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Should Heatlh Care Be Socilized

Updated on December 21, 2010
Should the US follow the rest of the world and turn to socialized medicine?
Should the US follow the rest of the world and turn to socialized medicine?

Weight In On US Health Care

Is It A 'Right' For All People To Have Access To Health Care

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Is US Arrogance an Issue In Solving The Health Care Crisis It Faces?

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Do You Have Health Insurance?

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Is Mandating Health Insurance The Way To Solve The US Economical Health Care Crisis?

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Socialized Medicine: To Be Or Not To Be

Socialized medicine.

Is it a 'right' that all people should have access to medical care regardless of their power to pay, the country they live in, or their overall health condition?

Here in the US we are faced with a fierce dilemma. Should we, as a people - as a government, dissolve our current system for easing pain and suffering, promoting health and happiness, and irradiating disease?

Is mandating the purchase of health insurance the way to solve our nation's economical healthcare crisis?

Are little children, the poor, the old and the disabled sentenced to early death because of money?

The moral, monetary, and justice of the issue seems to be undaunting to American citizens. So what do you, the rest of the world think? Many nations have socialized medical structures. Is the healthcare inferior? Is the technology, the advancements, and human element of healthcare less in these countries? Could it be the American attitude of arrogance that is so quickly recognized throughout the rest of the world, truly clouding the rational evaluation of the issue?

How do you separate love and care and life-saving advancements from money? It takes money to buy, develop, provide for, encourage effort to, market, distribute, educate, and practice. After all, researchers, doctors, drug companies have to eat too. All those laboratories, books, schools have to be built somehow, and I don't see any construction companies, construction workers, land developers or doctors willing to put all that time, talent and resources into something, -even a worthy cause- , it they can't feed, cloth and provide (and pay the taxes) for their own families.

So What Is The Answer?

humagaia, I invite you to answer. If you will give your permission, I will put it in a capsule with your name on it.

Humagaia is from the UK. Is there anyone else interested?

If you are looking for change, you may want to look at this Hub about the Tea Party and it's stand. It is not on health care, but when we are talking about reforming health care, we are talking about reforming our political system. I think it is important we keep a level head about what 'change' we are looking at. The Tea Party movement opposes the Socialist movement of the Obama movement, but is their thinking correct.

It is important we keep a clear head in making change.

Why The Tea Party's Contract for America is Stupid

I'm not a fan of the title, but the substance is good. You may need a little time to read this because it is something you need to think through if you are like most of us.


Please vote on our pole. I notice more are looking at the hub than are entering their opinion. It is interesting to me that the last question is unamious. Lets find out exactly what the MAJORITY does think. (At least here at HubPages. We could become a group of influence, not just hot air.)

I am starting a list of ideas here, look at the comments for expanded details of the idea. I am an activist in that I think ‘we the people’ should be part of the solution, and not just the loud speaker of the problem. Back in the day when the bailout was being discussed, just after it was settled, I received an email that made much more sense than the solution implemented. Maybe if ‘we the people of the world’ put our heads together and then submit solutions to the ‘discussion makers’ of this country (US) we can affect the economy of the world for the better. I believe there are more of ‘us’ (good & honorable) than ‘them’ (the wicked conspirerers and corrupt). And that we all need to brainstorm with level heads.

1. Privatize medical insurance

2. Go public with medical insurance ( much like some utility companies)

3. Keep government OUT of the medical insurance business

4. Tax the medicaters for they are surely medicating too much.

5. Audit the pharmaceutical companies

6. Give tax brakes to the population to take control of their health


Summary of Comment

 From pennypincher:

As for the Health Care... this is bad, really bad. I live in MA and we have state wide health care... much like the reform. We have to pay a tax if we don't have it... which is way cheaper at $600/year without insurance vs $1100/month for health insurance for a family of 3.

Because we are in the "poverty level" we have state insurance and it would be really great... that is if a Doctor would take it. We basically have insurance for the emergency room... because we cannot find primary care doctor that takes the Mass Health. I have one, but my husband does not. My doctor, kept me when I changed over... my husbands doctor kicked him out the door because he does not take it... and my favorite part was when we told my husbands Dr. of 10 years that we would just pay cash for the office visits... he cannot... he would be fined if the state caught him. So now my husband is without a primary... my son has a really bad Dr. I mean REALLY BAD!! That is just what you get... long waits, no customer service, and nurse practitioners. That did change for me by the way... I no longer see my Dr. I now see whatever nurse practitioner is on duty.


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