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Rory Stewart Stays with Londoners.

Updated on February 13, 2020

Rory Stewart.

Outsider for London Mayor.

Rory Stewart was one of the candidates who stood against Boris Johnson for the leadership of the Conservative party. Also, for Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. As we all know, however, Boris emerged triumphantly and became the UK's next Prime Minister. Then, he led his party into a general election, which he won with a massive majority.

Rory Stewart has had a chequered history, at one time, he was the British Governor of southern Iraq, after the British/American invasion. He has likened himself to a latter-day 'Lawrence of Arabia', as he spent much time with Iraqis during his tenure as governor.

Sadiq Khan is up for re-election, Khan is hated by many as under his tenure knife crime has risen. History will judge Khan, the first Muslim Mayor of a European capital, there will and there have been comparisons to Boris' time as mayor and Khans now.

Rory Stewart is now an ex-Tory and is standing as an independent candidate for Mayor. It is unlikely, he will beat his Labour and Tory competitors, that said, however, we live in an era where populist and unusual politicians have come to power.

Could Mr Stewart be described as a populist? Well, perhaps not in the strongman Trump mode, but what he is doing may connect with ordinary Londoners.

On Twitter, Mr Stewart is inviting Londoners to ask him to come to stay with them. In a campaign called 'ComeKipWithMe', Mr Stewart says this campaign will help him best understand the lives of Londoners, he may serve as mayor, if elected. Perhaps being the maverick and outsider mayoral candidate may be an advantage to him.

Ms Tabone, a charity worker who lives in Canning Town, London, has already hosted Mr Stewart. Ms Tabone had to let Mr Stewart sleep on the floor as she has a lack of furniture. Mr Stewart woke Ms Tabone promptly at 7 am with a cup of coffee. Ms Tabone described Rory Stewart as the perfect gentleman. They chatted at length about the problems facing London like homelessness, knife crime, etc.

Rory Stewart has announced that already he has had a thousand invites from Londoners asking him to stay with them.

Other Mayoral Candidates.

Sian Berry, Greens.
Sian Berry, Greens. | Source
Current Mayor:  Sadiq Khan, Labour.
Current Mayor: Sadiq Khan, Labour. | Source
Shaun Bailey Conservative candidate.
Shaun Bailey Conservative candidate. | Source
Siobhan Benita Lib-Dem candidate.
Siobhan Benita Lib-Dem candidate. | Source

The Mayoral elections of 2020 will also feature votes for the London Assembly. This will give the chance for Londoners to register their opinion at the ballot box on Sadiq Khan. On his tenure as London Mayor, Khan is currently unpopular with Londoners as many regard him as being a poor leader of the UK's capital.

Some pundits have compared him to the Roman Emperor Nero, who lived a debauched life as Rome's people were largely neglected by the good time Emperor. His worse crime on the Roman people was the fire of Rome, who some say he deliberately started to burn out part of the city. So, he could build a huge new palace where he could live in greater splendour. This ultimately led to Nero's downfall.

Khan has been accused too, of partying and neglecting London, with knife crime being ignored. Khan appears to duck and dive when any crisis hits the city. For example, Khan said terrorism is part of life when living in a major city. People on the left and right of politics have attacked Khan. His Tory nemesis, Shaun Bailey, would appear to be ahead in the polls, so it is possible, Khan may not be re-elected as Mayor.


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