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So Lets Just "Do Nothing" Today, Tomorrow And The Next Day And...

Updated on June 10, 2011


Let me rephrase the title as we begin. Doing nothing better not be an option. As Obama has said, "Elections have consequences." Politicians sometimes have very short memories. Back in November 2010, the majority of Americans expressed a very loud level of dissatisfaction about what we had witnessed during the first two years of this administration. We no longer want to see "business as usual" in Foggy Bottom. We started instituting some "change we can really believe in" but those in protected districts didn't hear the message.

What needs to be done is as obvious as the nose on Weiner's face. Spending cuts - real spending cuts - and not the smoke and mirrors cuts where 100 billion turns into 352 million, need to be made. There can be no compromising on that issue. Obama and his Democratic cronies are now facing the consequences of the last election. It seems he is now frozen in place playing the blame game again, but that's what I expect from newbie privates with no experience. He brought in many Carter era economic retreads who believe that Keynesian economics works. It never has and never will. With the exit of the last of the first crop of his economic advisers, the rat's nest has been cleaned out. Some jumped of the USS Obama because he doesn't listen, others jumped because they see the results of their carnage.

The "Do Nothings" emerged from a meeting with the Do Nothing-In-Chief quite proud of themselves that they will try to ride the Mediscare pony across the finish line in 2012. They want the House of Representatives back and they'll risk our nation's economy doing the crash and burn in an attempt to remain in those corrupted seats they occupy at our expense. In other words, they continue to play partisan politics at the American tax payer's expense. Maybe that's alright with you. I find it disgusting.

Here's what Nancy Porkulosi had to say on ABC News about the meeting, "What we want is to 'change' the view that the Republicans have that it is okay to abolish Medicare [and] to make seniors pay more for less while we give tax breaks to big oil" (another Boogie Man who has appeared before). Nancy must not be good with math either since she wouldn't know the truth if it smacked her in her botoxed eyes. The way Medicare presently works is that they are paying out around 40-60% more than they are taking in. Furthermore, she obviously hasn't read Paul Ryan's proposal because it has nothing to do with abolishing Medicare and everything about reforming another broken federal pyramid scheme. Her utter stupidity in making such an assertion should give the signal loud and clear. Don't have any confidence in the Obama administration and Congressional "Do Nothings" wrapping their arms around bi-partisanship and actually doing what the American people know HAS to be done. The path to a balanced budget won't be paved with their help. They'd rather lean on the shovel and watch.

The day after their meeting, the House Republicans met with President Smirksalot where Paul Ryan explained to Smirky exactly what his Medicare reform proposal is about. House Majority Leader Cantor urged the "Do Nothings" to stop demagoguing the issue of Medicare reform. It needs to be done and now is the time. So you can see that they have irreconcilable differences, once again at our expense. What requires boldness is being met with attacks by the "Do Nothing" Party. Ryan at least had the intestinal fortitude to put his proposal on the table to act as a starting point. What have we seen from the "Do Nothings" to date? NOTHING! That is unacceptable.

To the "Do Nothings" any attempt at changing the status quo is a threat to their existence. The status quo is broken and the nation is broke. That's what happens when you are bringing in $160 billion a month and laying out $300 billion during the same time period over and over and over again. Why are they resisting so? Because we're talking about taking away their POWER and AUTHORITY. Somewhere along the line this band of "Do Nothings" have lost sight of the fact that they are the American tax payer's janitor and not the other way around, Quick! Grab the mop! Just make sure you understand which end is the working end when you do.

Instead of boldness, what we see is them playing a game around the edges and trying to pass things like the DREAM Act and attempting to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, neither of which sits well with the people. Harry Reid is upset because any efforts to pass the Obama agenda, a rejected agenda, isn't flying and he is in a severe pout. We've seen enough of the excessive spending and aren't too happy about having Obamacare rammed down out throats while you should have been focusing on job creation. That doesn't mean spending more money on "shovel ready" projects either which Obama now knows was a fairy tale. Of course he knew it when he said it or should have if he didn't. It's time to wake up from the "Hope and Change" fairy tale that you were sold, if you ever bought into it in the first place.

Since the year 2007, this nation has added another $5 trillion dollars to the national debt that is now approaching the $14.3 trillion mark. That has our entire economy in jeopardy and they know this. The time for playing partisan games is over. But I expect it to continue myself as that is all I witnessed during his first two years and a half years in office. They call Ryan's budget "radical." Notice how Harry loves that word. He defines it as preventing the exercise of moving the progressive agenda to fruition. Carter moved his to fruition and the rest of that economic disaster is history. I had to live through that mess, maybe many of you didn't. Many of the same economists who were advising Carter have been advising Obama, until lately that is.

Ryan's budget ISN'T radical enough truth be known. Using his approach, the budget won't balance for about twenty seven years. But it is a starting point. The "Do Nothings" have presented no starting point other than Obama's proposal that went down in the Senate by a vote of 97-0. Ryan's proposal doesn't go near far enough to solve this nation's economic crisis. His balance will only be achieved if all the the positive economic projections in it are met and we know they won't be. All the planets and the moon will have to be in perfect alignment and stay that way. A lot happens in 27 years.

So they decide to zero in on his Medicare reform proposals and try to scare people who should know better. Here's the reality of the situation. That proposal keeps the present system in place for anyone presently 55 years old and up. It has nothing to do with pushing Grandma over the cliff or having her eat dog food or any of that nonsense we are hearing and seeing. It has everything to do with trying to reform a system that will soon be insolvent and then who will get what? And then who will they point their boney little fingers at? How cruel to ensure that the baby boom seniors have a right to the very Medicare system we have paid into for decades on end. That's scary? Doesn't change anything for Grandma or Grandpa. To listen to them though someone is trying to snatch a wheelchair out from under a cripple. Try being informed, it's worth the effort. So what does it do for younger Americans? That is being ignored. What it allows them to do is shop across state lines to meet their health care needs, tailored to their health care needs. It will allow them to to make a choice in the private market which should ultimately save the government money, our money since there is no government money, and save Medicare from being pushed over the cliff by the "Do Nothings."

The irony is thick here. It has to do with government promises made and not being able to be kept. Both the Democrats and Republicans are in agreement that unless, and until, entitlement reform is tackled head on the promises made by previous politicians to "future" seniors will not be kept. But what do we witness instead? The same "business as usual" crap we've been seeing for too long.

We need to pave a path to a balanced budget, now and not later. We need to submit a Constitutional Amendment to the states along with any agreement to raise the current debt ceiling. Pelsoi needs to shut her mouth and watch what needs to be done and stop dribbling at the lips. Obama needs to stop calling for bi-partisanship if he has no intention of leading the way. He needs to get off the campaign trail he hasn't ever left for two and a half years now and stop being a demagogue. His trying to characterize Ryan's proposal as an attempt to throw old people out of nursing homes and over a cliff I find a bit UN-Presidential myself.

Through all the smoke and mirrors though what we will see is the federal government continue to spend tax payer money that the tax payer's don't have either. When the credit card issued by the Bank of China hits its ceiling then what? Have you heard? Just the other day they sold 97% of the short term treasuries they held. The Federal Reserve has been monetizing our debt for quite some time now. If you don't know the dangers inherent in doing that in any economy I suggest you get jiggy with it and do some research and reading. It leads to hyper inflation. Been to the grocery store or gas station lately? These elected officials took an oath, they swore allegiance to the Constitution to serve and protect the people of this nation. They have failed in their duties.

They are failing because all they are really interested in is getting re-elected so they can continue to have POWER and AUTHORITY to do what they want and not the will of the people, putting us first. They need to be now told in no uncertain terms that they are no more than the janitors of "We, the People..."

I leave you now with this quote:

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure . It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies . Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better .”

-- Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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