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Responsibility: It Should Apply To Our Country's Leaders

Updated on June 19, 2019
Sallie Mullinger profile image

Sallie is a retired mother and grandmother who has written short stories for most of her life. Her stories are from her heart to yours.

Our country seems to have abandoned all sanity when it comes to politics.

It seems lately that if you lean left in this country and you come under scrutiny or have committed a crime, you get a pass.

Whatever happened to the racial bias case of the Governor of Virginia? Whatever happened to the serious allegations of sexual misconduct and rape cases of the Lt. Governor of Virginia?

Now we have the Smollett case where apparently who you know, how much power and money they have, decides your fate.

Where is accountability for 2 years of calling President Trump a traitor based on a frenzied media and a political party frothing at the mouth 24/7 over the words "Russia collusion"?...all the while hoping to unseat a legitimately elected president while Shylocks in our country's law enforcement departments worked overtime to put a foolproof plan into place to do exactly that.

And the media? One network trying to outdo the other in proving their hatred for Trump with an aim to aid and abet the Democrat party in their quest to get rid of Trump.

And now that the Mueller report has cleared President Trump AND his entire campaign, one might think that excuses for journalists like Morning Joe, or Chris Cuomo or ex Obama era Intel people like John Brennan might think it prudent to backtrack a little or gasp! offer a mea culpa. But no. Not only do they not backtrack or apologize, they double down and insist they were merely reporting major news.

Major news from a wholly one sided, liberally slanted view complete with lies and concentrated innuendoes.

No slaps on the wrist?

No accountability?

This is a dangerous narrative our country is adopting on so many levels. We have been on a slippery slope for a long time now and I am fearful that we might never return to solid ground.

Even the very worst parents would not tolerate behavior like the above from their children.

Which begs the basic question: Why are we, as a country, tolerating it?


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