusting truth be known.

The focus of this study is why three quarters (that many?) and why their gay male counterparts aren't. Sounds stranger than fiction to me folks. They're spending a million and a half dollars that we don't have to study the biological and social factors under the guide of this burning issue being of “high public-health significance." sounds like a bunch of crap to me. I could have saved the idiots some money and told them to tell these heftiest of their species to change their diet and stop making their hands go to their mouths. It's called do push aways - from the dinner table.

The Burning Issue Of The Day?

Is there a correlation between sexual orientation and obesity? Is it a burning issue that we need to spend borrowed dollars to find out?

Get this wording about the issue that resulted in two grants, not loans, being doled out:

“[H]owever, one area that is only beginning to be recognized is the striking interplay of gender and sexual orientation in obesity disparities. It is now well-established that women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic.

Then a streak of verbal brilliance follows:

“In stark contrast, among men, heterosexual males have nearly double the risk of obesity compared to gay males.”

What the researchers concluded is that "almost no" research has been conducted to this critical area in the past. Really? And no research should be funded by the American tax payer either no matter what their sexual orientation is.

What's Next For The Researchers?

Some might say I'm being cruel and insensitive but I'm beginning to wonder what the feds are going to throw money at next. Might it be to study why gay male bloggers sit in their skivvies in front of their monitors munching on bags of Cheetos?

The researchers received the first grant of $778,662 in 2011. They received another another $741,378 grant in 2012 So far that totals up to $1,520,000. Another rub here is that the study is projected to last up to 5 years. What the heck. When you have the cow you better milk it to death at the tax payer's expense.

All in the name of gender socialization? Really? If this is such a burning issue for the gay community at large let them pick up the tab!

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As Always,

The Frog Prince


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