Private Education Institutions: High Fees, Low Education Standard
How Private Education Gained Popularity:
The intensity of competition in the employment market has made having an excellent educational background a basic necessity. With the deteriorating pedagogy and lack of professional instructors in government schools has compelled parents to enroll their kids in costly private establishments.
Private educational institutes have gained immense popularity in the past two decades and the monetary stability required to enroll in one has expanded substantially. Nowadays, parents are willing to do whatever it takes to send their kids to a good private school as compared to a government one.Gone are the times when the gov.t learning system of our country held superior standards and goodwill.The declining standard inflated the private school business and seeking easy profits many business men chased after. With a nearly unlimited supply of what they would call customers(students) that require education,it is a successful business endeavour.
Given that there are exceptional private education associations, but the majority of small primary and secondary private schools that operate from meager double story houses and plazas don't have the resources to provide a good education. The classrooms are crammed , lack of proper furniture and have uncomfortable surroundings.
The increase in enrollment caused the primary schools to be shifted to rented buildings having no playgrounds, cafeterias and suffocating classrooms. These substandard institutes provide inadequate facilities to students, despite these poor conditions these schools are very expensive. A common man can't afford such fees while keeping the basic needs of the family under consideration. Sacrifices are called for, paying thousands a month for a single child.
Private schools and academies have converted to business,chasing profit motives.The administration abandoned the cause of education and care only for their monetary concerns. Theses institutes contribute to the failing education system of our country and in a broad sense the unemployment. In most high ranking private schools, notes are provided and "RATA" system if applied to get grades, this approach limits the student's creativity and ingenuity. These bright students suffer from inadequate knowledge required later on in life and face obstacles after their academic life.
The expanding middle class of the country is mostly affected as they are left no choice . The future of the county is exploited to acquire wealth by providing education as a service/product in a business oriented manner. The personal qualities and exceptional skills of many students get neglected as no further growth is available.
Many government school teachers run private academies, earning profits along with the fixed salary. Parents end up paying twice the money for school and academy, at the same time putting their child under unwanted pressure. The student faces disorientation learning two different methods, causing more harm than good.
There are certain factors that influence the decision making process for parents to enroll their kids in private schools. Some factors are:
1. Income
2. Grades of prior students from institution.
3. No. of positions attained by schools across board examination.
4. Fees charged
5. Condition and facilities provided
6. Staff/Teacher behaviour
The reality is most of the parents are engaged in trying to earn a living that they turn oblivious to the management and conditions of the private schools. They are promised quality education and premium facilities but the results are often disappointing. Guardians seldom visit these schools to check up on the daily routine and academic record of their child. Majority of them only visit for result day.
Today, the popularity of the private schools can be understood by walking a few sector in any well populated city. Rawalpindi for example, you can expect to see multiple private schools within a mile radius Each having different names and owners. Some situated in old plots and houses.
The education system is in dire need of reforms and authorities need to keep a keen eye on the business oriented education market. Steps should be taken against the institutes that don't provide the satisfactory physical and physiological environment to impart education. Inferior education quality may put the future generations and the country at risk. Parents need to take keen interest in where they admit their kids and visit regularly. An increase in awareness about this problem is required for better decision making as far as educating the masses is concerned.