Sexual Misconduct?
Here We Go Again
When I was a child, 'sticks and stones' were how I dealt with hateful words. Speaking up or fighting for myself were how I dealt with bullies, and saying 'no' was how I dealt with unwelcome sexual advances.
Then, when I joined the military as a young adult, I heard "wonder how many guys it took to paint those jeans on her?" and got bothered but felt assured that it was some kind of weird and ill-conceived compliment. I let it go.
That is the way of the world. Idiots exist. People without filters between their brains and their mouths exist. Do we complain about all of them? Goodness, I hope not! If we did that, what would happen to the world?
Oh yeah, what we're seeing today is what would happen in the world. A bunch of butt-hurt women who want to call up words that were said fifteen, twenty, thirty years in the past and try to convince the masses that they have been so hurt by *words* that they have not been as successful as they could have been. Their get-rich-quick scheme for today is suing someone for something from the ancient past.
Perhaps Andy Warhol was right. We all look for our fifteen-minutes of fame. But at what cost?
If someone said something that hurt your feelings, it is YOUR choice to decide to have your feelings hurt. If someone says something to offend you, it is YOUR choice to be offended.
Keep in mind that the only one who can control your behavior, your reactions to things is -- you guess it -- you! When you decide that the other person's words have no power over you, you have just gained power over them.
Feminism is supposed to be about empowerment. It is supposed to be about equal treatment. That means you become strong in your own skin, not weak and obliging to others who wish to help you find a bandwagon to jump on. Being leaders, not whiners, is feminism. Being strong and persevering is feminism. Being someone who dwells on the past and cannot move forward is not feminism, it just isn't. Wearing vagina suits and nipple caps is not feminism. You look ridiculous and make us all look ridiculous by gender-association.
That being said, if someone puts his hands on you then that is wrong. If someone propositions you incessantly, that is wrong. If someone speaks to ruin your reputation, that is wrong. What you can do is avoid, prove through your own actions, and move on. I'm sorry if anyone hurt you in any physical way. However, if someone *said* something of a sexual nature to you, just shake your head and move on with your life. Their deviance and their depravity should not dictate your behavior.
It is time to become real women instead of pawns in someone else's game against a person. Keep it real, be real, and be strong and powerful in your own skin. Become empowered, not ridiculous. Stop being a victim--it is unbecoming of you.