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Samson and Roof Shootings: Is Action Needed or Just More Talking?

Updated on September 29, 2017
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Kenneth does have a passive attitude toward certain issues in life, but not with sexual harassment and bullying. I can't let these areas go.

Police arrest Emmauel Samson for shooting; killing one, injuring six at Antioch, TN., Burnette Church of Christ.
Police arrest Emmauel Samson for shooting; killing one, injuring six at Antioch, TN., Burnette Church of Christ. | Source
Church where Emmanuel Samson stormed inside the church and begin to start shooting at the church members.
Church where Emmanuel Samson stormed inside the church and begin to start shooting at the church members. | Source

Are we now Keeping Score of Shootings?

The police and detectives in Charleston, S.C., and Anioch, Tennessee, are not stupid. And I can apply this statement to those experienced officers and detectives who worked the shooting of a person at the Tennessee Church of Christ.

Here's the proof:

Sept. 15--Emmanuel Kidega Samson, 25, has been identified as the shooter who opened fire Sunday morning inside a church in an Antioch, Tennessee church, (Burnette Christ of Christ), killing a woman, Melanie Sith, 39, and wounding six others before accidentally shooting himself when he was confronted by an usher, according to police. Samson is being held at Vanderbilt Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Kenny Love, a Nashville singer, said when he first heard this chilling news, please don't let it be Emmanual. Samson, who did not appear to have any mental issues or grudge against anyone in the church. No reason was given by Samson as to why he stormed into the church wearing a mask holding a handgun at the people who were worshipping--and began shooting. The F.B.I. said that (this) case was going to be opened as an investigation for a civil rights issue.

Sept. 18--Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people during a Bible study session at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. When arraigned, Roof entered a guilty plea and in a stunning series of events, he asked for the Death Penalty citing that he was representing himself, did not have a need to call any witnesses for the defense. But said in an unsure tone, "I think it's safe to say nobody in their mind wants to go into a church and kill people," Roof said in a voice that was barely audible in the Charleston courtroom. "In my (FBI confession) tape I told them I had to. But it's not true: I didn't have to. No one made me. What I meant was: I felt like I had to do it. I still feel like I have to do it."

I am tempted to ask, "Next?" but that might inflame some jerks who think God told him to take the lives of anyone named "Kenneth," (gasp), (writing this hub) to make the United States a better place to live. I can give you more entertaining, but stupid reasons people like Roof and Samson are now behind bars. Sad events bringing blood shed are becoming uncomfortable for innocent people who have to work in the public--or should I say Turkey Shoot? Yes, this is a scary thing. Yes, the uncertainty of (this) area of our society that starts at the end of your driveway where everything and everyone is suspect for something suspicious or looks suspicious. Yes, I say scary. But all we have to use as defensive weapons are the horns we blow signalling "time for someone, somewhere, to move on this cancerous idealogy of murderers having firearms when they passed a required test or series of mundane questions giving them death in their own evil hands.

Take Dylan Roof for instance. He (Roof) was heard to say that the reason why he felt compelled to rid society of those innocent souls who were in their church having Bible study was because of their race. And the "Racism Card" was used to win the trick when a photo of this killer showed a Confederate Flag in the background. But let's get adult right now. Did the Confederate Flag kill the innocent Bible study participants? No. Did Roof's gun kill these people who were not harming anyone? Again, no. But Roof did do the killing. Not once, but several times at the same time. And without any remorse at all. What makes this tragic event more tragic was Roof looked pretty much the same when Jeffrey Dahmer, the cannibalist murderer appeared for sentencing in court and NEVER shed one tear for the rape, murder, and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991. 17. Can we as a civil-thinking people, although we may be nearing a small ratio, just try to get this more-than-awful crime into our thinking? Or have we just allowed that "Disregard-on-Tap" ready at our fingertips?

A mysterious statement: Neither Samson or Roof showed any remorse for killing innocent people and not advertising any sign of having mental issues. That, my friends, "is" probably the most scary part of this 925-word essay. And just an opinion. Something is definitely wrong, more wrong than going haywire, when apparently normal-minded people just have this need to take an innocent person's life. Even the Roof character said in court that no one made him do the killing. The devil didn't get in his head to make him want to kill anyone--so I am here to just maybe stand still while we all think deeply of why, in our world, "these" potentially-dangerous people owing firearms, are walking around just ready to shed innocent blood.

With these two current killings and wounding by Roof and Samson, I can tell you that (even now) in Congressional Sub-Committee's and meetings with Anti and Pro-Firearms Protection (Right to Keep and Bear Arms), yeah, "that" argument, is now heading toward point to have more talks with every possible person who was connected with these heinous acts. More talks.

Why not this time, "Do" something. About something that needs doing--that's been here for years. Not more talking.

We did something about cigarettes and smoking in governmental and public offices, schools, hospitals, and plants. Why not firearms?

Emmanuel Kidga Samson link was linked to:

Dylann Roof link was linked to:

Dylan Roof arrested Sept. 18 for shooting nine at New Charleston Church.
Dylan Roof arrested Sept. 18 for shooting nine at New Charleston Church. | Source

© 2017 Kenneth Avery


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