Say It Ain't So Big Bird!
But Not Your Health Insurance Big Bird
I love irony and how Obama can screw things up just by opening his mouth. Remember during the campaign when Obama made a big deal of Romney wanting PBS to lose government funding. That should have happened no matter who won the election. But all the sudden Romney was going to kill Big Bird and that sort of crap actually came out of Obama's mouth.
Well guess what? Big Bird may have kept his job and maybe not. But one thing is certain he isn't going to be able to keep his health insurance thanks to Barack Hussein Obama. So the headline read: "Obama kills Big Bird's health insurance." An unintended consequence again? Obama seems to be the master of creating unintended an consequences just by the virtue of his inexperience and lack of leadership qualities.
The graphic below at an embarrassing moment for Obama as he continues to try to sell (message) how great his namesake health insurance is going to be once we "get it." The problem seems to be that the majority of us don't "want it."
Let me bring you up to speed about what the latest Big Bird brouhaha is all about. Sesame Place is located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. That county's US House representative goes by the handle of Mike Fitzpatrick. So last week Mike sent Barack a letter with a poignant message about Barack's Obamacare fiasco. It seems due to the increased cost of insuring Big Bird and the others working at Sesame Place had their health insurance terminated. Wait just a minute! Didn't you say Barack that anyone who wants to keep their health insurance can do so? Isn't that what he said? well, he says a lot of things in order to try to get his way. The sad part of it of it all is that some of you still believe him.
And now for the rest of the story...
Sesame Place happens to be a big tourist attraction in Bucks County so there you go. Those part time employees had to give it up. The Affordable Care Act keeps becoming the Unaffordable Care Act. Poor big Bird was rooting so hard for Obama in his reelection bid! Mike laid it out for Barack like this, “This law is hurting real people in my district and around the country." That's a sure fire fact Mike!
Sea world is the parent company of Sesame Place and they confirmed the bad news. The weekly hours for part time employees was being cut from 32 to 28. Sorry Big Bird! You asked for this and you got it. Maybe you should call your Democratic Senator and cackle like hell at him. This law redefined the work week so hat you get skewered like a rotisserie chicken on the spit.
Big Bird better hustle on out and check that Pennsylvania health insurance exchanges and see what that is gonna cost the old boy. best to take those other part time workers with you if you get my drift BB, Don't worry about not being a real person Biggun. There isn't a verification system in place to detect fraud. No sweat huh? That's the government way...
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As Always,
The Frog Prince