So What Is A "Smidgen"
The definition of the word must be very different in Chicago than it is anywhere else. Yesterday Obama, right in front of the whole nation, told Bill O'Reilly that there wasn't even a "smidgen of corruption" involved in the IRS scandal everyone but him seems to know exists. Nope not even a smidgen. That whole interview consisted of Obama again failing to answer direct questions with direct answers.
Listen to the video and compare it to reality concerning everything we know and that Obama stated as fact. If this isn't definitive proof that he is a pathological liar I don't know what would be. He consistently lied again throughout the entire interview, not just the IRS segment.
The biggest mistake this country has made was electing the biggest political fraud to ever attempt to run a country.
Obama kept citing the "numerous hearings" that he contends clears his administration from any wrong doing. First of all, the hearings aren't over by any stretch of his imagination. O'Reilly didn't ask the 64K dollar question that should have been his follow on once Obama uttered that "not a smidgen" nonsense. Know what it is? It's so simple even a 5th grader would know. The next question should have been:
If that is true why did Lois Lerner take the 5th amendment before the Congressional hearing that resulted once the corruption surfaced?
That remains to be answered and I am sure will have to be answered ultimately. She is working on some sort of immunity deal evidently and people who aren't guilty of anything shouldn't need immunity. Obama, having gone through law school, has to know that too.
So off i went to Merriam-Webster to get the full definition of a "smidgen" and here it is:
a small amount : bit <a smidgen of salt> <a smidgen of common sense>
So anyone who has followed this particular scandal, with even a smidgen of common sense, knows Obama was evading answering the question and lying through his teeth.
Rather than tell the truth, which many people of this nation expect any President to do, Obama then reverted back to blaming FOX News for the continued coverage they provide as he continues to attempt to bury the scandals in more tap dancing lies to bury those scandals his own administration. created. Fox News didn't cause those 4 Americans in Benghazi to die. It didn't compel Obama to tell his numerous Obamacare lies. It didn't sic the IRS on conservative political groups and remain trying to do the same thing using a different methodology. Nor did FOX News run guns across our southern border which resulted in the death of Brian Terry.
Obama pulled out his convenient whipping boy to deny his own created scandals and blamed "O'Reilly and his news channel" for his continued problems telling the truth. Obama attributed the IRS's unlawful conduct to "bone headed mistakes" so let look at some facts.
Ever heard of ProPublica Obama? They lean to the left as a group of journalists and have admitted that the IRS had harassed conservative tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle. How were they aware of that? They were given nine (9) confidential applications from conservative groups who were pending tax exempt status. ProPublica noted that what was turned over to them "not supposed to be made public." It further noted at the time that "no unapproved applications from liberal groups were sent to the group.
Here's What He Said At The Time. We Haven't Arrived There Yet Barack.
Not even a smidgen huh? Obama deals in "I'm the president and I said it's so." I deal in FACTS.
Obama figures the passage of time and his continued mishandling of the executive branch will make it all better rather than worse. I would suggest to him that he come clean. O'Reilly gave him and opportunity and he blew it.
Obama has a future as a shape shifter I know. The story seems to change as the continued lies are formulated in his twisted narcissistic brain. A question was posed by one citizen and it was again interesting how selective Obama's memory is and how he is a master at pathological lying. A woman in California asked why Obama thought it was necessary to fundamentally change America. He must have forget he made the statement in the video below so take a listen again and we'll go on.
I keep asking myself the same question as I've gone about watching him run this country into the ground..
He Never Said This Either I Suppose?
Even Though Those Were His Words Here's His Dodge...
Obviously Ms. LaMaster, I and more and more people have paid attention to Obama "fundamentally changing" this country. Those were his words so he's changed his mind? His actions don't display that change of mind or attitude. The fact, Ms. LaMaster, is that Obama hates this country and despises everything it has stood for and should continue to stand for.
Smidgens to Obama must be different from common folks out here in America. There were no smidgens? There's not a "smidgen" of truth that he was told that Benghazi was a terrorist attack? Also not smidgen of truth that the NSA is listening in on Americans? There certainly is not a smidgen of truth that he heard one word that Rev Wright preached for 20 year? He was a sleep in church we're to believe? Probably not a smidgen of corruption about the gun running going on during Fast & Furious huh? FOX News just made all of those things up.
But you were stupid enough to believe that "if you want to keep your health insurance you can" were you? I have to admit that O'Reilly had more patience than I have listening to Obama move his lips in lie after lie.
I know this last video will be new for some and a refresher for others. Tonight on FOX O'Reilly will reveal more of the interview that we weren't able to watch yesterday. He had some time constraints due to the Super Bowl but since that wasn't really a game maybe the entire interview would have been a good idea. The Factor airs tonight.
Mind sharing this? I didn't think so...
As Always,
The Frog Prince