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Presidental Quiz -- Answers

Updated on October 4, 2014

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For those of you who don't remember, (or missed) the questions, here they are:

Q1) George W. Bush was the 6th President to graduate from Harvard. Name the other 5. (Hint: They all graduated before "W" was born).

Q2) The two presidents with the most children (one had 15, but with two wives, the other had 10 with one wife) are related in some way (not in a familial way). Who are these two presidents and how are they related?

Q3) A lot of people know that James Buchanan was the only Bachelor president. Who was the only other Bachelor elected president (he wasn't a bachelor when he left the white house)? And what "first" did his wife accomplish in the marital history of First Ladies?

Q4) Eight presidents died in office (4 were assassinated). But which president died the soonest after retiring from the presidency?

Q5) Richard Nixon was the second Quaker president. Who was the first?

Q6) Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt were 7th cousins. What was the relationship (familial) between Theodore and Eleanor Roosevelt? And what presidents were 2nd cousins (hint: They don't have the same last names)?

Q7) What president survived the first assassination attempt on a president when two expertly primed pistols aimed from point blank range misfired?

Q8) What president was named "Leslie Lynch King" on his birth certificate?

Q9) Which president, when faced with leaving his family destitute upon his imminent death, braved throat cancer to dictate his memoirs to Mark Twain? (The memoirs earned his family enough to support them at the time)

Q10) Which president met his wife when they were 6, when she beat up a boy who insulted him?

Here are the answers to the Presidents' quiz:

The answers to the presidential quiz:

A1) John and John Quincy Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Fitzgerald Kennedy (or, as I like to put it, 2 Adamses, 2 Roosevelts and a Kennedy)

A2) William Henry Harrison and his wife, Anna, had 10 children. John Tyler was the father of 15 children (he had two wives, Letitia and Julia). John Tyler was William Henry Harrison's vice president and Tyler was the first man to become president upon the death of a president when Harrison died one month after his inauguration. (Their campaign slogan was "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" referring to a battle that Harrison won at Tippecanoe.)

Noto Bene: -- there was no time when all Tyler's 15 children were alive.

A3) (Stephen) Grover Cleveland (he dropped the Stephen and went by Grover) was a bachelor when elected president, but he married Frances ("Frank") Folsom (the daughter of his late law partner) while he was president. When they moved out of the White House after Benjamin Harrison won the election (Cleveland had won the popular vote), Frank told the staff to leave everything as it was because they'd be returning. Sure enough, 4 years later, the Cleveland family was back in the White House. (aside: Cleveland was the first person to win the popular vote in three consecutive presidential elections, predating Franklin Roosevelt's first election by 40 years. Roosevelt, of course, won a fourth term.)

Frank Cleveland, by the way, was the first First Lady to remarry after the death of her president husband when she married Thomas Jex Preston, Jr. (Jackie Kennedy joined this First Lady "club" when she married Aristotle Onassis).

A4) James Knox Polk, the 11th President, was the first Dark Horse president and also the only Speaker of the House to become president.

A5) Herbert Hoover -- though he was a Quaker, he and his wife Lou were the first presidential couple married by a Catholic priest (Hoover was offered a job as an Engineer in China and he wanted to marry Lou and take her with him, so they needed to marry quickly. A family friend, who was a Catholic priest, married Herbert Hoover to Lou Henry).

A6) Theodore Roosevelt was Eleanor Roosevelt's Uncle -- his brother Elliot was Eleanor's father ("Uncle Theo" even walked niece Eleanor down the aisle when she married cousin Franklin since Elliot had already passed away). James Madison and Zachery Taylor were second cousins. The great-grandfather they had in common was named James Taylor.

A7) Andrew Jackson

A8) Gerald Rudolph Ford -- Ford was the only child of Leslie Lynch King Sr. and Dorothy Ayer Gardner, who divorced less than a year after Ford was born. King was adopted by Ms. Gardner's second husband, Gerald Rudolff Ford. Ford remet his father when he was in his teens. Until then, he didn't know the elder Ford was not his birth father.

A9) Ulysses Simpson Grant -- Grant was a nice enough guy who adored his family and on the occasions when he needed to be away from them he missed them terribly and often drank.

A10) Elizabeth (Bess) Wallace and Harry S Truman met in grade school.

Vote for your favorite!

Who do you think was the best post WWII president?

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The Best Presidents (in my not-so-humble opinion)

As a presidential trivia buff, I have my own idea about which "Commanders-in-Chief" were the best presidents. There are other people who I think grew into the job well (like Chester Arthur and James Polk), and of course Washington had no one to look to as a role model, but these are my top 5 choices (and why I chose them):

  1. Harry S Truman (for having the guts to get the job done and truly growing into the job)
  2. Abraham Lincoln (for his role in freeing the slaves and his courage in maintaining the Union)
  3. Theodore Roosevelt (for his trust busting)
  4. Franklin Roosevelt (for getting the US out of the Depression, leading us through WWII and in realizing that Prohibition was inappropriate)
  5. Lyndon Johnson (for his domestic policies, including Medicare)

The Worst Presidents

This is my list of who I think are the worst Presidents (and we survived them anyway). I'm not including anyone who served after World War II.

  1. Warren Harding (for doing nothing -- except "messing" around with his mistress in a White House closet -- while his friends were involved in scandal)
  2. Franklin Pierce/James Buchanan (for doing nothing to prevent the Civil War and being Northerners who supported the Southern "cause" -- I lump them together because it's hard to tell the difference and each served only one term)
  3. Calvin Coolidge (for doing nothing to prevent the Great Depression)
  4. Andrew Jackson (ok, so he's only on my list because he was crazy and he prevented John Quincy Adams from being a good president by vindictively blocking all his legislation)
  5. Ulysses Grant (for, basically, doing nothing -- in his defense he was a good guy and, to keep his family out of bankruptcy after he died, he dictated his memoirs to Mark Twain while he was dying from throat cancer)

Five People who lost the Presidency but would have made better presidents

This is a list of Presidential losers who I think would have made better presidents than the candidates who defeated them:

  1. Hubert Humphrey (defeated in 1968 by Richard Nixon)
  2. Samuel Tilden (defeated by Rutherford Hayes -- well, actually defeated by congress in a controversial election scandal)
  3. Grover Cleveland (defeated by Benjamin Harrison despite winning the popular vote)
  4. Adlai Stevenson (defeated twice by Dwight Eisenhower)
  5. Albert Gore, Jr. (defeated in 2000 by George W Bush in a controversial decision regarding Florida's votes)


Compugraph Designs' products on Cafe Press

Cafe Press allows graphic artists worldwide to make money with their designs. On Cafe Press, we can upload our designs and put them on products to sell to the general public. Compugraph Designs started with Cafe Press at the very end of November 2006.

Aluminum water bottle with Sheva Minim (7 fruits) on it
Aluminum water bottle with Sheva Minim (7 fruits) on it | Source

Compugraph Designs' Printfection Store (Jewish Holidays)

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Compugraph Designs' Products on Printpop

Printpop has some interesting products available (with any of the artwork) including Deco Mugs, several types of tote bags and handbags, and coasters. To order these products (with the graphics on my portfolio). To order these products, look under, a button on the bottom left of the web page.


Compugraph Designs Jewelry Designs on Facebook

This is one of Compugraph Designs' necklaces. This one is a stylized "chai" (which means "life") with a brass chain and magnetic closure. Click on the picture to see more.


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