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Shame on Schumer

Updated on January 20, 2018

Her Web Holds a Story


Harlotte is at the Table

Good Morning, Breakfastpoppers. Today is Saturday January 20, 2018. Spider Harlotte is in a tizzy over the disgusting government shutdown. She is trying to unwind by preparing breakfast for all the Poppers. This morning she is creating a batch of Three Cheese Quiches for our enjoyment. Won't you join her for a delicious breakfast and a chat about bad behavior in Congress? We hope to see you soon. The door will be open, so please come in and a grab a Bloody Mary at the door.

What Have You Done?


Abuse of Power

Thanks so much for joining us this morning. Our government is not open for business thanks to infantile and spiteful politicians who enjoy playing it fast and loose with power. The Schumer Shutdown tells a very ugly story about politics and politicians who display utter contempt for American citizens. Schumer and his ilk have tied the funding of the government to legislation about the Dreamers. One has nothing to do with the other, but Schumer and his pals are using the DACA program as a weapon against President Trump and most of America. He has created a problem where no problem exists. He has acted in bad faith, because he can. In truth, he and the rest of the Dems could care less about the Dreamers. They aren't really people without a home, they are, instead, future voters. Think about it, there are probably about 3.6 million illegal immigrants out there seeking amnesty. Congress likes to talk about a number around 800,000, but the numbers are much higher. If the Democrats can offer these people full amnesty, and if the so-called DACA kids are grateful, our nation will be run only by the Democrats.

The shutdown leaves our military high and dry. Never mind that hard working Americans will have to work without pay because of a cheap stunt. If this isn't an abuse of power, then I don't know what is. The truth is that Schumer and those who voted with him are hypocrites. In 2013, Democrats called Republicans who would not go along with the Obama agenda "anarchists" and "arsonists." This time around Schumer has taken the opposite position, because he believes it serves the interests of his party. The one thing missing from this change is the American voter, and that has to stop.


What About Us?

We go to the polls and elect people to represent us in Washington. We are told that they work for us , and will work tirelessly on our behalf. They get elected, head for D.C. and never look in the rearview mirror again. They don't need us anymore. They got what they came for. They'll come back years later when it's time to run again, hoping that we won't remember being forgotten. None of these people in Congress should have the right to shut down our government. This practice has to be outlawed. It is childish, mean-spirited and dangerous. Congress should not have the ability to highjack the lives of American citizens. Shutdowns are cheap tricks, and we deserve better, much better.


Puppet on a String

It's time to get out the scissors and cut the strings that control us. We place people in office and we can remove them. We have a lot of work to do in that department. People like Schumer have been in Washington way too long. It is time for retirement. If only those that elected him realized that he and others just like him have done absolutely nothing to make their lives better. The inner cities are a perfect example of why cleaning house is so important. Year after year, cities facing poverty and crime elect the same old crowd, usually Democrats, who keep the status quo. They accomplish zero, and continue the pain. It is time for a change. It is time to rid ourselves of pompous blow-hards who suck all the air out of the room. What do we have to lose? What do we have to lose?

Harlotte's Song

Oh, what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to deceive...

Sir Walter Scott


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