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How and Why Is Politically Correct Ideology Destroying America? Effectively, Efficiently, Expediently...Evil!

Updated on August 16, 2014

Is the concept of politically correct speech hurting all Americans?

I believe it is. The right to freedom of speech is one of the most fundamental rights recognized by the Constitution.

It is contained within the American Bill of Rights. It is the cornerstone of freedom.

Updated for the disaster we are living brought to you live by the Obama nation.

I wrote this article a few years ago. Since then, things sure have changed. Keep reading to see how what I feared when first writing this has become our national headlines.

What is this "Politically Correct" anyway?

The term politically correct is defined as...

“marked by or adhering to a typically progressive orthodoxy on issues involving especially race, gender, sexual affinity, or ecology. Abbreviation: PC, P.C.” by

American Heritage states it is...

“Showing an effort to make broad social and political changes to redress injustices caused by prejudice. It often involves changing or avoiding language that might offend anyone, especially with respect to gender, race, or ethnic background.”

Note the Consequences Part


Well, you might be thinking, gee whiz, Vix, this sounds like a very good thing. Who doesn’t want to make things better for all people? What right minded person would not want to stamp out racial hatred and terms designed just to hurt others? I concur. It does sound good. Sounding good and being good are worlds apart.

Most of us believe that we should speak the truth and by extension that our media and leaders should as well.

Truth. What is truth? Is the truth politically correct?

The term truth is defined as...

“conformity with fact or reality,” by It also defines it further as “a verified or indisputable fact… as in mathematical truths.”


And this is bad why?

Let us go back to the PC definition for a moment. American Heritage states it is …”Showing an effort to make broad… changes… to redress…” social injustice. How exactly?

Does changing language itself erase the cruelty of slavery? Does it fix eons of women being property? Will it bring back just one, JUST ONE, person who died as a victim of social injustice? The answer is obviously not.

Will using only terms deemed to be politically correct ensure that no member of the human race ever again be the victim of social injustice? Will it educate us about history so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past?

Again, the only logical answer has to be no. Will it keep those born from now on from feeling the pain of experiencing racism? Perhaps the repression of gender bias? Any other ignorant, hate filled form of prejudice?

No. It will not.


Pish Posh! It's a tiny change to make things better.

The very concept of politically correct speech, and by extension the current trend whereby it is the only socially acceptable means of communication, endangers the very right of free speech by warping the plain and simple truth.

Further, it makes telling the truth something that is to be punished be it by social, occupational, economic or other means. It changes the meaning of what is said be it often times in small ways. Small changes may appear innocuous.

They are not. A tiny change to any equation alters the answer. A small change to medication can kill you. This politically correct change is going on with many terms in our nation today to the detriment of us all.


Term Number One - Rape

The word rape, now required to be deemed as sexual assault by the politically correct police, is one example of this.

You may think that hurts nothing. The crime is still the same. Sadly, this is a logical fallacy that sounds good only on the surface. Sexual assault can mean someone grabbing another in a sexual way without their permission or it can mean the sodimization of a child by a predatory adult.

I think all of us see the vast distinction when posed in such brutal terms. The term sexual assault does not make the distinction. It does not carry the negative connotation that the term rape does.

It paints a candy coating over brutality which makes it appear more palatable. Does it help the victim or the perpetrator? The answer is beyond obvious. I, for one, do not care to help the perpetrator. Sadly, in the world of politically correct, many do at further cost to the victim.

Notice the wording towards the end of this memo, circulated by the Occupy movement, stating clearly that they wish to offer counseling for the offender! ---------->

In all fairness to this so called movement, they do offer to help the victim. One could easily argue that they hide some not so well veiled threats towards the victim for reporting to authorities as well.

This article, in the link beside this capsule, is long and quiet broken up, but worth the read.

Keep in mind while reading the idea of politically correct and see how many times you can spot it in the Occupy memo. See how many times it is used to appear as if the victim is at the forefront of their concern.

Ask your heart, do you really feel that is the case after reading it in it’s entirety? If so, please, for your own good, take a class in critical analysis and thinking, at a non liberal college or university, if you can find one in the current climate.


Term Number Two - Illegal Alien

Let us briefly examine another politically correct term. The current trend in immigration politically correct terminology tells us that what was previously deemed an illegal alien is now to be called an undocumented worker.


I’m sure someone, somewhere, will spout many reasons but one is because illegal alien carries a negative implication which is derived from the term illegal.

HM… Let’s see. It is illegal.

Illegally entering a sovereign nation can be viewed as an act of war. It is when done by large numbers that invade.

What is the difference between an invasion as an act of war and the current invasion and occupation of America by literally hundreds of thousands, more likely millions of illegal aliens?

Or, should I say the invasion of millions of undocumented workers? Notice, the two sentences do not carry anywhere near the same implication. Further, one is true. They are here illegally and as non citizens are alien.

The other is a hope. The hope is that they are employed. Do you really believe they all are? Do you think they arrive here having a job? But I digress. We were thinking of the distinction, if there exists one, between an act of war invasion and the current invasion of illegal aliens.

Not in America! Wrong, wrong!

This is not new.  Check the date.  It’s from 2006.  It's also a crime!
This is not new. Check the date. It’s from 2006. It's also a crime! | Source

Obviously, these people did not all come at the same time, nor did they come wearing military garb and toting weapons en mass. That would be one distinct difference.

If we are to truly make a distinction, we must consider what is the goal of an invading force. Is it not to take possession of the land invaded? Do you really think the goal in the case of the legions of illegal aliens in this country is any different?

One of the first things done by conquering forces is to erect the flag or a symbol of the invading nation.

UPDATE 2014 - They are now coming in legions, together. Further, they have camped on American military bases all along the border in Texas, Arizona and other states. The media has been ordered out by President Obama.

Health officials trying to raise alarms in San Antonio have been intimidated and threatened with jail if they voice concerns over dangerous infectious diseases walking into our nation daily.

The Border Crisis has become a Trojan horse on American soil brought here by our own President.

People have been protesting all over. One of the most well known is in Murrietta, Ca. As of yesterday, July 6, 2014 reports are popping up all over the internet of police gearing up to arrest protesters trying to block buses. Let that sink in.

American police used to escort illegals and arrest Americans that voice an opinion of not liking it.

What can you do?

You can get involved any and every way you can or you can kiss America good bye.


I would be proud to call any of these young men my son.

What happens in the current political climate if you try to show the American flag?

I can remember when it was considered patriotic to show support for our flag. I can remember a time, not so long ago, when schools were to teach and promote loyalty and patriotism. Do you? This does not look like either to me!

Shame on American courts!

This is what happens now when you stand up for your country.

In this case, an American court ruled to punish the loyal American who tore down the Mexican Flag flying without the US flag, which is a crime.

NOTE FURTHER - The loyal American in question was accused of being racially motivated. Notice how what should be a simple issue of law gets clouded by what is deemed to be politically incorrect, I.e. racism.

This is not to say that racism is in any way acceptable, merely to point out that it is such a political hot topic that it is often used to cloud what are simple issues.

Does this mean we should not stand up for our nation? Or, is that the message they want us to get? Why would anyone want that? Think about it.

Did you think "act of war" was a bit harsh? Watch this.

Warning - This is harsh on both sides.

This gets off to a slow start and while I do detect rampant racism on both sides it clearly states “White people go back to Europe. This is not your country. It’s ours.” (meaning Mexico’s).

You want to tell me that statement doesn't prove something in regards to the goal?


Thank you, Sir!

I digress.

Let us take a moment to really think about what the new, politically correct term undocumented worker implies to the average Joe who hears it and most likely doesn't have a lot of time to ponder.

Undocumented sounds like the paperwork just hasn't been done.

Perhaps, it was an oversight. Perhaps, it was a mistake. Perhaps, there just has not been enough time.

It certainly doesn't make one think of criminal activity like the word illegal does. Undocumented… Sounds innocuous does it not?

How about the next word in the term, worker? Well, golly gee, worker sounds good doesn't it? Are we not in this country supposed to pride ourselves on our work ethic? (Ok, ok, I know half of us don’t work but please, stay with me here for the sake of making a point).

The Devil Is In The Details.

The Devil has to be smiling every time PC terminology is used.
The Devil has to be smiling every time PC terminology is used. | Source

The term undocumented worker does the exact same thing that the term sexual assault does. It downgrades the bad. It masks the horror. It allows people to be further insulated from the truth.

Let's look at it in a down home country way. What's the difference between a Coral snake and a King snake? Only the order of the same bands of colors. No big deal.

Only one that can kill you!

Yet again, a tiny difference that makes makes them worlds apart. They might both be snakes, but I will take one hiding under the covers over the other any day. How about you?


The Ideology of Politically Correct

Do you think political correctness can ever be truthful?

See results

In conclusion

I hope if nothing else, you realize that the concept of requiring all communication and especially that done in the media to be politically correct is masking the truth.

The truth is not always nice. It’s not always pretty. It often hurts. I for one would rather deal with the truth than an illusion.

How can anyone make reasonable assessments of anything if the facts one are presented with are but smoke and mirrors regardless of how sweet they may be? 

In the next installments of this exploration we shall examine why we have this PC ideology, who it benefits, and how it is at the very heart of what divides us.

For now, God bless us all and God bless America!


Disclaimer: This article is my opinion only.

Warning - Graphic...But ten kinds of funny and he makes some good points.

Legal immigration built America. We would not exist without it. How many of us don't have ancestors from another land?

There exists a vast and monumental difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration.

There is a world of difference between someone who comes here and wants to build a better life, be a loyal American, loves this country and the opportunities it grants and someone who sneaks in the back door to take, to hurt, to instigate, to be a leech on systems designed to help Americans while lusting in their hearts to steal it!

UPDATE: Obviously, we blew it. That was then. What about now, 2014?

It's not over and we all know things have gotten so much worse. What was a problem on the border has now been labeled a national crisis by even the liberal controlled media.

America stands upon the precipice of extinction by her own hand. The hens better stand up to the fox or the entire coop is about to blow. Vote in midterm elections, America. Take it back while you still can, if it's not too late already.


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