Governor Scott Walker Stripping Workers Rights
No Compromise on the Budget Repair Bill
The state of Wisconsin is broke. Governor Scott Walker claims his Budget Repair Bill is the only answer to getting Wisconsin back on its feet. However, what he really is doing is taking away workers rights in collective bargaining, busting up the unions, taking 50% of the pensions from hard working teachers, nurses and other public employees.
The hard working people of Wisconsin are willing to accept the governor's bill as long as he does not take away their bargaining rights.
Fourteen Democrats are south of the border in Illinois to prolong the passing of this radical bill. With being the minority of the senate, this is the only way they can stand tall in backing up the American worker.
Wisconsin was the first state to have collective bargaining rights for union workers, passed in 1959. Now Wisconsin will be the first state to take it away. The entire nation is watching the outcome of what transpires, for what happens in this state is the beginning of the domino factor for the rest of the country.
In my article Politically Incorrect Gifts (sandyspider on Squidoo), I take on a non-partisan view, making fun of both parties. Reading this, I realize that the Republicans will think that I am attacking them. If the tables were turned and the governor of Wisconsin were a Democrat taking away citizens rights, I would be complaining about him equally.
Governor Walker is threatening to lay off 1,500 state workers if lawmakers do not pass the bill. By July with another 6,000 forced out of work over the next two years.
Here is a thought, Governor Scott Walker and the rest of the senators can cut their pay, start paying their fair share for health care and pensions. Look at the money the state of Wisconsin can save.
Being from the state of Wisconsin, I will gladly sign the recall of Scott Walker. However, we will have to wait an entire year to kick this governor out. A great deal of damage can happen in that time.
The Capital Building in Madison Wisconsin during a protest in February 2011
Are You a Politically Dummy?
Important Articles to Read
- OpEdNews - Article: Koch Brothers "Prank" No Laughing Matter
The prank phone conversation revealed that Walker is contemplating firing workers for strictly political reasons. This could be a violation of state and federal laws. - Poll: Majority oppose stripping govt. workers bargaining rights CNN Political Ticker - Blog
Washington (CNN) -- A majority of Americans say they oppose attempts to take away the collective bargaining rights of public unions, according to a new national poll. - Recall Petition | Scott Walker Watch
Governor Scott Walker has turned a death ear to the voices of the public land, narrow corporate loopholes, eminent domain seizures. Scott Walker, now governor, needs to be recalled as quickly as possible or Wisconsin is in for more perilous times. - Gov. Scott Walker Caused The Budget Problem In Wisconsin By Giving Tax Breaks To The Rich!
And now he wants the government workers to pay for it. Nothing like a little wealth redistribution the wrong way. Rich get richer, poor get shit on. This has to be the most blatant case of Republicans helping the rich and screwing the poor that weve - Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Faces Backlash For Threatening Public Workers -
WASHINGTON -- Public employees around the country have become the nation's scapegoats for the rough economy, with many Republican politicians in recent months criticizing them as privileged, overpaid and underworked -- unlike their private sector - Jon Stewart: \'Wisconsin Union Protest Is The Bizarro Tea Party\' (VIDEO)
"The Daily Show" returned Monday night to pick up on the Wisconsin union protests against Governor Scott Walker's controversial cost-cutting plan, leading Jon Stewart to believe that a "bizarro Tea Party" had been born. Walker said Monday he will not - Billionaire Koch brothers criticized for involvement in Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker\'s budget bill |
Read the bill: For more than two decades, Charles and David Koch have been quietly building the foundation for a conservative movement that critics say is at the center of the dispute between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and public employee unions.
100,000 Protest for Union Rights in Wisconsin
What the Governor Is Not Telling You
I know people who work for the state of Wisconsin. What Governor Scott Walker is not telling the public (according to a family member who works for the state), is there was a trade off, in exchange for higher wage increases, more money would be added to the employee's pension fund. So what the employee's don't get paid now will be in their pension. The truth is, the governor wants to dip into their hard-earned pension.
Republicans Have D.U.M.B. (Show it Proudly)
More Political and Dumb Gifts
- The Domino Factor for Wisconsin
With what is going on now with the state of Wisconsin, this is something that will be the start of the domino factor for all the states across America. We will be taking a giant step backwards with arrogant, non-compromising officials in politics. - 3Drose - Wide selection of personalized products
Light Switch Covers, Desk Clocks, Wall Clocks, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Mouse Pads, Porcelain Collector Plates and more. Type in Dumb Quotes Sandy Mertens in the search box to see more D.U.M.B. products.
Find a Cure for Dumb (Give This to Someone Who Believes in Walker)
Koch Brothers Behind WI Governor Walker's Union Busting
Facts About Walker and Koch Brothers
The main contributors to Scott Walker's election campaign were the Koch brothers. David Koch and his brother Charles have given millions of dollars to support Americans for Prosperity, which has launched a $320,000 ad campaign supporting Walker.
In 2009, the Koch bothers slashed jobs across the country, including 25% of the workforce in Green Bay, WI. The Koch brothers, Charles and David's net worth increase by $11 Billion the same year.
Koch brothers started a website called Stand With Walker. Stating in the website that not only should we end collective bargaining rights for public employees but also private employees. They are promoting this radical drive to move across this country.
Governor Walker gave huge tax breaks to big business while asking the average worker to sacrifice.
Within Governor Walker's, budget bill he has written in the right to sell off Wisconsin power plants with no bid contracts. This again means big businesses will prosper.
Koch Whore: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (1 of 2)
Highlights of the Beast
Ian Murphy of the Buffalo Beast website posed as David Koch on a taped phone conversation. For twenty minutes, Scott Walker believed he was talking to his friend Koch. Watch the videos and read part of the conversation on The Beast.
In Walker's conversation, he states that if unions were paying the 14 senators their food and lodging it would be an infringement on the ethnic code. (Senator Dave Hansen told the press that they are paying for this out of their own pockets. Senator Hansen has more integrity in his little finger that Governor Walker has in his entire body in my opinion).
Walker: I’ve got layoff notices ready…
Koch(aka Murphy): Beautiful; beautiful. Gotta crush that union.
Walker: [bragging about how he doesn't budge]…I would be willing to sit down and talk to him, the assembly Democrat leader, plus the other two Republican leaders—talk, not negotiate and listen to what they have to say if they will in turn—but I’ll only do it if all 14 of them will come back and sit down in the state assembly…legally, we believe, once they’ve gone into session, they don’t physically have to be there.
Koch (aka Murphy): We’ll back you any way we can. What we were thinking about the crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.
Walker: You know, well, the only problem with that —because we thought about that. The problem—the, my only gut reaction to that is right now the lawmakers I’ve talked to have just completely had it with them, the public is not really fond of this…[explains that planting troublemakers may not work.]
Voicing My Opinion
Publically I like to stay non-partisan, not wanting an angry mob hunting me down. However, an injustice is taking place right at this moment, not only to the state of Wisconsin, but also to the entire United States. This article is not about Republicans or Democrats. Though it is a known fact that the majority of Republicans are union busters and Democrats are for the unions. This is about not taking our rights away as citizens.
If the tables were turn, this would look more like an Anti-Democrat article. We need our public officials who been voted in to do the right thing for the people. It is my opinion that Governor Scott Walker wants to take from the poor and give to the rich.
The Democrats who left the state in protest, allowed time for the teachers, nurses, fire fighters and all public workers for their voices to be heard. Even though Walker chooses to ignore their pleas.
Update: Friday 25, 2011
At 1 am on 2/25/2011, the State Assembly passed the Budget Repair Bill. After 61 straight hours they quickly halted the debate. 28 members did not register their votes in time. 4 GOP and all minority Democrats voted no.
Now it will go to the State Senate. It will be stalled until at least one of the 14 Democrats return from Illinois.
Update March 9, 2011
It is a sad day in Wisconsin. This governor has lied to the people and never offered a compromise to the Democrats (another lie) and the hard working people of Wisconsin. One Democrat, Senator Tim Cullen left the flock Wed. believing Walker was willing to listen and take the collective bargaining out of the bill. He lied to Senator Cullen and the people by announcing it to the public that they took it out of his so-called Repair Bill. Then to find out that they added the collective bargaining issue to a separate bill and passed it moments after Senator Cullen had entered the building. Shame on these money hungry Republicans and the Hitler who governs this state.
The copyright to this entire article is owned by Sandy Mertens (sandyspider). Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing. (You can, however, freely use the opening introduction and photo with a link to the article here on HubPages to read the remainder of the article.)