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Sex, Lies and Videotape

Updated on October 9, 2016

Harlotte Spins a Web

Good Morning, Breakfastpoppers. Today is Sunday, October 9, 2016. Our artisan friend, Spider Harlotte, is with us for a very late breakfast today. She has asked me to invite all the Poppers to an impromptu meal to discuss the latest insanity associated with the presidential campaign. Please join Harlotte and me for French toast and Champagne. We hope to see you soon.


It's Finger Pointing Time

Thank you so much for joining me on such late notice. By now I am sure you are all aware of the latest mess Donald Trump has found himself in. The Washington Post dug up an old video of him discussing women in a particularly vulgar way. It hit the airwaves, as planned, and all the sanctimonious hypocrites joined in a collective verbal beating of Trump. Everyone was outraged and disgusted, and to a certain extent I get it. Having said that, I want to know where the outrage is when it comes to Bill and Hillary Clinton's actual real time behavior? I am not talking about words, I am talking about actions. Does the fact that Clinton, as president, climbed under his desk with a young intern and performed disgusting sexual acts, that I prefer not to mention, enter into the picture at all? So far, I have seen precious little attention paid to all the affairs he has had and all the accusations of sexual assault from women who have crossed his path. Remember Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Eileen Wellstone, Carolyn Moffet, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Becky Brown, Helen Dowdy and Cristy Percher? Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and sexual assault. All the while his wife, who wants to be president, stood by him and reportedly treated these women worse than he did. Where is the outrage? Why aren't Democrats jumping ship? The argument that he is not running for president doesn't hold water. Hillary has stated that she will put Bill in charge of the economy, which is a mess. In effect, he is running, and they are both less fit to serve than Trump. Women who have had contact with Trump have nothing bad to say about him. I am not defending his disgusting vulgarity, but it pales by comparison to the harm that both Bill and Hillary have caused for decades.



Although politicians and private citizens like to pretend that they live by a high moral code, the truth is a far different matter. We have a long history in our nation of electing presidents who make a habit of cheating on their wives, believing that their behavior will never be discovered, or if discovered, reported. For a long time that was true, but now we have a press that picks and chooses who they will expose. Thomas Jefferson, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton carried on with other women while sitting in the Oval Office. I remind myself that this list is probably missing quite a few other names, but for the moment my point is that low morals and power definitely have more than a passing connection. Donald Trump made his comments years ago, and all the while he was a private citizen not responsible for protecting our nation from harm. The sight and sound of all these Republicans wringing there hands in shame over this old tape, makes me want to gag almost as much as what Trump said. Their behavior is reprehensible. I suppose they are hoping that by condemning Trump they will elevate themselves. That is never going to happen. Making sure that crooked Hillary takes control is akin to treason in my book. If America wants to hit a reset button for this election, kick both the candidates to the curb, but don't stand behind a woman who has a long history of lying about matters of national security. and just about everything else. The American people deserve better than Hillary and Bill Clinton.


Before the Debate

I am talking about this prior to the presidential debate, because I doubt that anything of value or substance will emerge from the town hall forum. Trump's words from 2005 will stupidly permeate the room and most probably force out any chance for a substantive discussion about real issues, like the economy, our borders and national security. I hope I am wrong. In fact, I pray that I am wrong.

Harlotte's Song

Oh, what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to deceive

Sir Walter Scott


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