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Recycling The Message Over And Over Again

Updated on January 28, 2014

Yes it's that time of the year again where we get to hear Obama drone on with another variation of the same failed agenda with some new polish on it for effect. It has been said that legislating can be tough business and Obama has no skill at it, nor experience looking at his non-record, but we surely should have seen that going into the campaign of 2008. Since 2009 we have listened to the same thing over and over again basically without seeing any results, or failure if we see anything at all.

I've written on it year after year and somewhere in my library of Hubs you can find what I said, he said and what never happened. After a while it actually gets tiresome actually knowing what he is about to say because he is such a rigid ideologue. He and his teleprompter are busy conjuring up his agenda but we already know what it is. It's to drive this nation into an abyss by his constant use of dividing the citizens of our country.

Why bother Obama? Just send a letter to Congress and save us the agony of having to listen to your voice? You've already said you weren't interested in working with Congress and you have "a pen" so use it and see what actually may happen. You know nothing about legislating or compromising and the two have to go together or the outcome just may be impeachment or worse.

The problem is Obama our nation is now in more distress than when you took office and you have no solutions. You just keep adding to the problems with your political crap creating Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal. Obamacare and I really don't need to go on then calling it all make believe. I think you are beginning to be a figment of everyone's imagination and, if not, you should be.

So tomorrow should be interesting as he re-gifts his failed proposals anew, requests a blank check and tells Congress he will get his way - with them or without them. That isn't exactly what the US Constitution says so we'll wait and see. Giving Obama a blank check would be national fiscal suicide.

It has been said that tomorrow night we will hear an Independence speech from the President of this United States. His senior adviser just hits the news telling us that he will confirm his "pen and phone" approach. The pen I understand but the phone I don't. Has Obama paid a bit of attention to his approval ratings of late? Pfeiffer's exact words were, "We need to show the American people that we can get something done, either with Congress or on our own," Spare us son because what we have seen Obama do has failed and failed miserably.

Lets Watch A Clip And The Go On

I'm wondering if that new by-pass he is building around Capitol Hill is finished yet? He talks about roads and bridges a lot. His "can't wait" attitude is wearing on the public to say the least. Going into his 6th year we see nothing much that is even close to what he said he could do. He even said it was a one term proposition if he couldnt but we're still stuck with him.

He is cutting Congress out of their Constitutional role and the legislators should be pissed. They are except for the Democrats like little Chuckie Schumer (D-NY). He's slimy but here's his spin, "People are mad at government. Why? Gridlock, things not getting done. So I think the public would welcome things he could do on his own rather than doing nothing." Has Schumer checked to see how unpopular Obama's policies are with "people"?

I have yet to talk to any American who would agree that Obama should rewrite the separation of powers with an ink pen. He doesn't have that power but I think he thinks he does. It takes consensus and reaching that goal in order to legislate. According to the US Constitution the chief executive doesn't just pick up a pen and create law because he can't get his way. His last SOTU resulted in a year of failure. Ask yourself why? Now he wants a year of "unilateral action" that dictators demand.

I would hope, but I'm not sure right now, that Barack Obama understands that he is a lame duck president. It happens to them all in our form of government and he will be no different.

What are you about to hear? A lot about immigration reform, income inequality and education. It will be light on substance I can assure you. It will be recycled from past SOTU addresses his teleprompter had him make. Income inequality will morph into the newest catch phrase - "shared prosperity." Shared prosperity might often be used as a name for Communism which we know doesn't work out too well in the long run. It's a Karl Marx sort of catch phrase.

What you won't hear is how to actually achieve a better balance of income distribution. The little things like married families who stay together, lower taxes to put more money back into the economy and out of the government's wasteful hands, and free markets with less regulation would all be an enhancers. What you will hear is about more government to solve your problems. You don't get it yet? They are the problem.

Obama's failures during 2013 were his doing by over reaching against the will of the people. Somehow he fails to understand that. He failed to convince Congress to pass strict gun control laws, immigration reform and income inequality initiatives. Congress is there to represent the people not some lunatic executive with no experience. So is 2014 to be gauged by how much the White House can ram things down our throats without the people we elect as our lawmakers?

The lesson this nation's electorate should learn from the Obama experience is to look at who the individual actually is, their history of leading and not just empty words. We had the last part during every campaign, every SOTU address since he was elected and enough in between to make most people hit the mute button on the remote. I guess if Obama wants to try to be a dictator we need to show him he isn't.

Lets Close By Listening And Comparing Again

So tonight as Obama officially makes himself a lame duck by moving from being "The Great Unifier" to "The Singular Despot" this may be the low point of viewership in modern State of the Union addresses. I know there are still sheeple that will be grazing in front of their television sets "hoping" still for that "change" he promised how many years ago? He isn't a King, a God, the Messiah or anything close. He's just a man with an extraordinary ego.

Mind sharing this? I didn't think so...

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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