Revenge Or Love?
Out Of Context Again Huh? Or Off Teleprompter?
Talk About Being Small...
This weekend Team Obama is hitting the bottom of the small ball barrel. You had to know it was coming if you supported Obama. He has no record to run on so he reverted to class warfare at every level pitting "us against them" at every level he could find. The last time he really got this low was during the 2010 election when he told Latinos that they needed to help him "crush his enemies." Well, we're back to that low level once again. If you continue to support Obama after the events of this campaign I have to suspect your sanity.
I'm going to cover two specific statements that have emerged as the onset of this weekend's closing campaign statements hit us around the head, neck and shoulders. The first is Obama's fiery rhetoric that people need to go to the polls for "revenge." Revenge of what and for what? Revenge because of his failed record and he has had to run the lowest campaign this nation has ever seen in our history. That sort of revenge?
I have already voted and can tell you that it wasn't with revenge in mind. Obama is a failure and a fraud and that's why I didn't vote for him this time around either. He fooled a lot of people and it seems that many are still fooled. In actuality what I see are people who have this blind allegiance to being a Democrat without regard to who it is that has that designation after their name.
The reaction to Obama's Hitleresque speech was almost immediate. All he needs to do is beat his fist on the podium and viola. Everyone probably has their reason(s) for voting. Mine mirrors what Mitt Romney's response was - love of my country. I don't seek revenge against any politician. I just know that if they aren't capable of doing the job then it\'s time to exit stage left. Love of your nation and its welfare should be paramount to voting with a vengeful, hatred in your soul. If you "hate" the Repub;ican Party I feel sorry for you myself. If you "hate" the Democratic Party I feel the same way. "Hate" is a very powerful word. This is about politics and politicians doing their job - no more and no less.
Just statements like Obama just made remind me of this video that was made shortly after the first time he was elected in 2008. Take a look. Because he obviously does have a few bats in his belfry and is a couple of cuckoos short of having a clock.
Running True To Form...
Then as if that crazy talk wasn't enough along comes Valerie Jarrett, she of senior adviser to Obama status, and maybe actually his brain cell. This made me a bit angry actually because there are now people occupying positions in the Oval Office who have this line of thinking coming out of their pie holes. These are people who have sat there for four years with this sort of thinking and it goes back to Obama's enemies and his enemy's list.
Here's what Valerie told her little band of sheeple senior advisers: “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve.”
You paying attention to this Obama fans? I always look for affirmation of what I suspect and I got some as she ranted on: “There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”
Link this with Jarret's comment about Congress
The great thing about this nation is that we have been such a melting pot of diverse values and cultures. Harry Reid has already said that if Romney wins this election that he will get no cooperation from the US Senate. So the Senate needs to change hands to get things doen huh Harry. You haven't passed a budget in 3.5 years so pipe down. He just said that yesterday too. Then we also have Obamazoids all over the social networks threatening violence and rioting if Obama loses this election. An attempt at voter intimidation by the weak minded for the weak minded. I imagine that to be the case.
Lets revisit what Obama said as we approached the 2010 election lest one forgets. These are American citizens he is talking about, not enemies of this nation but Americans who philosophically disagree with the Obama socialistic agenda. Since when does any President encourage one group of Americans to punish another group of Americans based upon their political differences? That line of thinking obviously has not left the White House and Team Obama.
Here's what Jarrett just told her senior staff once again: “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve.”
Enemies? Really?
Just the contrast between the demeanor of Mitt Romney on the campaign trail and that of Barack Hussein Obama is stark. One seems about love of country and staying positive about actually fixing the economic problems that plague our country and will continue to plague our nation if Obama gets another 4 years of economic destruction. The other is about darkness and evil uttering hate filled diatribes about revenge and giving people what they deserve.
What we deserve is a President who loves this country, all its people and isn't a petty politician only worried about his own political skin. That, my fellow Americans, is what you need to consider as you go to your polling place to vote if you haven't done so already. Vote because you love the United States of America with an eye on your heirs and future generations. They cannot afford 4 more years of Barack Hussein Obama.
It's interesting to note that his left wing fairy tale spinners are saying Obama's remarks were being taking out of context again. No, his remarks were "off teleprompter" which always reveals exactly the way Obama feels about something. Lets stick to what he said please, not what his teleprompter told him to say.
QUOTE FOR TODAY: It's November So It's Time To Now Remember!
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As Always,
The Frog Prince