Remember Peggy Joseph?
Many of us remember Peggy Joseph and her euphoria about Obama being elected and how her mortgage was going to be paid and gas for her car was going to free flow into her car and on and on she went.
Well now we're well into Obama's snake oil salesman's regime and it just isn't turning out the way all those giddy liberals thought it was going to be. There is no utopia here on earth and no free lunches either.
Peggy was a typical Florida voter who got all starry eyed about a dashing teleprompter reader named Barack Hussein Obama who talked a good game but alas talk was all it was then and has continued to be now. The first video is what she said along with some commentary about how much of an idiot some people became.
Video And Commentary From 2008
I happened along the second video in reading and browsing as is my custom and it seems that Peggy has now grown up and had a change of heart about Barackie Poo. There's a man named Joel Gilbert who was filming a documentary called "There's No Place Like Utopia" and he tracked Peggy down to see how things were going.
What do you suppose he found out? He could probably track down many others who feel the same way by the looks of the polls concerning Obama. She has turned on her Messiah and there is no more illusion about Obama's "hope and change" snake oil. Some may be hanging on to hope against all hope but Peggy was smart enough to give up the ghost.
The reference to Kenya in the graphic is from Moochelle Obama herself claiming Barack is a product of his homeland. If you haven't sat your children down and discussed the state of the national debt since Obama assumed office might I suggest that you go ahead and man up and do so?
Now Peggy took a lot of heat about the original video back in 2008. I thought she was a welfare loon looking for more freebies. Gilbert's interview was a bit surprising to him and probably to the readers here now. She projected an image of a welfare mother on television that fateful day and just the opposite seems to be the case. She is really a suburban soccer mom with 4 bambinos and earns her living as a nurse.
Even more was revealed that she is the daughter of Haitian immigrants who had never accepted government handouts/assistance and neither had she.
I hammered Obama from the beginning about his propensity to embellish lies and disguise them as truth and have ever since he appeared and researched his past. Peggy explained to Joel Gilbert that “truth and honesty are important. He lied about everything.” Well DUH Peggy! He had no experience of qualifications to deliver what he claimed he could deliver at that time and that remains truth to this day.
You can't make pigs fly Peggy Joseph nor can Barack Hussein Obama. So lets watch this next video as Joel Gilbert goes a pecking on the Joseph household door.
Peggy's Rant Now...
Ah yes the Wizard of Oz. Barack Obama has proved himself to be a very little, little man behind the curtain who will throw a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. I still have the question as how the media failed to do their job in vetting this candidate and continues to make excuses and hide things from the unsuspecting public who tune in daily to the Lame Stream Media. They went right into the tank with Obama the fraud.
Too many people got caught up in the moment back in 2008 with the "hope can change" rhetoric. He then promised that he would "fundamentally change" our nation without definition too. Our country doesn't need fundamental change as we see his vision now. Look around you if you haven't and wake up. Stop seeing things in terms of being a staunch Democrat or a staunch Republican and become a staunch American who believes in adhering to the rule of law which is still the US Constitution despite Barack Hussein Obama.
It should come as no big surprise when I tell you next what Gilbert encountered as he traveled this nation collecting fatcs for his documentary.
Gilbert describes it like this, “In my journey through America in ‘There’s No Place Like Utopia,’ I met a lot of people living in horrible conditions, particularly African Americans, who I was surprised to learn were now staunch conservatives as a result of living in progressive-controlled cities like Detroit, Chicago and Newark. After 60 years of progressive politics in their cities, they understood very clearly that they had not been progressing but rather regressing all this time, and they were mad. They felt they had been used and tricked by Obama for their votes and that he never intended to keep any of his promises, just like the Wizard of Oz.”
Obama sold a lot of people down the river in order to exercise a twisted agenda of socialism and wealth redistribution.
This third video is a by product of further researching for this article. It's a sneak preview.
There's No Place Like Utopia Trailer
"Because he's special?" Did you believe that for an instant? Special at doing what or being what? Being a tyrant and a childish bore? This seems to be a season of documentaries focused upon Obama and his fantasy world. The throne of highest grossing documentary was previously held by Michael Moore but is now being surpassed by Dinesh D’Souza’s film which is just hitting the theaters across the nation called "America." it's doing spectacularly since critics were dumbing it down before it was ever released and in Moore's case their slobbering love affair with a loon had it riding the gross waves.
Gilbert's "Utopia" premiers this Friday so lets open our minds as Peggy Joseph did and take a critical look at what you were asked to believe and why. We all make mistakes as we go through life and Barack Hussein Obama was a huge one on this country. Just straighten out your thinking now and realize that he fooled you not once but many of you twice. It's now time to straighten out the mess he created, not inherited but exacerbated by being inexperienced and unqualified. person he is
QUOTE OF THE DAY: On the seventh day God rested; Obama rested the other six between fund raisers and photo ops.
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As Always,
The Frog Prince