The Family Unit. "Procreating" or "Creating" a Family Unit - which way is best/who decides?
Debunking N.O.M.'s bigotry and Lies
The Family Unit
What is a family unit?
Who decides which family unit is right and which one is wrong?
Bigotry can NEVER be a deciding factor of ANYTHING.
Debunking the lies.
This is a Prelude to my actual hub:
This is truly amazing. I just finished drafting my next article (as shown below) and i received this email (via hub pages) that i want to share with you first. Unfortunately, the sender did not indicate which of my articles it referenced, but the contents could not be more appropriate to this article.
Since the email was not one of hatred, disdain, or blame, i will not include the senders name or personal email address. But i do thank them for sending this email, at this time, to be part of my new hub.
The Email:
"A Metaphor for America"
In His Presence: Hebrews 1:1-2
A while ago, a crack appeared in the Evans’ bedroom wall. We called in a professional who replaced the plaster around the crack and repainted the wall. But the crack reappeared not long after that. We called the painter back, he repaired the crack, and he repainted the wall again. Everything looked fine until about a couple months later when the crack came back. And this time it brought its aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews!
We called in another professional and he gave the verdict. The cracks in the wall were due to a much deeper problem. We were experiencing a shifting foundation. He told us that until we stabilized our foundation, we would forever be repairing cracks in the walls. What a perfect metaphor for the condition of American society today.
Until we stabilize the foundation, no number of programs, government grants, or elections will be able to repair the cracks in our cultural walls. There is no place where the foundation of America needs to be stabilized more than in the home. The breakdown of the family is the single greatest contributor to the deterioration of our country. Strong families hold the key to a strong society, while weak families lead to a weak society. This is true because every other institution in society depends on strong families. You can’t have strong families without God as their foundation.
“No man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ”(1 Corinthians 3:11).
[While the email depicts a nice fairytale story of one particular aspect of the family unit, this certainly will not be an endorsement of its contents.
As my personal contention is that one can never give credence to any argument, pro or con, on any subject being debated, by quoting from any bible, Koran, Quran, and others, as they are definitely not fact based pieces of literature, and certainly notable for their bias.]
This world is made up of a diversity of family "types". They are all equally valid.
ALL "Families" are to be valued and cherished
''Procreating'' or ''Creating''
The following is MY article entitled:
"Procreating" or "Creating" a Family Unit. Which is best? And Who Decides?
This is about the differences between 'being born into a family', 'choosing a family', or 'creating a family'.
First lets give an appropriate definition to exactly what a "family" is:
- 1. a group of people united by certain convictions (as a religion or philosophy:fellowship).
- 2. a group of persons of common ancestry: clan, people, or group of peoples, regarded as deriving from a common stock; race.
- 3. a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head: household.
- 4. a group of things related by common characteristics or properties; a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds; a group of soils that have similar profiles and include one or more series; a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language.
- 5. the basic unit in society having as its nucleus two or more adults living together and cooperating in the care and rearing of their own, or adopted, children
- 6. a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order, and usually comprising several to many genera.; the descendants or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female; an unidentifiable strain within a breed; an ecological community consisting of a single kind of organism and usually being of limited extent and representing an early stage of a succession
- 7. a set of curves or surfaces whose equation differ only in parameters.
An extensive, albeit, comprehensive Websters dictionary description to say the least.
So, the 'diversity' of the word "family" by itself will dictate the theme of this article, not any particular concept.
BEING BORN INTO A FAMILY: The implications are clear here. The members born into the family have no choice and are subjected to the overall dynamics of their birth families. The underlying hereditary, physical and mental dynamics are preset by virtue of what is already presented by the predecessors at birth.
CHOOSING A FAMILY: Having the ability to choose a family already in existence and that displays traits that are pleasing and acceptable, by a family friend, friends of children, or new acquaintances that have no immediate blood family of their own, or choose a more palatable family unit than the one they are already in.
CREATING A FAMILY: There are many people in the world abandoned by existing families for various reasons, or left alone due to some tragedy such as death, or divorce. These people attract others who are in a similar situation and who show traits that are similar. Adoption is the most common way to create one's own family and highly commendable, especially if one of the spouses are unable to produce children.
CONCLUSIONS: Within these 3 ways of acquiring a family unit lies a myriad of different "types" of families. All with their own unique design, merit and benefits to the family members who reside therein.
They range from radical ideation, to bizarre behaviors, to the average normally functional families that we see, and accept, as a part of the diverse majority. Most are functionally intact and acceptable to the average person. For example, but not limited to group dynamics that are different from one another in a variety of ways:
- Sports based families: This subculture breed their own and have little room, or tolerance, for those that are not sports minded. Basketball, tennis football, horse racing, and many more all have the same individual similarities of being under the sport umbrella, but are totally different in their basic interests and those that can cross over from one sport to another.
- Arts based families: Those units that are centered around the arts and include painting, sculpture, writing, art galleries, buying and selling their products, etc...
- Work related families (public sector): Centered around their particular career fields: firemen, police, teachers, lawyers, etc...
- Work related families (private sector): These family units share basic similarities: longshoremen, fishermen, farmers, factory workers, management levels, day laborers...
- Musical families (entertainment): singers, dancers, actors..., with further subcultures of classical music, country music, R&B, Pop, new age, etc..
- Education centered families: those with careers in education from kindergarten to college, special ed, psychology, etc...
- Radical families of subcultures: Activists, supremacists, skin heads, black panthers, KKK.
- Ethnic centered families: families that center around race, nationality, country of origin, ethnicity, skin color, (yellow, red, brown, black and white).
- Economic status based family units: from poor, middle class, suburban, wealthy, etc..
- Medical field based: doctors, nurses, psychiatric providers, and other related health care providers, and here i will add the insurance company workers.
- Crime family units: mafia members from every country, etc...
- The gay community: this large subculture group includes all members of the GLBT communities, state wide, national wide, and global organizations; and millions of career and businesses that surround, and support, this community , etc..
- The religion based family: Perhaps the most influential of all family structures. Whether that is good or bad is speculative and certainly debatable. Sub religious family structures range from the subdued and isolated monks to the totally bizarre snake worshipers and include everything else you can think of in between.
These religious family units that make up the religious based family units seem to have the greatest influence on social behavior than any other type of family structure. They also range from familial units that spread love, peace and compassionate empathy; to those that poison society with lies, hatred and intolerance. Those that spread hatred and intolerance are probably the most despicable and dangerously destructive family units in society, due to their large numbers around the world, and their infiltration into governmental policies.
The most amazing and positively influential family units in society are those family units, from every walk of life and every subculture, that are the ones that teach love, acceptance and tolerance for diversity. Including those who still maintain a belief in the benevolence of an all loving, all encompassing creator while doing so.
Most families are born out of the need to establish a common basis for sharing something.
The worst would be sharing hatred, violence, intolerance, evil, abuse and control over others. The best would be sharing love, honesty, tolerance, charity, empathy, individuality and compatibility; and who accept all people for what and who they are with welcoming arms.
Things were simpler and easier before global awareness set in. Man must learn to adapt and adopt a positive, and willful, acceptance of assimilation into a global and wonderfully diverse culture.
We can never go back to the way things used to be - and the 99% will not be pushed backwards to those awful repressive and offensive times in our history.
Diversity is what is best for a healthy society. Are "family values" best when chosen and freely promoted; or forced on us by a few who have no desire or will to change.
Those 'family values' that promote religious stagnation, hatred, intolerance, criminal, ritual and ceremonial activity in the name of their respective gods, who seek to control others, stifle freedom of expression, devalue individuality, and independence, must be discarded for more positive "family values".
Is there is an "undermining" of "family values" as the prevalent religious groups are loudly and publicly contending?
If one can say 'yes' to that question, then exactly whose "family values" are being undermined? And exactly WHO is doing that undermining? Let's all take pause to look inward to ourselves, before chancing to answer these questions.
I welcome any and all comments on this matter; but with a caveat: If you chose to quote from your bibles, korans, qurans, etc..., please don't; unless you can offer something substantial, relevant, intelligent,constructive and based in logic and realism.
Man is mankind's worst enemy .
by: d.william 05/02/2012